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Ted Sakshaug

Great Source iwrite - Students: Grammar Handbook - 0 views

  • Have questions about the mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling rules while you're editing? View these quick videos for help with a variety of writing rules.
    Grammar Handbook How to Edit your writing To edit your writing well, you need to understand some basic concepts about writing. Sometimes these concepts are called grammar, mechanics, or conventions. Sometimes they are called rules, but really these rules are just patterns that good writers try to follow so they clearly communicate what they want to say to readers. Anybody can be a good editor. First, you have to know what's important and then you have to reread your work carefully. Everyone-especially teachers-appreciate a writer who rereads and corrects his or her work.
Kelly Faulkner

Write for Ten - write for 10 minutes about anything - 24 views

    writing project that allows timed writing for 10 minutes.
Vicki Davis

IFTTT / Send everything I tag collaborative writing to a notebook in evernote. by coolc... - 1 views

    If you use Diigo but are researching a certain topic for a book or term paper and also use Evernote, I recommend setting up an recipe similar to this one I'm using for my collaborative writing book. Everything tagged "collaborative writing" goes automatically to my collaborative writing book. You could use this for a course. You could take everything on Diigo tagged with the course number into a notebook (or into a Google spreadsheet, for that matter.) There are many other sources of information you can use to collect information on a topic in one place. 
Vicki Davis

Teaching How to Write a Paragraph Shows How to Write an Essay - 41 views

    A nice website that does a great job of explaining how to teach non fiction writing to children.
Vicki Davis

30 Ideas for Teaching Writing - National Writing Project - 9 views

    30 ideas for teaching writing shares the ideas and links to the articles on this. If you're a writing teacher, you'll want to peruse these ideas.
Vicki Davis

Year 8 English Booster SoW - Writing Styles - Resources - TES - 4 views

    Great lesson that turns writing students into music producers to improve writing. Designed for the middle school classroom.
Roland O'Daniel

Figment: Write yourself in. - 7 views

    Site for sharing writing. Become a member of a writing community. 
Dennis OConnor

Write or Die : Dr Wicked's Writing Lab - 0 views

    Write or Die is a web application that encourages writing by punishing the tendency to avoid writing. Start typing in the box. As long as you keep typing, you're fine, but once you stop typing, you have a grace period of a certain number of seconds and then there are consequences.
    Clever thinking, interesting writing tools, a kick in the pants for any writer wrestling with fluency.
John Evans

The Winners of the Twitter Writing Contest Are… | Copyblogger - 0 views

  • Just to review, the idea behind the Twitter Writing Contest was simple… compose a story in exactly 140 characters and post it on Twitter. I want to thank everyone who participated, because there are a ton of talented writers out there (even at 140 characters)!
    Just to review, the idea behind the Twitter Writing Contest was simple… compose a story in exactly 140 characters and post it on Twitter. I want to thank everyone who participated, because there are a ton of talented writers out there (even at 140 characters)!
David Wetzel

Science Newsletter Project: Creating Newsletters to Demonstrate Science Concept Underst... - 5 views

    One strategy for teaching science concepts is through the use of student developed newsletters. This approach involves students in the learning process as they research information, write articles, and present these articles in an individual or class newsletter format. This newsletter project helps students improve their writing skills as they learn how to write in science.
Anne Bubnic

ScribbleNauts E3 Demonstration - 0 views

    Created by 5th Cell (creators of Drawn to Life), this title turns writing into objects, drawing from a database of "tens of thousands" of items. You type them in with the stylus, to solve problems. It could be a promising writing activity because it illustrates word meanings, instantly. Why learn to write? To play ScribbleNauts.

