Connectivism: A Digital Social Learning Theory - 8 views
Forrest Doud on 07 Sep 13This article looks at connectivism as "the embodiment of social learning theory in the digital age." It breaks down questions posed by Seimens in terms of how technology and networks connect with learning theories as well as how these translate into the principles of his theory. The values of connectivism as presented by Downes are also highlighted. Specifically it offered a good rationale for why behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism have limitations in the digital age which give rise to the need for researching connectivism.
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caaskin on 06 Jul 15This article provides a succinct overview of connectivism. I particularly like how the author concludes with the point that all social learning starts with the individual and then branches out from there to networks and organizations before returning new knowledge to the individual.
Cassie Davenport on 06 Jul 15Melodie, thank you for sharing this resource. I appreciate the article as it defines connectivism. Yet the authors are careful to point out that the theory is still developing and needs more research. It is healthy to learn that while the digital age is new so are those researching and exploring the informal learning groups that surround it theories. I appreciate the concise explanations and bulleted lists as well.