Most importantly, I want to emphasize as much as I can, that we need to not promote Web 2.0 as the future of education or learning. In fact, it is highly likely Web 2.0 will not even exist when today’s junior high students enter college or the work force. There are many many web-based tools that can greatly enhance learning today, but need to be used with consideration of how that application affects learning. When I see people state learners need to use these tools because they will experience them in the work place, I just cringe.
They may use them in the work place, or they may not. If they do, employers typically want to train them on their own systems. An employer is much more interested in an employee able to communicate proficiently, locate and critically evaluate information, and build strong internal and external customer relationships. Employers and universities don’t care if a student knows how to use a wiki or make a youtube video. General literacy is much more important than knowledge of specific web platforms. Some of the skills we promote as 21st century literacies will not exist five years from now. There are some excellent frameworks for promoting literacy and I’m excited to see them promoted more fully.