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New Sims - PhET Simulations - 5 views

    This is a simulation software that I use mostly with my physics students. We don't utilize all of these, but when the topic perfectly aligns with one I create a simulation lab in order for them to utilize the technology and not be bored in a typical lab setting.
    Great science, math, STEM resource. Interactive simulations along with other helpful teacher resources for engaging lessons.
    This website is a resource that I like to use for my 7th grade Physical Science class. The students enjoy the simulations and I can use it for things that I either don't have the resources for or that they can't be trusted to use. #EdTechSN
Jaime Bennett

6 Incredible Twitter Powered Art Projects - 0 views

    This article describes six creative, innovative art projects students can complete using Twitter. Students can explore how to combine content from various sources and turn words into visuals through these projects. #EdTechSN
Clayton Mitchell

social media » College - U. Got It? - 0 views

    #EdTechSN An example of how one instructor uses social media to keep students engaged outside of the classroom. 
Kara Paula Godfrey

Yummy recipes - most are easy! - 1 views

My favorite website is It has thousands of recipes for all different tastes. Each recipe has easy to follow instructions, a picture of the finished product, and many ti...

#edtechsn edtech543 technology resources

started by Kara Paula Godfrey on 01 Sep 13 no follow-up yet

How do I get a PLN? - 4 views

This article gives the reader a simple definition to a PLN. I like the approach the author took as he wrote it. It helped to fill in some of the gaps that I have had as I was researching PLNs. Than...

EDTECH543 EdTechSN PLN Professional Learning Network


What Is A Personal Learning Network? - 1 views

  • our PLN is not limited to online interactions, but it is that online, global interactive part that really makes it special.
    • nstringham
      PLNs keep learning easily accessible and very personal. You choose what you take in and what you share. You access it only when you want to or need to. But this network grows as the people you interact with share with their networks which then is shared further, and so forth.
    This is a short but direct explanation of PLN and how they can be helpful for an individual's own professional needs.
    This article takes a brief but clear view of a PLN. The short video makes it easy to see the importance of being involved and what a PLN can do for professional development. #EDTECH543 #EDTechSN #PLN

What is a Personal Learning Network? - The Tech Edvocate - 6 views

  • One, you shape absolutely everything about it.
  • You personalize exactly who you want in your network, what you want to share, where you want to engage with people, and what you’re interested in learning about
  • You also pick the platform.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • you will form personal connections with them based on shared ideas and experiences
  • You’ll be amazed who in your field will say something you’ve never thought of, or mention a point of view you’ve never considered.
    • nstringham
      I love this aspect of collaboration! I know that I could never come up with all these different ideas on my own, but I also have the ability to take someone's thoughts or ideas and add my own to them to expand it even further.
  • But the heart of every network isn’t the platform, but the people who enrich conversations with unique backgrounds and specializations.
  • hey’re especially important for educators because it’s likely a school district lacks the funding to support teachers with professional development.
    This article discusses the value of PLNs specifically for educators. It gives the who, what, when, why and how for the reader.
  • ...1 more comment...
    This is a great article. I like that is starts with what a PLN is and proceeds to talk about where and how to set it up. I also like that this article is written through the lens of an educator. It makes a lot of what is said more relevant and personal. Good find!
    I really like how this article breaks down what a PLN is, how to learn from one, and where to network. So often, I think that these basics are what keep people from joining in. Though networking can sound intimidating, this piece notes why they are so important to educators and, potentially, students, thus encouraging and motivating users to join in.
    This is a nice overview of what a PLN is and how teachers can get involved. It discussed important reasons that PLNs are useful. The article breaks down the need, structure and value of a PLN. #EDTECH543 #EDTechSN #PLN
Forrest Doud

The Verge - Technology, Science, Art, and Culture - 3 views

    Technology blog useful for staying up-to-date on the latest tech trends, news, and policy. As a technology teacher, I find this an invaluable resource.
    One of my new favorite sites to visit daily. News, stories, product reviews in one place with the technology being the main focus. I always can find something interesting to share with my students, friends and family.
Dana Daines-Smith

The Art & Technique of Personal Learning Networks - 6 views

    Discusses the origin of the concep to PLN's and how they morphed from PLE's to PLN's. Enforces the importance of learning a variety of web based applictions to create PLN's.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Thanks Dana. I always like reading David Warlick. He has a way of getting to the heart of the matter. The "Many PLN Paths" diagram in this article is particularly useful. I like the way he constructs the relationship between the technology tools as "aggregators" and the learner who maintains the connections.
    I found the diagram useful as well. I found the comparison of PLNs to ecosystem most interesting piece in this article. It provided with a valuable visual. #EdTechSN
    The analogy to the gardener's ecosystem was very useful to help understand the concept.
James Russell

