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Project Based Learning | BIE - 1 views

  • In Project Based Learning (PBL), students go through an extended process of inquiry in response to a complex question, problem, or challenge. Rigorous projects help students learn key academic content and practice 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking).
    In Project Based Learning (PBL), students go through an extended process of inquiry in response to a complex question, problem, or challenge. Rigorous projects help students learn key academic content and practice 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking).

New Study Finds Time Spent Online Important for Teen Development - MacArthur Foundation - 1 views

  • The study also finds that young people are learning basic social and technical skills through their use of digital media that they need to participate fully in contemporary society. The social worlds that youth are negotiating offer new dynamics, as online socializing is permanent and public, involves managing elaborate networks of friends and acquaintances, and is always on.
    • anonymous
      Where are young people learning how to properly use social digital tools?
  • According to researchers, young people are motivated to learn from their peers, as well as adults, online. The Internet provides new kinds of public spaces for youth to interact and receive feedback from one another. This may be different from how students are often asked to learn in schools.
  • In a cautionary note to parents, the study indicates that most youth are not taking full advantage of the learning opportunities of the Internet. While most youth use the Internet socially, they may overlook learning opportunities. Serious learning opportunities are abundant online in such subjects as astronomy, history, creative writing, and foreign languages. Youth can connect with people in different locations and of different ages who share their interests, making it possible follow pursuits that might not be popular or valued with their local peer groups.

Media Awareness Network (MNet) | Home - 1 views

    "Resources and support for everyone interested in media and information literacy for young people. To learn how to get the most out of the tools and resources on this site, visit our help section and our site map."

flickrCC - 1 views

    Easy way to find Creative Common photos in Flickr

writing prompts - 1 views

    Daily writing prompts with pictures

NetFamilyNews - 1 views

  • Last week Chairman Julius Genachowski unveiled the children-and-family part of the FCC's universal broadband plan, designed to enable, among other things, 21st-century education. There's just one problem: Schools have long turned to law enforcement for guidance in informing their communities about youth safety on the Net, broadband or otherwise, and the guidance they're getting scares parents, school officials, and children about using the Internet.
  • There is a tendency among law enforcement officials to think that scare tactics are effective in reducing risk behavior. Research has never found this to be so."
    • anonymous
      Dangerous activity is attractive to many kids.
  • As sociologist H. Wesley Perkins has pointed out, however, this kind of traditional strategy 'has not changed behavior one percent'."
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • the predominant approach in the field of health promotion sought to motivate behavior change by highlighting risk.
    • anonymous
      As soon as teachers start talking about the dangers of the Internet, students want to try it.
  • What has "revolutionized the field of health promotion," according to the UVA Institute: the social-norms approach.
  • as a society, we can lower public resistance to broadband adoption and begin to free up American education to do for children's use of new media what it has long done for their use of books: guide and enrich them (examples here and here). But not only that: School will become more relevant to our highly new-media-engaged kids, and students will become more engaged.
    "Last week Chairman Julius Genachowski unveiled the children-and-family part of the FCC's universal broadband plan, designed to enable, among other things, 21st-century education. There's just one problem: Schools have long turned to law enforcement for guidance in informing their communities about youth safety on the Net, broadband or otherwise, and the guidance they're getting scares parents, school officials, and children about using the Internet. "

Sprixi - Free images to choose and use! - 1 views

    Free images to choose and use

teachingwithted / FrontPage - 1 views

    Teaching with TED. Resources for classrooms using TED Talks. Have a good idea about integrating TED in your curriculum, share it here on this wiki.

Visions of Students Today - 1 views

    Another great video from Michael Wesch and his grad students

Myth of Bell-to-Bell Instruction Vs. "Golden Rule of 15 Minutes"| The Committed Sardine - 1 views

    • anonymous
      Engage students in the learning process so they are not passive learners
  • Keeping the core of instruction to these golden 15 minutes also allows for 20 minutes of student work at the end of class, what I call the "exit price."
  • Many teachers have been told to teach from bell to bell. Unfortunately, some teachers believe this means they must stand and deliver in front of the board for 50 minutes. Big mistake!
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • During teach-back, I break objectives into smaller steps and concepts, do 10-second mini-lectures on a "baby" concept in the context of a problem, then immediately put up several problems on that baby concept and fire questions at several different students, asking them to teach the class to apply what I taught by doing the problems

The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave - 1 views

  • Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes. Read more about The Complete Guide to Google Wave.
    Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes. Read more about The Complete Guide to Google Wave.

