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Martin Burrett

Too Noisy - 7 views

    This is a great simple Apple device app to help you reach an appropriate level of volume in your classroom. Watch the gauge rise and the background change as the volume increases. You can adjust the sensitivity for the situation/activity. The app is supported by ads, but these only appear as you start the app. Download the app at
yc c - Bringing Health to Life - 24 views

    TheVisualMD site offers a rich, visual experience to learn, understand, and interact with health content on the Internet.TheVisualMD is brought to you by Anatomical Travelogue, LLC. Anatomical Travelogue, LLC is a medical imaging research and media production company based in New York City. Our unique 3D visuals are the foundation and signature of all Anatomical Travelogue products, including books, websites, TV shows, and museum exhibits. We use the visuals to tell stories and educate the public on topics and issues related to health and wellness. Our visuals are produced using real human data from a variety of medical scans - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computer tomography (CT) ultrasound, and confocal laser scans. The data is collected, digitized, and recompiled using volume-visualization software. These volumes and virtual models are dissected, repositioned, colorized, and texturized as necessary to bring them to life. This website contains advice and information relating to health care. It is not intended to replace medical advice and should be used to supplement rather than replace regular care by your doctor. It is recommended that you seek your physician's advice before embarking on any medical program or treatment.
Martin Burrett

Bouncy Balls - 3 views

    "Want a new way to moderate the volume in your class? Tell them not to make the balls bounce with this great resource. There are new modes including bubbles, and emojis."
Martin Burrett

Brains of children with a better physical fitness possess a greater volume of grey matter - 0 views

    "Researchers from the University of Granada (UGR) have proven, for the first time in history, that physical fitness in children may affect their brain structure, which in turn may have an influence on their academic performance. More specifically, the researchers have confirmed that physical fitness in children (especially aerobic capacity and motor ability) is associated with a greater volume of grey matter in several cortical and subcortical brain regions."
Vicki Davis

Can there be Giants? - Resources - TES - 3 views

    Can giants exist? This question for middle and high school has students use volume and surface area to determine if giants can exist. This is for geometry. Inquiry based projects can have great results.
Vicki Davis

The Gaming Table: Its Votaries and Victims Volume I (of II) - Resources - SML - 4 views

    Now this site is becoming incredibly useful. Project Gutenberg is taking their free ebooks and aligning with Common Core standards on Share my lesson. If you have ipads and are using Common Core state standards, You'll want to follow this content partner on the share my lesson website to find the lessons that will integrate with these ebooks. You can download the ebooks from the website.
Martin Burrett

The Reindeer Orchestra - 7 views

    Ever wondered why Christmas Reindeer have red noses? You are about to find out with this musical Reindeer Orchestra. Make sure your volume is up.
Kathy Benson

Neave Interactive - Paul Neave's digital playground - 16 views

    Use the bouncy balls on the IWB to demonstrate the volume in the room. Use other interactives as sponge activities at the IWB for early finishers.
    Fun interactives for use with your Interactive White Board.
Dean Mantz

iear - VPP-Step By Step Instructions - 2 views

    Step-by-step process for using Apples Volume Purchasing Program for apps and more.
Dave Truss

Statement of Educational Philosophy « The Reflective Teacher - 0 views

    The metaphors of education systems speak volumes about what each system ultimately achieves. Ask any student to compare education or school to something completely different, and you'll likely get a list that looks like this: "School is a prison," "School is hell," "School is a babysitter," or "School is a machine." Sadly, many schools are run quite like this last example-students enter the machine, are shuffled through a number of arbitrary gears, are forcefully bent to fit those gears, move according to bells, and leave the machine knowing they'll be back the next day to repeat the process until they become the desired product of the machine.

