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Contents contributed and discussions participated by c newsom

c newsom

Bauhaus architecture - 4 views

    99 slides of Bauhaus designed and Bauhaus inspired architecture and a yurt and R. Buckminster Fuller. Can be downloaded.
c newsom : UNESCO World Heritage sites in panophotographies - immersive and inte... - 14 views

    Stunning panoramic views in either Quicktime or Flash of places around the world designated as World Heritage sites. Bamiyan and Angkor are especially well-documented.
c newsom

Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 9 views

    Well organized and stocked with great images.
c newsom

UbuWeb - 0 views

    A tremendous source for early and contemporary film, sound and written word. The focus is on avant-garde work from several different generations. You can find films by Yoko Ono, audio by William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg as well as the entire contents of each issue of Aspen Magazine here.
c newsom

Welcome to the William Blake Archive - 0 views

    Extensive, outstanding and comprehensive resource for William Blake's work. Indexed and highly searchable.
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