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HuffingtonPost CTO to speak on Enterprise MySQL - 0 views

    HuffingtonPost CTO to speak on Enterprise MySQL: Heavy-Traffic Management on Aug. 11 at the NYC MySQL Group

Gartner Identifies New Approach for Enterprise Architecture - 0 views

  • Gartner has identified seven properties that differentiate emergent architecture from the traditional approach to EA: 1. Non-deterministic - In the past, enterprise architects applied centralised decision-making to design outcomes. Using emergent architecture, they instead must decentralise decision-making to enable innovation. 2. Autonomous actors - Enterprise architects can no longer control all aspects of architecture as they once did. They must now recognise the broader business ecosystem and devolve control to constituents. 3. Rule-bound actors - Where in the past enterprise architects provided detailed design specifications for all aspects of the EA, they must now define a minimal set of rules and enable choice. 4. Goal-oriented actors - Previously, the only goals that mattered were the corporate goals but this has now shifted to each constituent acting in their own best interests. 5. Local Influences: Actors are influenced by local interactions and limited information. Feedback within their sphere of communication alters the behaviour of individuals. No individual actor has data about all of an emergent system. EA must increasingly coordinate. 6. Dynamic or Adaptive Systems: The system (the individual actors as well as the environment) changes over time. EA must design emergent systems sense and respond to changes in their environment. 7. Resource-Constrained Environment: An environment of abundance does not enable emergence; rather, the scarcity of resources drives emergence.
    Enterprise architects must adopt a new style of enterprise architecture (EA) to respond to the growing variety and complexity in markets, economies, nations, networks and companies, according to Gartner, Inc. Analysts advised companies to adopt 'emergent architecture', also known as middle-out EA and light EA, and set out definitions of the new approach.

Twitter est-il un bon canal de visibilité pour une marque ? - éléments de rép... - 0 views

  • Twitter est-il un bon canal de visibilité pour une marque ? - éléments de réponse avec Eric Dupin
  • utilisation de Twitter par les entreprises
  • comme un outil complémentaire, par exemple de leur blog

Entreprise et marketing 2.0 état des lieux entre le Quebec et la France (part... - 0 views

  • Entreprise et marketing 2.0 état des lieux entre le Quebec et la France
  • le marketing 2.0 est un marketing du pull, c'est à dire qui attire le public à soi, adossé à une humanisation du produit et du service par l'établissement d'une conversation
  • Encore faut-il que les entreprises aient cet état d'esprit, d'être par exemple, dans une attitude d'écoute et de conversation
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Une question essentielle pour la réussite des déploiements des Intranet et applications 2.0
  • une fonction en soi qui participe à l'essor de l'ensemble des fonctions
  • monoculture de l'informatique propriétaire
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