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Insightful videos on "Interview Preparation" by 26+ professionals - 0 views

    Here's the step by step guide for Data Science Interview Process The Interview process begins directly from the point you begin investigating the various job positions that allure you. Furthermore, it goes up to the stage of in-person (face to face) interviews. Remember that this is a crucial interview procedure. You probably won't need to experience every single step in your interview procedure. Comprehend and follow the Different Roles, Skills and Interviews Update your Resume and Start Applying! Telephonic Screening Clearing the Assignments In-Person Interaction(s) Post-Interview Steps The above-mentioned steps will be helpful all through your Interview preparation! Know about different Roles, Skills and Interviews in Data Science The main thing you need to comprehend is that there are many jobs in the data science environment. An average data science project has a life cycle. A data scientist is just one part of an effective data science project. Let's check out a quick run-through of different data Scientist job roles. Data Scientist Business Analyst Data Analyst Data Visualizer Analyst Data Science Manager Data Architect AI Engineer PC Vision Engineer You need to have great correspondence and critical thinking skills. You need not know Python and technicals skills. A data architect will probably be tested on his/her programming skills. Get prepared as per the company's expectations. Prepare for the interviews- Create your Digital presence Over 80% of employers we addressed revealed that they check an applicant's LinkedIn profile. Recruiters need to crosscheck and assure the claims made in the resume are genuine or not. You ought to have a LinkedIn profile. It ought to be updated and enhanced by the role(s) you're applying for. Make a GitHub account. Writing computer programs is a crucial task in the data science job role. Transferring your code and ventures to GitHub helps the recruiters see your work directly. Regularly
Antwak Short videos

The Future of Work - 0 views

    How are current socio technological changes impacting the future of work? New technology, global trends, and the effect of Covid-19 on the job force have fundamentally altered the way firms operate and the kinds of expertise their workers require to compete in this emerging period of employment. Despite the fact that we cannot foresee what the future has in store, certain adjustments are inevitable. You must brace for such developments as a forward-thinking professional or aspirant. Gig Economy Gig Economy: The term 'gig' refers to a job model in which contractors are recruited and paid on a project-by-project basis. Gone are the days of doing a strap task from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The gig economy helps people to save multiple hours per day to make the most of the one and only scarce asset that they have time. Employee Well-Being Employee Well-Being is the topmost priority: While more people are operating remotely for extended periods of time, organisations can concentrate on ways to improve relationships and reduce mental tension. As organizations adapt, building mentally healthy workplaces will become even more relevant and complex. Also, working remotely and loneliness could have a detrimental impact on workers' mental wellbeing. Employee morale will suffer if they are not in good health. Several anal believe that employers will put a stronger emphasis on mental wellbeing and employee welfare. Intuitive and Appropriate Strategy Intuitive and Appropriate Strategy: Although meetings through online platforms like Zoom and Google Meet have been a constant throughout the pandemic but this restricted mode of communication the essence of being connected to colleagues and friends has indeed been cruelly exposed. As a result, software companies often rose to the situation, implementing innovative methods to ensure workers involved when working remotely. Nvidia, for example, has prioritized human speech over the context of video calls, resulting in substantial data s
Ihering Alcoforado

