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Meghan Brooks

Creating a "Least Restrictive Environment" with Mobile Devices | Edutopia - 0 views

  • The U.S. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (3) defines the concept of the Least Restrictive Environment as the opportunity for a student with a disability to be "provided with supplementary aids and services necessary to achieve educational goals if placed in a setting with non-disabled peers."
  • By providing students with the option to access content on a mobile device, we begin removing many of the restrictions previously placed upon their learning environment.
  • The U.S. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (3) defines the concept of the Least Restrictive Environment as the opportunity for a student with a disability to be "provided with supplementary aids and services necessary to achieve educational goals if placed in a setting with non-disabled peers."
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  • They can use the features of iPads, Chromebooks, Android and laptops to guide the creation of a Least Restrictive Environment for all of their students.
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