Poof! 'Template writing' on FCAT shows up in 12 districts- - 0 views

  • Writing exams from 49 schools were found to have "template writing" -- instances in which students from the same school used identical or similar phrases on FCAT essays, such as "Poof! Now I'm in dragon land." The patterns were discovered when the exams were scored. Some educators blame the problem on FCAT, the state's high-stakes test, and the pressure to score well. The phrases found repeatedly seem an attempt to showcase colorful, creative writing, and they might be viewed that way if they were used by individual children. But when many youngsters in a school write the same way, the department suspects that rote memorization, rather than good writing, is at play.
    What have we done to education? Look what some schools are doing just to get past the state tests!
Dave Truss

ELT notes: Why I Write - 4 views

    I write because if I left this post for later, you may never see the like of it again. I write and publish to make sure that words will not be marred by my over thinking and prevent me from being faithful to my draft conversation style with you, dear readers, as I do now and today.
Martin Burrett

Writing Sparks - 4 views

    "A superb creative writing site to stimulate ideas for opinion pieces, news articles, stories or poems. There is a teachers area with whole class whiteboard resources, and a pupil area where your pupils can write their pieces and print."
Martin Burrett

RealtimeBoard - 18 views

    This is an amazing collaborative whiteboard where multiple users can edit a multimedia board in real time. The site allows you to signup and sign in using a Google account and you can access and add your files and media on your Google Docs/Drive area making this a fabulous companion to schools using Google Apps for education. You can write by typing or you can write in 'freehand' so you can use your interactive whiteboard to write and archive the lesson to use or refer to later.
Sue Ann Miller

Writing Reviser by  SAS® Curriculum Pathways® - 6 views

    Check out this free writing adviser that students can use to get instant feedback on their writing. Students can type in the tool itself or upload a document. Awesome formative tool. Students are allowed to focus on their purpose and audience, essay structure, and use of written language (sentence economy, variety, power, and clarity). You will see your students learning to ask questions experienced writers ask automatically. As a result, you'll see your students express themselves with greater precision and power. Best of all it is free. You will need an account set up to use this amazing tool, and then you can also enroll your students.
Vicki Davis

Every Common Core Standard Related to Technology | The Tech Savvy Educator - 1 views

    Excellent word clouds created by Ben Rimes over at Tech Savvyed related to the Common Core State standards. This demonstrates how technology standards are related and embedded in the standards, particularly the writing standards. This is one big reason I'm publishing the book "Reinventing Writing." I think a lot of people know they need to write with technology but just don't understand how. This blog post is useful to read if you're having anything to do with Common Core implementation and these charts would be useful to share with your teachers in a quick teacher's meeting. Great post, Ben!
Vicki Davis

CO14: Reinventing Writing: The 9 Tools that are changing how to teach Online Class by V... - 5 views

    CO14 is happening this weekend and so many great people are presenting. It runs from February 7-9 and is free. My session is sharing how writing has been reinvented as I share the 9 tools that have changed how we teach forever (a sneak preview of my book coming out in May.) If you teach writing, work with curriculum or teach, feel free to join in. The session is at 8 am EST on Saturday morning, February 8. Anyone can join. Lots of amazing presenters are speaking so check it out.
Vicki Davis

Resolution on the Importance of Journalism Courses and Programs in English Curricula - 1 views

    If you need "proof" of the merit of journalism programs, look no further than the "enemy" that has been the excuse for killing many journalism programs -- test scores. Read this NCTE position paper about journalism in the curriculum which states: "It is important to note that a body of research provides data showing that students who participate in journalism programs do better on testing and college language arts courses. In Journalism Kids Do Better (Dvorak, Lain, Dickson), research shows students who take journalistic writing courses score higher on the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition exam than students who take only AP or honors English courses. They also score higher on college entrance exams such as the ACT. "We've done a number of research studies that show that high school journalism is equal to or exceeds standard English [courses], Dvorak said. "Journalism students' writing skills, their sensitivity to audience, their use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, their concern with accuracy, their use of sources -- all of these things tended to be significantly higher in their performances."" I would also argue that many students who are not reached by AP or honors courses can be highly engaged in journalistic pursuits. If you want a strong writing program, make sure you have a school newspaper. Share this with your newspaper and annual staff advisors to help reinforce the merit of journalism programs with your board of education and administrators.
Tess Alfonsin

Digital Is - 14 views

shared by Tess Alfonsin on 17 Nov 10 - No Cached
    The NWP Digital Is website is a collection of ideas, reflections, and stories about what it means to teach writing in our digital, interconnected world. Read, discuss, and share ideas about teaching writing today.
    teaching-focused knowledge base exploring the art and craft of writing, the teaching and learning of writing, along with provocations that push on our thinking as educators and learners in the digital age
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