50 Interesting Ways To Use Skype In Your Classroom | Edudemic - 19 views

    I'm a so-so fan of Skype. I've used it on an infrequent basis and have had more than a few dropped calls. Audio and video alike. However, it's a cheap way to make long distance calls and seems to work better over wi-fi and the video quality is improving on a regular basis. So therefore it's probably a great tool for the classroom. But how can you use Skype to do more than just make calls? Well, there's a pantload of interesting ways! Check out these fun ideas: Collaborate! Meet with other classrooms: One of the most common projects educators utilize Skype for is setting up exchanges with classrooms around the world, usually for cultural exchange purposes or working together on a common assignment. The program's official site provides some great opportunities to meet up with like-minded teachers and students sharing the same goals. Practice a foreign language: Connect with individual learners or classrooms hailing from a different native tongue can use a Skype collaboration to sharpen grammar and pronunciation skills through conversation. Peace One Day: Far beyond classroom collaborations, the Peace One Day initiative teamed up with Skype itself and educators across the globe to teach kids about the importance of ending violence, war, and other social ills. Around the World with 80 Schools: This challenge asks participating schools to hook up with 80 worldwide and report back what all they've learned about other cultures and languages. Talk about the weather: One popular Skype project sees participants from different regions make note of the weather patterns for a specified period of time, with students comparing and contrasting the results. Collaborative poetry: In this assignment, connected classrooms pen poetic pieces together and share them via video conferencing. Practice interviews: The education system frequently receives criticism for its failure to prepare students for the real world, but using Skype to help them run through mock-up
Graham Atttwell

National Employer Skills Survey SIS - 14 views

    "Welcome to the UK Commission for Employment and Skills Employer Surveys Data Tool. This website provides a unique way to access the data behind the UKCES suite of employer surveys, providing valuable information on business management, recruitment, skills gaps and vacancies in detail and to a worldwide audience. Our surveys are designed to be representative of the employer population across geography and sector, and form a rich source of information for anyone interested in the UK labour market. This website contains the datasets for the National Employer Skills Survey for England (NESS), from 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2009. The Employer Perspectives Survey 2010 dataset will be loaded this summer, and the UK Employer Skills Survey 2011, being carried out in spring 2011, will follow when available."
Nigel Coutts

The art of modern writing - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Learning to write is one of the fundamental skills we gain from our time at school. Writing is one of the cornerstones of learning and we devote significant time and energy towards its mastery. Skilled writing is a mark of an educated individual and a skill required for academic success. But in the modern world what makes a skilled writer? What has changed about writing and what literary skills should we focus our attention on. 
Graham Atttwell

Slide to unlock: Why training is moving from classroom to smartphone | UK Commission fo... - 11 views

    "Skills for Care & Development, the Sector Skills Council for people working in early years, children and young people's services, social work and social care for children and adults in the UK, have been looking at how mobile technology such as tablets and hand-held games consoles could be used in the workplace. The UK Commission for Employment and Skills co-invested in the project through the Employer Investment Fund, (EIF), which is seeing the development of 28 training resources that will be available to download free from iTunes with the first app going live on the store this month. "
Antwak Short videos

Data Science | AntWak FREE micro-videos - 1 views

    Home > Data Science > How to learn Data Science in 2021? Data Science (DS) is a great, promising, and most demanding career. But are you confused about being a beginner and wanna know the Right Way to Learn DS? Technology is more into digitisation and due to this extensive transformation, huge data is expected to be produced in the coming future. To make use of such big data we need data scientists who can layout, design and filter the data in an organized way. All things considered, with a huge number of options available choosing the correct curriculum program and admission to the right institute is important. Besides all this, the course and institute to be suitable for your requirement are extremely difficult. While online courses are an incredible path for some to upskill, good opportunities from top colleges and universities are the platform for data scientists to test their knowledge in their field. Here are the five essential guidelines to turn into an expert in Data Science: Get a Data Science certificate or similar degree To get an opportunity as an entry-level data researcher, one would require a four-year certification in DS, math, insights and software engineering. Degrees can likewise give temporary job openings. All things considered if you have just secured a 4 yr certification in a different background through online e-courses or basic boot camps and workshops. The focus should be given to mastering the skills required for DS. Take a look at this course from AntWak on Data Engineering delivered by top global experts. Take comprehensive courses and devote time to learning You can become a top-class data researcher by taking a full course at a time. It will be the skill and instruments needed to turn into a data researcher, many critical projects and coaching help. A variety of such courses are available online that offer top to bottom analysis of subjects, for example, data scratching, AI, big data analysis and many more. To begin your learning

