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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Art Gelwicks


3 Ways Educators Are Embracing Social Technology - 10 views

    "The modern American school faces rough challenges. Budget cuts have caused ballooning class sizes, many teachers struggle with poorly motivated students, and in many schools a war is being waged on distracting technologies. In response, innovative educators are embracing social media to fight back against the onslaught of problems. Technologies such as Twitter and Skype offer ideal solutions as inexpensive tools of team-based education."

Which is mightier - the pen or the pixel? | WebedtecH - 0 views

    A comparison of using paper vs online for your primary capture tool

Techdirt: Overhyped Fear Of Child Predators Leading To Real Concerns About Child Privacy - 0 views

    So what happens when the cure is worse than the disease?

Listen and Write - Dictation - 0 views

    A tool to practice capturing notes on your computer while someone is speaking. Invaluable!

Adobe - 0 views

shared by Art Gelwicks on 06 Jun 08 - Cached
    New tools from Adobe including a word processor, web meeting, PDF creator, document sharing, and file storage.

YouTube Annotations - 0 views

    YouTube now lets you annotate your videos on screen

The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves - Practical Theory - 0 views

    Interesting discussion going on about the pros and cons of a strict school environment
    This article is dealing with a school and a social environment that has deteriorated past the ability to self-regulate through a series of stated guidelines. Both your school and ours are able to maintain their levels of operation through similar sets of guidelines, but in viewing the situation in the article I can completely understand how that school would need to take those steps to regain control over what had become an unmanageable situation. Looking at examples from the article of students who receive detention for failing to carry their ID after being reminded of it the previous day is not an unusual policy in most public schools. Denial of the "pleasant" aspects of school life for students who struggle academically or behaviorally is also nothing new. In this case they have made it a core part of the students life. Think about it this way: how many of these students who learn through these hard lessons of personal responsibility are going to be come parents who pass along to their children the values of personal responsibility? Some of the parents at CCS have a saying..."It's good to be in the bubble." There is a safe, easily maintained environment at the school, reinforced by clear guidelines and rules with defined penalties for failure to comply. To those who would think this too strict or limiting I would refer you to the number of students returning to our school after venturing into the "real world" and realizing "the bubble" is a better place for them. This is very similar to what I saw at SLA when I visited. Your students are committed to attending the school. They have a personal investment in their futures and the future of the school, something many mandatory schools lack. It's that personal investment that makes respect mean something to them and carry the weight it should in balancing their actions and behaviors with the greater good. For those of us "in the bubble" it can be disturbing to observe the tactics necessary to restore, or in some

Google Earth Browser Plugin - 0 views

    Google Earth can now be used from a browser plug in!

ScribbleLive: Two Guys In Canada Launch Sweet Liveblogging Platform - 0 views

    Another liveblogging tool.

SmallWorlds - 0 views

  • SmallWorlds is a 3D virtual world that runs inside your web browser. It enables you to build your own room, house, or even your own world, and fill it with a wide variety of items and fun activities.
    Another virtual world space. Think "Second Life" meets "IMVU" meets "Wii Miis". I wonder what a classroom would look like here?

Drape's Takes: A Refreshing Look At Networked Learning - 0 views

  • It is time to toss out the “blog, wiki, podcast” mantra. This is bigger than tools isolated for singular purpose. If we keep pushing the tools into categories, new users will continue to only use the tools for those purposes. We should be twisting, stretching and breaking these tools, not neatly packaging content with them.
  • Networked learners are more confident than individual learners in questioning authority, discovering alternative realities and resolving critical concerns through thoughtful inquiry.

No videoconference to Williamsburg - I'm sad » Moving at the Speed of Creativity - 0 views

  • but we’ll do so from our church, away from school, and we will not involve any Edmond PS students in the videoconference to comply with the directive from the district technology director. I did not realize the district forbids any parents or students from using any type of personal computer and outside Internet connection device (like my cell network data card) to provide an interactive learning opportunity for students. Now I know.
    Yet another district technology director giving the rest of us a bad name. Good grief....justify yourself without using the paranoid buzzphrase, "To Protect the Children!"
    Why are we afraid to confront district technology personnel and administrators over knee-jerk tragic decisions like this?

Online Mind Mapping - MindMeister - 0 views

    Mindmapping is a great concept development and sharing tool.

Comment on: Fluffy thinking in the edtech community…a waste of energy and time - 0 views

  • I’m not saying there isn’t a place and a time for strategic thinking, what I’m saying is that the edublogosphere is loaded to the freakin’ gills with it. How many ways can you discuss the innate digital skills of middle school students before realizing it’s worth more to talk about what works and doesn’t work with them. In this case the why is truly “academic”. We’ve twittered, blogged, bookmarked, tagged, forwarded, and flogged this horse to an amazing degree. What I don’t see is the same amount of energy in capturing what’s been done with the students, the successes and failures, in anything longer than 140 characters. If we want our teachers to learn to fish, we have to show them how to bait the hook and cast the line…not wonder if the fish are truly hungry.
  • used in first grade classroom so students are participating in asynchronous conversation and everyone gets to share on topic chosen by teacher. Combined with short recordings from audio enhancement classroom system help the teacher quickly post new content from class to the site.
    • Art Gelwicks
      This is the type of practical example I'm talking about. 30,000 ft. talk is great...only if you're able to land the plane too.
    Annotated comments about this blog posting.

Convert Powerpoint to video - 0 views

    Convert PowerPoint presentations to video files for online viewing.
    Finally, a possible solution to the "how can I convert my Powerpoint to a video" question.

Creating a Collaborative Syllabus Using Moodle : March 2008 : THE Journal - 0 views

  • The more input students could have in the process outside of class, the more class time could be saved for covering the material.
    • Art Gelwicks
      The idea of making work tools available outside the classroom is good, but there needs to be some method of follow-up by the instructor.
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