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Events Clothing Melbourne - 0 views

    Get ready for the biggest deal of custom events clothing, manufactured, designed and supplied in Melbourne, Australia by global wholesaler, ASG Sports. Website
    Get ready for the biggest deal of custom events clothing, manufactured, designed and supplied in Melbourne, Australia by global wholesaler, ASG Sports. Website
John Pearce

Google in Education Melbourne Summit - 3 views

    "Register below to join us for the first annual  Google in Education Melbourne Summit to be held at the Yarra Valley Grammar School on October 3 and 4, 201. This high intensity two day event focuses on deploying, integrating and using Google Apps for Education to promote student learning in K-12 and higher education. Th e program features Google Certified Teachers, Google Apps for Education Certified Trainers, practicing administrators, solution providers, Google engineers, and representatives from the Google Apps for Education team. "
John Pearce

Gorillas, ARIS games and Augmented Reality | The Elastic Learning Network Melbourne - F... - 4 views

    I'm still excited after the first meeting with the students at Melbourne City School back in April. Since I approached the school with an idea for using Augmented Reality (AR) and Games-based Learning they have been warm and welcoming and things have progressed ever so fast.  We had some initial discussions about how Curiosity Lab (ELN) and the students could work on something and they embraced the possibilities, so we just got straight into it. Using ARIS,  the novelty of AR and opportunities to attach rich media in the AR browser, we set produce something powerful that is learner driven, which attracts media attention and captures the hearts and imagination of the public. The fact that Layar is an app designed for mobile devices make it well suited to promoting the idea of recycling mobile phones to help protect and preserve the habitat of the Western Lowlands Gorilla.
riss leung

resources - 2013-10-03 Google in Education Melbourne Summit - 6 views

    Resources from the Melbourne Google Apps for Education Summit 2013
Aaron Davis

Reading Writing Responding: Put a Saddle on It and Ride It - Melbourne Google in Educat... - 0 views

    A review of the 2013 Google Summit in Melbourne. The post is littered with resources from the event associated with Google Sites and the implementation of GAFE.
Roland Gesthuizen

TeachMeet Melbourne (Feb 2 2013) (with images, tweets) · ccoffa · Storify - 0 views

    "Every Teachmeet I have attended has been different. Different because of the venues, the presentations, the time of the day, the day of the week, the people who attend. This is one of the reasons I like them. Teachers sharing passion, interest, skills, questions and ideas."
Roland Gesthuizen

Do you know what a TeachMeet is? ‹ Graccon Learning Solutions - 5 views

    "TeachMeets are an exciting model of professional development making waves in the Melbourne teaching community. A TeachMeet is an informal meeting for teachers to share and discuss their classroom practise. Another term to describe these meets is an unconference. Presenters speak for either seven or two minutes on a topic of choice that is related to classroom practice. "
Camilla Elliott

Lego car powered by air - 0 views

    "It is the brainchild of Melbourne entrepreneur and marketing guy Steve Sammartino (@sammartino) and Raul Oaida (@rauloaida), a 20-year-old self-taught technology genius from Romania who Steve met on the internet."
Roland Gesthuizen

Swinburne Rubik's Cube robot breaks world record - ABC Melbourne - Australian Broadcast... - 0 views

    A group of Melbourne university students have created a robot that can solve a Rubik's Cube in a record-breaking 10.18 seconds.
Roland Gesthuizen

ICTEV Teacher/Educator Award 2012 - YouTube - 3 views

    "This movie has been put together as a summary of what I see as my role as a teacher. It includes some of the highlights of teaching over the last 12 months. It will be shared with participants at the ICTEV conference in Melbourne on May 26th where I will be honoured with the ICTEV Teacher/Educator of the Year Award 2012"
Tony Richards

Exertion Games Lab: Where Physical Meets Digital | GeekDad | - 4 views

    This lab is in melbourne - cool
Tony Richards

TeachMeetMelbourne - 5th Meet 11 August 2012 - 3 views

    Saturday August 11 at 2pm at the Immigration Museum Melbourne
Roland Gesthuizen

Personalizemedia - 3 views

    I presented twice at a great two day conference in Melbourne called 'Arresting Audiences'. The irony of the title not lost on this writer as the real intention of the event run by Film Victoria (a traditional film funding organisation) was commendable - finally focus on 'users', 'watchers', 'participants' aka as old school 'audiences'. Most of the talks explored new marketing, basic demography and obligatory future trends with a couple of inspirational 'write for your inner audience' highlight talks from the likes of Jane 'buffy/BSG' Espenson, but I was asked to look at the social and transmedia aspects that affect and impact on audiences/communities so below is:
Tony Richards

XperienceXpo | State Library of Victoria - 0 views

    event on in Melbourne for anyone intersted.
Roland Gesthuizen

Universities told to adapt or die - 0 views

    UNIVERSITIES that fail to embrace new technology will lose students and die, former federal finance minister Lindsay Tanner has warned. Mr Tanner, now a vice-chancellor's fellow at Victoria University, told a Melbourne audience last night that while Australian universities were using the internet to deliver study materials, they were not yet fully exploiting the potential technology offered for new ways of learning.
Roland Gesthuizen

Education a strong driver for future female tech leaders - 1 views

    "Women continued to debate the question of whether formal quotas are needed for their rise to technology leadership roles at last week's Cisco Empowered Women's Network lunch in Melbourne. However, some believe it's the work teachers are doing in schools and universities that will have the greatest effect in growing the next generation of female leaders. "
Ian Quartermaine

DERN - 5 views

    DERN is the Digital Education Research Network. DERN is managed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) in Melbourne, Australia. DERN is a network for, leaders, researchers and educators interested in the use of digital technologies for learning. Users of DERN may have an interest in ICT, media, pedagogy, emerging technologies and related areas and are probably well briefed in the area of elearning research, as well as scholars seeking details about what research has been done, possibly for their own research purposes.
Roland Gesthuizen

ICTEV2013: IT Takes A Village State Conference | ICTEV - 0 views

    "ICTEV encourages you to be part of our 2013 state conference to be held on Saturday 25th May 2013, with the theme IT Takes A Village. The educational landscape is no longer one of isolation and remoteness. Teachers, students and communities are now part of the greater picture of global learning. The development of ICT has had a huge impact on this ability to share, communicate and collaborate. As educators we can help promote and tell the stories of our craft, our innovations, the successes and challenges. "
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