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John Pearce

The Best Google Features You're Probably Not Using - 10 views

    Google is a vast machine with all types of apps, programs, and tools. A lot of these-like Gmail and Google Docs-are clearly useful and beloved by many. But hidden inside Google's network are some awesome, lesser-known gems that can make your life easier. Over the last couple of years Google has experimented with a lot of products. Hidden beneath popular apps like Gmail, Google Search, and Chrome are a lot of cool features that most people don't mess around with. Here are some of our favorite unsung Google features, from Google Drive apps to Google+ to everything in between.
John Pearce

Google Takeout from the Data Liberation Front - Good to Know - Google - 1 views

    "We believe you should be able to export your information from Google products when you want to. We have a special engineering team called the Data Liberation Front which has one goal - to make it easier for our users to move their data in and out of Google products. That's useful if you want to store a copy of your information on your own computer, or if you want to leave Google for another product and take your information to the new service. We've launched a data liberation tool called Google Takeout which makes it easier to move data in and out of Google products. It's good to know that you can use Google Takeout to move your data in and out of Google products. "
John Pearce

Google Docs Can Now Be Exported Through Takeout - 1 views

    "Google Docs can now be exported from the Google Takeout menu, thanks to Google's Data Liberation Front. Previously, users could export and import documents in various formats, but they are now available alongside data from all other Google services in Takeout. Google Takeout was unveiled in summer 2011. It allows Google users to export all their Google data to disk or just data from individual services. It's all thanks to the Data Liberation Front team, which builds tools to give Google users control over their data."

Buy Google Voice Accounts - 100% Best Quality, Cheap Price - 0 views

    Buy Google Voice Accounts Introduction Google Voice Accounts are phone numbers that may be used to send and receive text messages as well as make and receive calls. The ability to make and receive calls and texts from any internet-connected device as well as from any phone that is linked to the user's Google account is provided via Google Voice Accounts, which are connected to the user's Google account. How to buy google voice pva accounts with accfarm? You may purchase Google Voice PVA Accounts with Accfarm in a few different methods. The first option is to visit the website and make a straight purchase. These accounts are available in a wide range of different packages as well. Buy Google Voice Accounts The second option is to locate a reliable seller who can give you the necessary accounts. This is typically the greatest choice because you may be certain in the seller's dependability and the caliber of the accounts. Furthermore, there are various websites that provide Google Voice PVA Accounts with free trials. This is a fantastic method to try out the service prior to making any commitments. What are the benefits of a Google Voice account? The advantages of having a Google Voice account are numerous. The ability to make and receive phone calls using your Google Voice number is perhaps the most obvious advantage. If you own a business or frequently communicate with clients who live far away, this can be quite helpful. Text messages can also be sent and received using Google Voice, which is highly useful for staying in touch with loved ones and friends as well as for professional needs. Buy Google Voice Accounts
John Pearce

Embed a Google Hangout on Air on your Google Site | Teacher Tech - 4 views

    "Google Hangouts on Air allow you to record your hangout.  Sometimes I hangout with myself just so I can use all the fun Google Hangout (GHO) tools including screen sharing and have a video archive. Once you conduct your Google Hangout on Air  you may want to embed that video in your Google website."
John Pearce

"Something" is Wrong with Google (since 2004) | Search Engine Journal - 3 views

    It never ceases to amaze me how Google has become such an integral part of our lives. Search has evolved in such colossal proportions and especially with the advent of Google instant my belief that Google can actually read my mind has only been fortified. Search Marketers around the world are always on their Toes and as Google states "Don't try to follow our algorithm but try to think about the direction in which we are heading, build content for the users and not the search engines". I sometimes wonder if Google was actually a person he would be an amazing election candidate. But then again the high and mighty also have their share of secrets, secrets that should never come up, what I am about to reveal can be touted as one of the many chapters of the Da Vinci of Google.
John Pearce

Google Drive and Docs for Teachers 2012 - 7 views

    RM Byrne writes: Last month I published a free ebook titled Google Documents for Teachers. Just two weeks later Google released Google Drive and made Google Documents a part of Google Drive. Therefore, I had to update my ebook. I present to you now, Google Drive and Documents for Teachers. The document is hosted on Scribd. You can download it from there as a PDF.

Buy Google Reviews - 100% Legit, Permanent and Cheap.. - 0 views

    Buy Google Reviews Introduction Customers who use Google to look for local businesses are probably going to see a list of establishments with star ratings. These star ratings, which come from Google Reviews, can significantly influence whether or not clients choose to work with you. How do they work? Customers can offer feedback about their interactions with companies in Google reviews. Customers can offer feedback about their interactions with companies in Google reviews. Despite being able to respond to reviews, businesses cannot remove them. Buy Google Reviews Google develops an algorithm to determine a company's average rating. This rating can be seen in adverts and search results, as well as on the company's Google listing. Since Google reviews are anonymous, businesses are unable to identify the reviewer. Businesses can, however, see the geographical location of the reviewer as well as whether the review is favorable or unfavorable. Buy Google Reviews Customers must have a Google account in order to post a review on Google. By visiting the company's Google listing and selecting the "Write a review" button, customers can leave a review.
John Pearce

Google+ Hangouts: The Future of Faculty Development? - Getting Smart - 4 views

    "Unlike similar tools, such as Skype and Go-To-Webinar that require a bunch of steps to get started, Google+ Hangouts is already part of our online social ecosystem. With little more than a Google account and a web cam, you can start a Hangout from within Gmail, Google+, or on your mobile device using the Google+ app.  Additionally, its purpose is to facilitate conversation among participants, rather than serve as merely a presentation platform. Oh, and it's free. If you're trying to determine if Google+ Hangouts can meet your own professional development needs, below are a few things to know based on Pacansky-Brock's experience."

