It is a factor outside of education that Moe believes is the real game-changer: the rapid expansion of information technology. Moe believes, as he and John Chubb argued recently in their 2009 book, Liberating Learning, that technology has the power to weaken the unions by fundamentally changing the way that schools operate. Schools are heavily dependent on human capital—that is, teachers. Technology is beginning to enter classrooms and perform some, though not all, of the tasks for which teachers have always been required. Interactive software can not only supplement, but eventually replace, a portion of teacher-based instruction. Over time, technology could make it so that schools require fewer teachers and thus fewer union members. Moe makes a bold prediction that someday soon, this is going to happen.
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Thomas Ho
Global Education Conference - 6 views
Achieve, Inc. - 6 views
Meaningful, Engaged Learning - 0 views
They are also energized by their learning; their joy of learning leads to a lifelong passion for solving problems, understanding, and taking the next step in their thinking
Collaboration around authentic tasks often takes place with peers and mentors within school as well as with family members and others in the real world outside of school.
artifacts to assess what they actually know and can do.
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Hand Book : Educating the Net Generation : The University of Melbourne - 0 views
The publication Educating the Net Generation: A Handbook of Findings for Practice and Policy is now available to download. The Handbook is the main outcome of the Educating the Net Generation project. It provides a set of practice and policy guidelines developed from the project findings.
Beyond Social Networking: Building Toward Learning Communities -- THE Journal - 0 views
Continue to engage students: Stay aware of all your students--how each one learns and how each one needs your coaching
the challenge was with the students becoming "learning community participants
Beyond Social Networking: Building Toward Learning Communities -- THE Journal - 0 views
intentionally and is where the instructor is very much a necessary support to the process
this observation is borne out by my experience documented in
I am currently writing a paper about my experiences with & I will be using this paper as a reference