My Digital footprint - 0 views

#Edtechsn digital learning edtech543

started by James Russell on 02 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Ilene Reed

The Case For Social Media in Schools - 1 views

    This article, although stating a case for social media, gives many examples of uses for social media. It also gives examples of teachers that have used these social media in successful ways and gives statistics to back up their claims.
    E.Delmatoff of Portland Oregon uses social media to help meet the schools "adequate yearly progress goal" for the first time ever.
Jenni Borg

Link to my digital footprint plan - 1 views

education technology learning edtech543

started by Jenni Borg on 26 Jun 13 no follow-up yet
Melissa Getz

Educational Leadership:The Key to Changing the Teaching Profession:Professional Learnin... - 2 views

    Suggestions on ways to maximize efficiency, reminders that telling/sharing may not be the same as facilitating, and examples of ways to turn routine activities into collaborative or connective activities.
    I actually found myself getting excited about the thought of communicating with staff in a more effective and efficient way. So many times we attend staff meetings and have to take that time to read articles instead of using it to benefit our students' learning. I would love to see this changed SOON! #EdTechSN

Connectivism: Contemporary Learning Theory, Distance Ed Theory, or Pedagogy with Panache? - 5 views

    Rolin Moe provides explanations and skepticism about connetivism, its history and role in education. I anticipate he will help define what MOOCs are, how they are used, what they provide learners, and the outcomes of connectivism as he completes his doctorate and continues in the field.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I have studied connectivism in other courses and also feel it is hard to really understand the concept because I don't fully practice it. Perhaps this is why so many people disagree with whether or not it is a learning theory. #EdTechSN
    I really like how the author questioned collectivism as a learning theory, I am not saying he is right, but that it offers other insights I hadn't been considering. Good post!
    Rolin Moe discusses whether connectivism is truly a new and singularly applicable theory of learning, or if it is merely an appendage to earlier theories such as constructivism.
danica marble

Social Networking By students - 1 views

    for edtech543, I found 10 educational technology driven lessons using social networking

Social Media in Communities of Practice - 3 views

    This resource ties social media and communities of practice together, discussing how social media can create a "more dynamic" type of community. We need to focus on the context of the community to find the best tools for the community to use to develop knowledge and skills together. Social media can create a better flow of discussion and engages more of the members with the ease of access and ability to share resources quickly and easily.
    This article explains the positive impact and value that social media adds to communities of practice. And it explained the many factors to consider when using social media as part of a community of practice.

Khan Academy Geometry - 0 views

    I have loved using these Khan Academy videos in my Geometry classes. They have really helped give my students more examples of how to do proofs.

7 Things You Should Know about Personal Learning Environments - 1 views

    What an excellent resource! 7 important things to know about PLE's? Why yes! This resource breaks down what they are, who started them/researched them, why they are significant, what is their future, their downfalls and their importance in education. This resource concisely explains PLE's and what educators need to know about them. The takeaway from this resource is that PLE's cause more reflection and deeper understanding, as well as develops student's information fluency to analyze the information presented on the internet.

'Personal Learning Environments' Focus on the Individual - 3 views

    While learning about PLE's, I wondered how it affects learning in the classroom and I stumbled across this article. This article discusses the flexible form of a PLE and how it helps students meld their own learning spaces. It can be difficult to incorporate such a new type of network in the classroom, but the research and examples in the article shows many ways that developing PLE's can help students develop their own learning and knowledge development.
    I think this is a good article discussing the initial concept of a PLN and how it can be used in the classroom. I had never heard of Symbaloo, but can see how it can be helpful as an educational resource, just like we are using Diigo.

Personal Learning Environments: The future of education? - 6 views

    This very simple slideshow highlights the key points of PLE's that have been researched and presented in many articles and experiences. The author directs your attention to the effectiveness and many facets of PLE's in the future of education, such as sharing, collaboration, reflection and storing information.
    I appreciated the different way to learn about a PLN. I like the slideshow idea to interpret what a PLN is. It really grabbed my attention and the images reflected the ideas perfectly. Thank you for sharing it.
    I can't say enough how much I appreciate images, they just have a way of really captivating my attention and helping my understanding. This slideshow did a nice job of highlighting key points of personal learning environments and their purpose/results. I loved that first quote by Mark Van Harmalen, such a nice way of articulating PLN's. Thanks for sharing @klauritsen
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