Buy GitHub Account - 0 views

    Buy GitHub Account Are you looking to expand your online presence and showcase your skills as a developer? One way to do so is by purchasing a GitHub account. GitHub is a popular platform used by developers to host and review code, collaborate with others, and showcase their projects to potential employers. By buying a GitHub account, you can jumpstart your online portfolio and demonstrate your expertise in coding and software development. What is GitHub Account? GitHub is a popular platform for developers to collaborate and work on various projects, whether it's open-source software or private projects. A GitHub account is essentially your online identity on the platform, where you can showcase your projects, contribute to other projects, and connect with other developers in the community. When you sign up for a GitHub account, you are creating a profile that includes your username, bio, and any relevant information about yourself. This profile serves as a hub for all of your projects and contributions, allowing others to see your work and potentially collaborate with you. One of the key features of a GitHub account is the ability to create and manage repositories. Repositories are essentially folders or directories where you can store all of the files and code related to a specific project. These repositories can be public, meaning anyone can view and contribute to them, or private, where only you and collaborators you invite can access them. GitHub also offers a wide range of tools and features to help developers work more efficiently. For example, issues and pull requests are commonly used for tracking bugs, requesting features, and discussing changes to a project. GitHub also provides version control through Git, allowing you to track changes to your code over time and revert back to previous versions if needed. What is the use of a GitHub account? GitHub is a popular platform that is used by millions of developers around the world to collaborate on codi
Antwak Short videos

"Campus to corporate transition for women professionals" by + professionals - 0 views

    Product Management could be your key to move out of a stagnating career. At times many of us may feel that we are stuck in a profession, in a job role, or in an organization that is not for us. It may feel like it is not our true calling. Well, then why waste time? Make a career switch into a career of your choice. Muster the courage and make the move. If Product Management is your likely choice, then this is the right blog for you. If not, then why not explore what is it like to be a PM! (Product Manager not Prime Minister) So, what would you be doing as a PM? Wearing multiple hats. As a Product Manager, you have to wear different hats at different times. Be a Psychologist - Embark upon a journey to empathize and understand consumer needs and challenges Be a Consumer Behaviour expert - Leave no stone unturned to mine latent consumer insights Be a Marketeer - Use frameworks to gauge the perfect product-market fit Be a Diplomat - Negotiate with and influence relevant stakeholders to obtain desired results Be an Architect and an Interior Designer - Build and design products that address consumer pain-points effectively and transpires into a practical and scalable solution Be a co-ordinator - Guide and Direct cross-functional teams to deliver timely results in sync with the overarching objective Be a crisis manager - Diagnose the situation, identify hurdles and be agile in resolving them while the product is being tested in the market Be a Relationship Manager - The duty of a PM does not end as soon as the product is launched. It extends further to keep creating and nurturing a delightful experience for the customer. Now, you're aware of the roles you are likely to perform. What about the skills required to fulfil them efficiently? Well, most experienced PMs emphasize on soft skills being the differentiator between a good and a great PM. Let's have a look at the most essential hard and soft skills required to be a product manager: Com
Martin Burrett

Practical Problem-Solving - 0 views

    "Business and the media are constantly screaming that problem solving skills and creative thinking are the keys to innovation and success (and the beat the robots trying to take your job), yet many teachers feel that the skills and opportunities to develop them are often an add-on, an after thought, or taught in isolation during special activities, like a STEM week. Even these activities have a particular expected method which the pupils must 'discover', rather than completely new and unique solutions. How can we develop the skills to help our pupils think of the unexpected?"

How to measure the impact of your Learning and Development program? - 0 views

    Organizational competitiveness depends on learning agility of modern workforces. As technology adoption rate is increasing, businesses require new skill sets to cut through the intense competition. L&D initiatives employed to up-skill or re-skill employees measure the quality of the efforts but often miss out on the value they add to the business results.

