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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kerry J

Kerry J

The neuroscience of online learning Registration, Adelaide - Eventbrite - 1 views

    Neuroscience has shown that our brains are plastic and that education, gaming and the use of technology can change our brains' connectivity, function and structure. (1, 2) But learning is more than just biology - it is affected by our learning environment and the people with whom and from whom we learn. So how do you take what neuroscience reveals about the plastic, learning brain and combine it with educational research, expertise and common sense? Klevar, in association with Flinders University, are offering you the chance to explore this with Dr Paul Howard-Jones of the University of Bristol, researcher and author of "Introducing Neuroeducational Research: Neuroscience, Education and the Brain from Contexts to Practice".
Kerry J

TagCrowd - make your own tag cloud from any text - 4 views

    Tag cloud generator - upload a word doc, enter a URL, paste some text, generate a tag cloud and either embed as HTML, print or output as PDF. Not as pretty as Wordle.
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