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Glenn Hervieux

"From One Second To The Next" Documentary - It Can Wait - YouTube - 2 views

    "From One Second to the Next," the rather unlikely film below, came together when AT&T approached the legendary German filmmaker Werner Herzog and asked if he would direct a series of short films warning people about the dangers of texting while driving. The result is four stories. This film might be one to open the eyes of young people in our high schools.
Alec Couros

$1.99 iPhone app saved Oscars film - Video - Technology - 2 views

    Interesting article how a $1.99 app was used to finish an Oscar-nominated film.
Glenn Hervieux

What's the Big Idea? | Teaching Philosophy through feature film clips - 0 views

    Whether or not you realize it, you probably have philosophical discussions with your students. But if you use the term "Philosophy", it would probably be met with blank stares. This website, developed by a college philosophy professor, provides an easy to understand, engaging introduction to philosophy for middle schoolers using FILM. I think it could also be used with high school students and used as a tool for how students could engage each other in a variety of discussions across the curriculum.
Glenn Hervieux

KerryHawk02: Teaching HistoryTech: Looking Back at My First Backchannel Experience - 2 views

    Backchanneling has a lot of promise with students in many different content areas. Here is a Social Studies teacher who shared her first experience using Today's Meet as a tool for doing formative assessment and teaching critical thinking skills during a film she showed students. Check out the learning process she shares in her reflection.
Glenn Hervieux

Five-Minute Film Festival: Genius Hour | Edutopia - 3 views

    Want to explore the "Genius Hour" concept. These videos and links will help introduce you to an approach many are embracing.
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