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Contents contributed and discussions participated by riss leung

riss leung

MOLLY GAFE - 6 views

    Great resources for Google Apps for Education
riss leung - The Maze #4 - 3 views

    Teaches kids how to code using scratch like coding and Angry Birds. Very cool!
riss leung

Code Club World - 5 views

    "The mission of is to give every child in the world the chance to learn to code by providing project materials and a volunteering framework that supports the running of after-school coding clubs."
riss leung

Dropbox - Bebras_Australia_Pilot.pdf - 3 views

    A trial computational thinking challenge for australia students that is FREE to join!
riss leung

resources - 2013-10-03 Google in Education Melbourne Summit - 6 views

    Resources from the Melbourne Google Apps for Education Summit 2013
riss leung - 4 views

    21st Century Learning Design Rubrics. Useful for assessing the collaborative nature of activities. Good for defining collaboration etc also.
riss leung

Synergyse Blog: Top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education - 6 views

    Scripts that can be used with GAFE to improve teacher efficiency- Flubaroo is definitely the winner here!
riss leung

Remind101 - 1 views

    A safe way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents. Free.
riss leung

Automatically Grade Your Google Documents | Eduhowto - 6 views

    Use Flubaroo with google spreadsheets to automatically correct tests created in Google forms.
riss leung

DinoPass - Simple password generator for kids - 3 views

    A simple password generator for kids.
riss leung - 3 views

    A website aimed at ecouraging teacher to share useful web2.0 tools for education.
riss leung

ClassDojo - 2 views

    Track student behaviour in class with this online points award system. You can email a report to parents at the end of the week. Can also track absences on this system. Awesome and free!!!
riss leung

TED-Ed | Tour - 17 views

    TED goes educational. This site is amazing! It wlil become the one stop shop for educators using videos to help teach concepts in their subjects. The amazing thing is you can use any TED talk OR any Youtube clip. Fantastic!
riss leung

Popplet - 7 views

    Fantastic use friendly site for creating mind maps of images / information online. Works almost in fairly similar way to prezi. Very easy to learn. Free sign up. Collaborate on mind maps with other people. You can select to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly changes to the popplet. Think you only have 5 free 'popplets' though :(
riss leung - 9 views

    Cool back channel- easy setup with option to have twitter feed as well.
riss leung

Alternatives to Etherpad - 8 views

    Etherpad is soon to close so this page provides some alternatives.
riss leung

The Beast File: Google ('HUNGRY BEAST', ABC TV) - 3 views

    Interesting clip on Google taking over our lives.
riss leung

cooltoolsforschools - home - 13 views

    Loads of links to great web2.0 tools. Well organised with categories on the side.
riss leung

Challenge Yourself to Blog - 5 views

    A 10 week blogging challenge with at least 1 new challenge each week. Caters for new bloggers (students) veterans, teachers and classes. You can join at any time. There are no prizes however this is a great way to get involved with blogging.
riss leung

Bright ideas - 6 views

    A fantastic website updated regularly with great new web tools / sites. This is created by State Libraries Association. Loads of great resources.
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