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Sebastian Weber

Lösungs- und Gestaltungsansätze für Informal Learning - 0 views

  • Die Mehrzahl der präsentierten Ansätze, Methoden und Instrumente betrifft insbesondere die betriebliche Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie das betrieblichen Wissensmanagement.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Informal Learning
  • hat sich die Überzeugung durchgesetzt, dass mit klassischer Weiterbildung allein, die notwendigen kontinuierlichen und nachhaltigen Lernprozesse bei allen Mitarbeitern nicht realisiert werden können.
  • In diese Sinne stellen diese Gestaltungsansätze unmittelbar eine Antwort auf die Herausforderungen des lebensbegleitenden Lernens und den hohen Innovationsdruck in den Unternehmen dar.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Gleichzeitig ist informelles Lernen integraler Bestandteil der Wissensarbeit. Kontinuierliches Lernen ist Voraussetzung für die Bewältigung der zunehmend wissensbasierten Arbeit.
  • Gleichzeitig ist informelles Lernen integraler Bestandteil der Wissensarbeit.
Ludger Thomas

Telepolis mnews: Wir werden dümmer - 0 views

  • Der Psychologe Michael Shayar unterzog 800 13- bis 14-Jährige Intelligenztests und verglich die Ergebnisse mit einem ähnlichen Test aus dem Jahr 1976. Danach sind die durchschnittlich Intelligenten zwar klüger geworden, die Intelligentesten wurden aber "dümmer" bzw. weniger. Komplizierte Denkfähigkeiten, die mathematisches Wissen beinhalten, können nicht mehr 25 Prozent leisten, wie noch 1976, sondern gerade einmal noch 5 Prozent der Jugendlichen. Gefragt wurden die Jugendlichen auch nach abstrakten wissenschaftlichen Konzepten, beispielsweise, was Veränderungen bei den Schwingungen eines Pendels verursacht, was statt 25 nur noch 10 Prozent sagen konnten. Dieser Test würde keine wissenschaftlichen Voraussetzungen machen.
    • Ludger Thomas
      What does this mean for Web2.0?
Sebastian Weber

The Power of Informal Learning - 0 views

  • Although more formal forms of instruction such as the classroom and e-learning will be around for years, it’s becoming more and more important to watch and harness the more informal methodologies that our students are utilizing. Most of these methods have been around for years, but have gone unnoticed by the training community.
  • Informal methods of learning are often found right in the work environment. They are seen as techniques that a learner can take advantage of right away and with work-related resources. Another reason these methods are so popular is because they are often very short. Advanced learners tell us that they don’t have the time or budget to attend more formal learning. Even the immediacy of e-learning is seen as something that will take too much valuable time. Finally, learners have matured to a point where they want to drive their learning in a more meaningful and self-directed manner. These informal methods are seen as more student-driven and job-relevant than most formal options.
  • Two of the most common informal environments used today are e-communities and, of all things, the learners’ neighbors sitting all around them. E-communities, often called communities of practice, are made up of threaded message boards, frequently asked question (FAQ) Web sites and chat environments. They have existed under the radar screen of most training programs for years. Many have grown to have huge followings of subject-matter experts (SMEs) and super-users.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Establish a expert request mechanism PID supports to find experts for topics Web 2.0 supports the concept of SMEs (e.g., EduFire)
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The easiest way to control and encourage these communities is to sponsor them within the corporation itself. “Brown-bag” lunches and meet-the-expert days are some examples of ways organizations are formally tapping into what used to be an ineffective and costly method of learning.
Sebastian Weber - 0 views

  • Workers who know more get more accomplished. People who are well connected make greater contributions. The workers who create the most value are those who know the right people, the right stuff and the right things to do.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Benefits of informal learning
  • At work we learn more in the break room than in the classroom.
  • observing others, asking the person in the next cubicle, calling the help desk, trial and error and simply working with people in the know.
    • Sebastian Weber
      informal learning activities
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Informal learning is effective because it is personal. The individual calls the shots. The learner is responsible. It’s real. How different from formal learning, which is imposed by someone else. Workers are pulled to informal learning; formal learning is pushed at them.
  • Many learners today are not self-directed—they are waiting for directions. It’s time to tell them that the rules have changed. It’s in their self-interest to become proactive learning opportunists.
    • Sebastian Weber
      requirements for informal learning
  • Ineffective negative reinforcement. Unmotivated learners. Learner disengagement, unrewarded curiosity, spurned creativity. Training instead of learning. Focus on fixing the individual rather than optimizing the team.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Disadvantages of formal learning
  • Provide time for informal learning on the job. Create useful, peer-rated FAQs and knowledge bases. Provide places for workers to congregate and learn. Supplement self-directed learning with mentors and experts. Set up help desks 24x7 for informal inquiries. Build networks, blogs, Wikis and knowledge bases to facilitate discovery. Use smart tech to make it easier to collaborate and network. Encourage cross-functional gatherings.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Support of informal learning through Web 2.0 technologies
    • Sebastian Weber
      expert request mechanism and PID
    • Sebastian Weber
      Mashup creation helps to improve learning skills
Sebastian Weber

Denodo Technologies - 0 views

    Denodo extends the value of enterprise data integration initiatives with its ability to merge data across any digital source, whether it be structured, unstructured or semi-structured (Web content and data behind any web interface).
Sebastian Weber - Enterprise Mashup Solutions | Products - 0 views

    The mashup platform Presto provides either the familiar Eclipse IDE model for mashup creation that developers will insist on, or an end-user friendly version that workers can use to build their own applications out of developed services.
Sebastian Weber

The Hidden Costs of Information Work - 0 views

    An organization with 1,000 employees spends over $10 million annually in reformatting and recreating information. The Web is bringing business data to our fingertips at an increasingly rapid rate, we are now forced to continue to integrate more with less.
Sebastian Weber

Leveraging Critical Business Data for Mashups, SOAs, and Enterprise Applications - 0 views

    In this paper, let's take a look at the potential value of leveraging unstructured information
Sebastian Weber

YouTube - Making Mashups with Info 2.0 - part 1 of 7 - 0 views

    One of 7 demos of IBM QEDWiki
Sebastian Weber

SA-REST and (S)mashups: Adding Semantics to RESTful Services - 0 views

    In this paper, we outline the limitations in current approaches to creating mashups. We address these limitations by proposing a framework called as SA-REST. SA-REST adds semantics to RESTful services.
Sebastian Weber

YouTube - Intro to QEDWiki - 0 views

    Well-done presentatioin of the concepts of IBM's QEDWiki by providing an business related mashup example.
Sebastian Weber

Enterprise mashups | InfoWorld | Test Center | July 28, 2006 | By Galen Gruman - 0 views

    Mashups aren't just sexy, they're useful for business. Their easy integration of data and services should enable a whole new class of enterprise apps, if IT can look past the hype.
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