Google Alerts - Monitor the Web for interesting new content - 4 views

    Monitor the Web for interesting new content Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your queries. Enter a search query you wish to monitor. You will see a preview of the type of results you'll receive. Some handy uses of Google Alerts include: *monitoring a developing news story *keeping current on a competitor or industry *getting the latest on a celebrity or event *keeping tabs on your favorite sports teams Monitor the Web for interesting new content Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your queries. Enter a search query you wish to monitor. You will see a preview of the type of results you'll receive. Some handy uses of Google Alerts include: *monitoring a developing news story *keeping current on a competitor or industry *getting the latest on a celebrity or event *keeping tabs on your favorite sports teams
John Pearce

Google data mines your information and wants more Mamamia - 0 views

    "If you do a Google search about how much information Google really controls, there's a little bit of hyperbole (from users) out there. There's a litany of searches like 'Google wants to own your mind', 'Google wants to control you'. There's also a 'Google wants to teach computers regret' which is just creepy, really. Those living in fear of a barcode on their psyche have been prolific with their concerns, no doubt about it. But they're not totally barking up the wrong tree. Just ask Google. Its own mission statement says this: "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." Luckily, its motto is 'don't be evil'. Right guys?"
John Pearce

Google Docs Collaboration In Hangouts Is Now Available To All Users [Updates] - 2 views

    "Google Docs integration has graduated from extras, and is now a regular Hangouts feature available for everyone. For smaller teams of ten members or less, Google Hangouts is a wonderful collaboration tool in real time, and with Google Docs collaboration becoming a core feature on Google Hangouts, this could get a serious boost."
John Pearce

Google in Education Melbourne Summit - 3 views

    "Register below to join us for the first annual  Google in Education Melbourne Summit to be held at the Yarra Valley Grammar School on October 3 and 4, 201. This high intensity two day event focuses on deploying, integrating and using Google Apps for Education to promote student learning in K-12 and higher education. Th e program features Google Certified Teachers, Google Apps for Education Certified Trainers, practicing administrators, solution providers, Google engineers, and representatives from the Google Apps for Education team. "
John Pearce

Google Just Made Bing the Best Search Engine - 4 views

    "Google changed the way search works this week. It deeply integrated Google+ into search results. It's ostensibly meant to deliver more personalized results. But it pulls those personalized results largely from Google services-Google+, Picasa, YouTube. Search for a restaurant, and instead of its Yelp page, the top result might be someone you know discussing it on Google Plus. Over at SearchEngineland, Danny Sullivan has compiled a series of damning examples of the ways Google's new interface promotes Plus over relevancy. Long story short: It's a huge step backwards."
John Pearce

Google Docs X Organizing & Promoting the Writing Process - 10 views

    "Google Docs is a fantastic tool for professional and student collaboration. After using Google Docs for an extended period of time, it becomes evident to most Google Docs users that your inbox can become a cluttered, hectic and confusing mess. Magnify that confusion X 100 when you start to have students share their documents with you for evaluation and grading and you can have a colossal mess on your hands. Based on my experience using Google Docs for the past two years, I have come up with a strategy that I think may help anyone who plans on using Google Docs with students next year. "
John Pearce

Who Can View or Edit your Shared Files in Google Drive - 2 views

    "If you have been using the sharing feature of Google Docs (now Google Drive) for some time, you may have quite a few files in the Drive that are accessible to other users. Would you like to review this list? Here's a simple Google script that will scan your Google Drive and prepare a list all files that have been shared from your Google Drive."
John Pearce

2011-01-14 Using Google Docs to Support Your PLC - EdTechTeam - 8 views

    "Take your professional learning community to the next level by using Google Docs to collaborate with colleagues. Google Docs is an online office suite that allows you to create, edit, share, and publish documents, including spreadsheets and presentations. Because everything is stored and even modified on the web, Google Docs makes it easy to collaborate with colleagues - and even to edit the same document from multiple computers simultaneously. This session will focus on the use of Google Docs to promote and support collaboration within a PLC, including strategies for creating common assessments, sharing best practices, and capturing the conversation - even between meetings. Google Docs can even be used for data collection and analysis. This one tool can revolutionize the way your PLC collaborates. And it's free. (This is a hands-on DOUBLE session: 2.5 hours.)"
John Pearce

The Advantage of Google Docs in Education | edSocialMedia - 8 views

    "It's no secret that Google Docs has made teachers more effective at teaching writing. After making a full Google Docs integration this year in my history classroom, I will never go back. My students are required to write every paper in Google Docs. This way, I can help with the process and not just the finished product. In this post, I will talk about using Google Docs and the need for a chrome browser extension called WatchDoc that allows for the most efficient, effective teaching with Google Docs."
John Pearce

Google+ for Schools - by Eric Curts - Google Drive - 5 views

    Google+ for Schools is a short guide created by Eric Curts, a Google certified teacher. The Google Doc document walks you through a step by step process to learn everything you need in order to start leveraging the power of this social networking platform in schools.
John Pearce

Reeder - 3 views

    Reeder is a Google Reader client, which means you need a Google Reader account to use the app. Don't have one? No problem, you can get one here: When using Reeder, all changes will be synced with Google Reader. This means if (for example) you read an article in Reeder it will also be marked as read in Google Reader. The same is true if you read in Google Reader. When syncing the next time, Reeder will just pick up the changes.
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