100 Tips and Tools for Managing Your Personal Library - 0 views

    For many book lovers, it's hard to resist adding new volumes to a personal library, especially if they're at a bargain. These resources and tips can help you get a head start on everything from deciding what to buy to organizing what you already have.
Jeff Johnson

Study Reveals What Kids Are Reading for School : May 2008 : THE Journal - 0 views

  • According to the first study of its kind released in the United States, kids are reading an average of about 26 books per school year. That's the great news. The less than great news is that their volume of reading peaks in second grade, and the level and volume of books that they're reading stagnates from about sixth grade onward, even dropping off in high school.
Maggie Verster

Women's Adventures in Science- Great site woopeee! - 0 views

    The Web site is a project of the National Academy of Sciences intended to showcase the accomplishments of contemporary women in science and to highlight for young people the varied and intriguing careers of some of today's most prominent scientists. The site draws from and accompanies the publication of a ten-volume series of biographies entitled Women's Adventures in Science, co-published by the Joseph Henry Press (an imprint of the National Academies Press) and Scholastic Library Publishing.

Horizon Report 2010 K-12 Edition - 8 views

    The Horizon Report series is the most visible outcome of the New Media Consortium's Horizon Project, an ongoing research effort established in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, research, or creative expression within education around the globe. This volume, the 2010 Horizon Report: K-12 Edition, examines emerging technologies for their potential impact on and use in teaching, learning, and creative expression within the environment of pre-college education.

Resurrection Of The Handwritten Letter - 7 views

    People obsess over the latest flavors and innovations in digital communication and interactivity. I'm talking about everything from new email technologies to social networking tools, even new hybrid interaction platforms like Wave. Many of these innovations are exciting and have permanently earned a place in our lives. Their growing popularity drives volume and efficiency of one-to-one communications.
Claude Almansi

Beware of Google's power; brings traffic to websites but it can also taketh away - Tech... - 1 views

    "Ahmed ElAmin Published Jul 20, 2011 at 9:18 am (Updated Jul 20, 2011 at 8:01 am) Belgians have invented Smurfs, make some of the best beer in the world, and know how to fry a potato chip. However, one must say the country's leading newspapers scored an own goal when they took Google to court last year for listing their content in the search engine's news section and won on copyright. I guess they didn't look at how people arrive at a typical online newspaper site, which derives up to 50 percent or more of their visitors from Google. In addition to taking the group of papers out of its news section, Google also stopped indexing them in its search engine. Now the newspapers are complaining that they are being discriminated against unfairly! (...) Google has big power and the danger is how the company wields it in pursuit of profit. It brings traffic to websites, but the company that claims to "do no evil" can also taketh away ostracising those for good and bad reasons. The company is also stepping up its aggregation news service by trying to attract more volume through the "gamification" of Google News. Google is following a trend among news sites to bring readers in. With their consent, readers will be rewarded with "news badges" based on their reading habits. Badges of varying levels will be given out depending on the amount and types of articles you read. About 500 badges are available to suit a wide range of topics. Google News indexes about 50,000 sources. Keep reading and get those badges! Maybe."
Fred Delventhal

World Digital Library Home - 0 views

    The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world. The principal objectives of the WDL are to: * Promote international and intercultural understanding; * Expand the volume and variety of cultural content on the Internet; * Provide resources for educators, scholars, and general audiences; * Build capacity in partner institutions to narrow the digital divide within and between countries.
Martin Burrett

Classroom Screen - 2 views

    "A superb online whiteboard suite of tools, including a random name picker, classroom sound level indicator, display a QR code, drawing and text tools, traffic lights, timers, clocks and dates, and even a fab exit poll tool. You can even change the background, including your own images to display extra resource information, or use your computer camera to show live video like a visualiser."
Martin Burrett

Reindeer Orchestra - 1 views

    "Ever wondered why Christmas Reindeer have red noses? You are about to find out with this musical Reindeer Orchestra. Make sure your volume is up."
Martin Burrett

Language Teaching: A Practical approach by @Natalieburdett9 - 0 views

    "As I stood in the school hall, during an assembly on National Languages Day, I felt such pride, but equally astonishment at how the children had embraced the task of saying hello in as many languages as possible. I watched in amazement as the 34th child stood up in front of the school to share his knowledge of yet another greeting from a different country. I don't know whether it was the sheer volume of children or their confidence whilst standing in front of the school and speak a different language that struck me most, but whatever it was, made me reflect on how I had come to be in this moment."
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