Ubuntu v.s. Kubuntu - 1 views

    How to load the KDE desk top to Ubuntu

Berkman Center - 0 views

    Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law

Open Educational Resources infoKit / What are Open Educational Resources - 0 views

  • Several of these 'movements' or 'philosophies' have been significant within the education community both in terms of research and learning & teaching (particularly educational technology).
    • anonymous
      What are the "movements"
  • Whilst the terms 'Open content' and 'Open courseware' are

eSN Special Report: Blended learning on the rise | Featured Special Reports | eSchoolNe... - 0 views

  • Students work online from home four days a week and come to school for the fifth.
    • anonymous
      Who provides hardware and Internet connections
    Finding the best of physical and virtual schools

Kids Are Learning . . . Just Not in Ways We Want Them To. « User Generated Ed... - 0 views

  • Kids Are Learning . . . Just Not in Ways We Want Them To. May 17, 2011 in Education | Tags: educational reform, emerging technologies, game-based learning, learning, networked learning, school reform, social learning Kids are learning . . . just not in the ways expected of them through formal education.  Young people have always engaged in informal learning based on their interests and passions. 
  • I am that not sure if those involved in the institutionalized education of young people are unaware or choose to ignore that young people are often learning more outside of the school than within that learning environment.
    Kids Are Learning . . . Just Not in Ways We Want Them To. May 17, 2011 in Education | Tags: educational reform, emerging technologies, game-based learning, learning, networked learning, school reform, social learning Kids are learning . . . just not in the ways expected of them through formal education. Young people have always engaged in informal learning based on their interests and passions

Technology and Academic Achievement by Les Foltos - 0 views

  • Harold Wenglinsky's study, "Does it Compute: The Relationship between Educational Technology and Student Achievement in Mathematics," concluded that for 4th and 8th graders technology has "positive benefits" on achievement as measured in NAEP's mathematics test. But it is critical to note Wenglinsky's caveat to this conclusion. He argues that not all uses of technology were beneficial. Wenglinksky found using computers to teach low order thinking skills, "...[W]as negatively related to academic achievement…." Put another way, this type of computer use was worse than doing nothing. By contrast, teachers who had students use computers to solve simulations saw their students' math scores increase significantly. As he explored the reasons for the differing ways teachers used technology, Wenglinsky found that professional development was the difference between those teachers who used skill and drill software and those who used software that could create simulations. Teachers who had training and skills used technology in ways that focused students on simulations and applications that encouraged students to develop problem solving skills. Those teachers who hadn't had training used skill and drill software (Wenglinsky, 1998).
  • More recently, educators in Missouri issued their findings on a study of the impact the statewide eMints program had on academic achievement. This program is designed as a comprehensive approach to assist teachers to integrate technology. Participating teachers receive classroom equipment, and over two hundred hours of professional development over a two-year period. In addition to traditional workshops, eMints training includes peer coaching for individual teachers. The training is designed to help teachers integrate technology so that they can use inquiry-based teaching and emphasize critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. As one of the program leaders noted, "We find that when you put the two, (inquiry based learning and true technology integration) together there's a synergy created that really boosts students' learning" (Brannigan, 2002). The power of pairing technology with inquiry learning was directly reflected in the test scores of more than 6,000 third and fourth grade students who recently took the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) test. "Results show that a higher percent of students in eMINTS classrooms scored in the 'Proficient' or 'Advanced' categories…when compared with other students who took the MAP tests…" (Brannigan, 2002; Evaluation Team Policy Brief, 2002).
    Article from New Horizons for Learning does increased spending on classroom technology make a difference?

Classroom Technology Integration - 0 views

  • he Teacher Leadership Project, a nationally recognized, award-winning professional development model that is used in 18 states by 4,200 teachers, is a prime example of the good work being done in technology-infused teaching. It started in the mid-1990s when the Northwest Educational Service District 189 in Anacortes, Wash., passed a large technology bond that allowed the district to put four computers in every classroom. But teachers didn’t exactly give the machines a run for their money. Several teachers were hired as technology coaches and given stipends in exchange for training other teachers how to use an electronic grade book, access e-mail and the Internet, and save files to the network. But within two years many of the machines were sitting in the backs of classrooms collecting dust.
    Over the past 20 years, school reform efforts have identified teacher professional development as a key component of change and as an important link between standards and student achievement. After all, as students are expected to learn more complex and analytical skills in preparation for work and life in the "21st century global economy," teachers in turn must be expected to teach in ways that develop those higher order thinking and performance skills, experts say.

Classroom Technology Integration - 0 views

  • More than 40 states have adopted standards calling for effective professional development for all educators accountable for results in student learning--with "technology integration" often front and center. As educators put such standards into action, they are producing profound technology results for themselves and students. The Teacher Leadership Project, a nationally recognized, award-winning professional development model that is used in 18 states by 4,200 teachers, is a prime example of the good work being done in technology-infused teaching. This article describes the program and its success in improving teaching and learning.
    A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource. More than 40 states have adopted standards calling for effective professional development for all educators accountable for results in student learning--with "technology integration" often front and center. As educators put such standards into action, they are producing profound technology results for themselves and students. The Teacher Leadership Project, a nationally recognized, award-winning professional development model that is used in 18 states by 4,200 teachers, is a prime example of the good work being done in technology-infused teaching. This article describes the program and its success in improving teaching and learning.

Computer Skills for Information Problem-Solving: Learning and Teaching Technology in Co... - 0 views

  • A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource.Over the past 20 years, library media professionals have worked to move from teaching isolated library skills to teaching integrated information skills. Effective integration of information skills has two requirements: (1) the skills must directly relate to the content area curriculum and to classroom assignments; and (2) the skills themselves need to be tied together in a logical and systematic information process model.
    Michael Eisenberg article integration of technology skills.
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