Get Online Career Guidance during lockdown to getover the economic crisis - 0 views

    Use Your Time During Quarantine.Take a free career test at and get to know more about your skills, interests and personality to make the right career decision.
    These days degree doesn't matters, what matter is our skill in this new changing career paradigm. In the gig economy, individuals are driven by their interests or to explore better opportunities and are changing careers more frequently. Furthermore given that 50% of current jobs may not be relevant in the next few years, several workers across industries will be required to undergo re-skilling. At current pandemic situation many people are changing their career as the jobs in many fields today may become obsolete tomorrow. This is time you should be working on building new age skills to get work in the coming times. Psychometric Career assessment and other career tools can be very useful to identify suitable career paths and deciding on future skills and knowledge to build. Take a free career test to identify your skills, interests, knowledge and other factors and get career recommendations on suitable career path to make the right career choice.

How to Make Money by Providing Service - - 0 views

    Depending on your skills, working offline can be a more lucrative prospect. You can use such skills to provide services on different things that you excel at. Look through this list and find something that goes well with your skills, and check if this could be the work for you. Read more
Antwak Short videos

"Powerful Email Marketing strategies to (DEFINITELY) get inspired from" by 20+ professi... - 0 views

    Basic Steps to Become a Digital Marketer Attending Networking Events. Take advice from digital marketing professionals. Get an idea of the situation that the digital marketing field is heading in. They are mostly full of interesting events, workshops, and lessons. All ready to push you to enhance your skills and expand your understanding of why and what you do. Learning from Digital Marketing Brands and Entrepreneurs. The digital marketing experts have the experience, skills, and knowledge needed to create digital content. This is accessible for beginners since most of these experts are digital marketers themselves, they know exactly how to make their content easy to find on search engines and across social media platforms. Connect with Similar Thinking Individuals. As a digital marketer, developing communities online, is a large part of your career. Either online or offline, active digital marketing communities will help you know the importance of what you do and how it goes within the imagination of your business and your life. Gain real Skills Join a Digital Marketing Internship. An internship is often challenging. But around the right team of professional marketers, you will learn from both the mistakes and successes they've gone through over the years. An internship not only helps to enlarge your digital marketing resume and experience. But it will help you decide what you appreciate in a working environment. Have a Professional Degree. Having a professional degree is only achieved after completing a certificate program. These courses often cover important fields of digital marketing, including: SEO PPC marketing Email marketing Social media management Stay Updated on the State of Digital Marketing. The field of digital marketing is ever-changing, and digital marketers need to keep up. They need to know from popular online acronyms to how artificial intelligence (AI) is affecting the way people use technology. Always need to stay up to date with valuab

Top 3 Best Examples of Excellent Customer Service in Healthcare Using Custom CRM Software - 0 views

  Top 3 Best Examples of Excellent Customer Service in Healthcare Using Custom CRM Software Table of Contents Overview: Examples of Excellent Customer Service in Healthcare Using Cus...


started by vardakhan on 01 Jul 21 no follow-up yet
Joachim Niemeier

The e-learning skills gap - 0 views

    The e-learning skills gap
    "Explains how many learning and development professionals have fallen behind in the skills they need to engage effectively with new media."
Amanda Kenuam

Learning Functional Skills Through the Use of Technology - 0 views

    "special education, students, SPED, functional skills, high school, teachers"

Eduvogue | Blog Detail - 0 views

    Eduvogue is the leading professional training company that focuses on imparting skills to individuals. Eduvogue provides the Best Digital Marketing Course to enhance your skills and upgrade the individuals career. For further details inquire : E-mail - Inquire- Whatsapp - 7715079915
Cara Whitehead

Summer Program - 0 views

    VocabularySpellingCity has a new summer word study program that allows children to sharpen academic skills as they play. These simple assignments are a daily workout for the brain, building literacy skills such as vocabulary, spelling, and writing.
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