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Education World: The Math Machine Archive: Math games - 1 views

    This site provides links to multiple sites that have interactive assignments and games for all different grade and skill level.
    Math Machine Archive: Math Games The Math Machine brings you a great collection of math games that you can share with your students. Here in The Math Machine you will find links to more than 50 online games that will help you teach and reinforce important math skills. Search the list below for games you might use with your whole class in your schools computer lab, or you might schedule students to use these games on computers in your classroom computer center. These games make great reward time activities too.

Fun Interactive Math Game for Kids - 0 views

    Matho is a great website and also a phone app for both iphone and android for parent to have available for their children. Kids love to play online games and this type of website allows parents to provide their children with a fun interactive game while enhancing their math skills. Also the games are timed so this can further challenge kids to want to compete in trying to get the highest score in the shortest amount of time.

Math Games - Hooda Math - over 100 Games - 0 views

    Free Online Math Games. Cool Math Games for Kids of All Ages. Now includes iPad Math Games also works on Kindle and Android - HTML5 Games at
jamaar ashley

OCSD Interactive Games - 0 views

    One of my favorite sites. It has lots of pre-made games that help teach different math concepts. The best thing about the site is it allows you make your own games of all different t
Erin Wasson

UCF Research Article about "Taking Educational Games Seriously" - 1 views

    This is a link to the full-text research article authored by Glenda A. Gunter, Robert F. Kenny and Erik H. Vick. The title is "Taking educational games seriously: using the RETAIN model to design endogenous fantasy into standalone educational games". The authors argue that for educational games to be effective, a new design paradigm needs to be utilized. They recommend the RETAIN design and evaluation model. The article is published in Education Tech Research Dev (2008) 56:511-537 and the DOI is 10.1007/s11423-007-9073-2.
Cynthia Cunningham

White House office studies educational benefits of video games - - 0 views

    This article looks at gaming on a variety of levels and offers interesting stats (i.e.,"42% of gamers are women . . . (representing) a greater portion of the game-playing population than boys 17 or younger.") No wonder the White House is interested.
Tameika Fraser

Sheppard Software - 0 views

    Educational software and online games with these goals: 1) To add sound and visual effects to make learning fun and more memorable. 2) To design games with many difficulty levels so that players will continue to be challenged no matter how far they progress. 3) To provide games that will exercise players' brains.
Dawn Beard

Serious game-based and nongame-based online courses: Learning experiences a...: UCF Lib... - 0 views

    by Dr. Glenda Gunter, Taryn Hess. When combining the increasing use of online educational environments, the push to use serious video games and the lack of research on the effectiveness of online learning environments and video games, there is a clear need for further investigation into the use of serious video games in an online format (2013)
Tameika Fraser

Soft Schools - 1 views

    A plethora of activities for pre-k to middle school. Make worksheets, take on-line quizzes for all subjects.
    Free math worksheets, free math games, grammar quizzes and free phonics worksheets and games. Worksheets and games are organized by grades and topics. These printable math and phonics worksheets are auto generated.
Brittany Monet

Cool Math Games - Free Online Math Games, Cool Puzzles, Mazes and Coloring Pages for Ki... - 1 views

    This is a great site with many kid friendly games. Most of the games have some correlation to math related topics. I find it best to preselect which games the students should play so as to enhance the lessons to be learned or alredy learned.
    Great website for all ages and grades. This website offers free educational games in all subject areas. In addition, this website offers brain teasers, organized by grade.
leslie009 | Kids Educational Computer Games & Activities - 0 views

    Educational games and apps for grades K - 5. The games are math and language arts related.
    This is a fun and educational website! There are some things it asks you to download from itunes, but there are many, many games and apps available for free. This site offers great math and language arts computer games for elementary students grades k-5.
    This is a great website to use with all grade level students. It includes educational games for all subjects!

Playing and Learning: An iPad Game Development & Implementation Case Study - 1 views

    There is a great deal of enthusiasm for the use of games in formal educational contexts; however, there is a notable and problematic lack of studies that make use of replicable study designs to empirically link games to learning (Young, et al., 2012). This paper documents the iterative design and development of an educationally focused game, Compareware in Flash and for the iPad. We also report on a corresponding pilot study of 146 Grades 1 and 2 students playing the game, a paper and pencil related activity and completing a pre- and post-test. The paper outlines preliminary findings from the play testing, which included high levels of student engagement, an approaching statistical improvement from pre- to post-test, and a discussion of the improvements that needed to be made to the game following the pilot study.
Cynthia Cunningham

Fun Stuff - The Carnegie Cyber Academy - An Online Safety site and Games for Kids - 0 views

    Educational games sponsored by Carnegie Mellon Cyber Academy. Focus is on digital citizenship.

Education Week: Students Tackle Video-Game Design - 0 views

    As more schools integrate digital games into learning, programs are evolving to turn students into bona fide video-game designers

Educational Games - Free Online Learning Games for Kids - Knowledge Adventure - 0 views

    Knowledge Adventure has been making educational games for kids for over two decades. Working with child experts, developmental psychologists and educators, it produces games loved by parents and children alike. The fun educational games created by Knowledge Adventure have won many awards, including the iParenting Media Award, the Toy Man Award of Excellence and the National Parenting Seal of Approval, to name a few.

Arcademic Skill Builders: Online Educational Games - 3 views

    Math, Geography, and Language Arts games! Great website!
    Fun and free educational games for students to complete collaboratively. Games are available for all subjects and grade-levels.
    Arcademic Skill Builders provides free research-based and standards-aligned multiplayer educational games. Our mission is to create the highest quality educational games possible in order to assist teachers and motivate students in the classroom, at home, and on the go
Hasnaa Ameur

Calculation Nation/Online Math Games for Students - 0 views

    The games of Calculation Nation are organized around content from the upper elementary and middle grades math curriculum. By becoming citizen of Calculation Nation, students will play online math strategy games that allow them to learn about fractions, factors, multiples, symmetry and more, as well as practice important skills like basic multiplication and calculating area - all while having fun.
Linda Braun

Math Games and Activities for kids - 0 views

    More than math games - arts, languages, literacy, science, social studies, health, and more. Games, activities, puzzles, and teaching ideas for many holidays.

Serious Games: Incorporating Video Games in the Classroom (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    research report on video gaming being used in the k-12 classroom
Meghan Starling

CFY's | Educational Games | Videos | Activities for Elementary, Mid... - 0 views

    Power my Learning is a website dedicated to providing Teachers, Studenst and Parents with additional tech resources in all subjects and grade levels. You can watch videos, click on your grade level or subject area and find activities and games, and even read teacher blogs.
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