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John Pearce

14 Questions for Bring_Your_Own_Device - 2 views

    From an industry point of view but... Letting your employees use their personal mobile devices for work makes them leap for joy - they literally love their iPads, iPhones, Droids, BlackBerrys, Galaxies and other devices of choice. Research shows it also makes them more productive and increases their engagement with the workplace, including after hours.     On the other hand, the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon opens doors to all sorts of tricky issues so it's important to plan ahead.
Ian Quartermaine

Nearpod - 4 views

    To be checked 
    Create interactive classes with ease Using the Nearpod Content Tool, simply upload a pdf or start a new presentation and add interactive features. Share content in real time Push information, questions, and activities to students' mobile devices. Engage students Multimedia content harnesses students' attention, keeping them focused and minimizing off-task behavior. Control students' devices Teachers can see all student activity in real-time, check attendance and identify students who log out from Nearpod.
Ian Guest

Piktochart - 5 views

    "Piktochart helps you create wow presentations to engage your web audience. Combine themes, shapes, icons, vectors, text, uploaded images, chart exporter (8 types of visualizations) to create the story you want."
John Pearce

Kleinspiration: The Foundations of Flipping - 3 views

    I've learned from many great teachers before me that the idea of a flipped classroom is nothing new.  While the term 'flipped class' is a trendy new catch phrase, the idea of the flipped classroom model is something teachers have been practicing for years.   Defined: The flipped classroom is an instructional  method used to engage students at home through the use of video in effort to enhance the classroom experience by a more hands-on approach to learning.
John Pearce

Storybricks - 6 views

    Create your own MMO experience using Storybricks, our intuitive story building system Produce deep, engaging stories of your own making simply by clicking together bricks. Watch your stories develop as you play and create new connections between bricks.
John Pearce

MTT2K - Episode 1 - YouTube - 0 views

    Two teachers sit down to learn about math teaching from a man who is Bill Gates' favorite teacher. Our primary purpose with this video was to get a conversation started. We realized that the satire would put some people off but many teachers have tried to engage Khan Academy in a reasonable discussion and present their case to the media about issues with this approach with little to show for it.
John Pearce

Google Launches Open Course Builder | TechCrunch - 5 views

    "Google launched an open source course building web application for the growing list of K-12 and big-name universities developing online classes. The barebones website is a lightweight way to bring course material online, track student engagement (with web traffic and surveys), and evaluate performance. "We want to use this launch to show that Google believes it can contribute to technology in education," says Google's Director of Research, Peter Norvig."
Tony Richards

About The Department - 8 views

    Poor attempt by CE from South Australia to use Blogging as a means to engage the community and employees. No RSS and fortnightly posting - what are they thinking?
Tom March - 13 Reasons Why Digital Learning is Better - 7 views

    The Benefits of Digital Learning 1. Richer Resources 2. Customization & Personalization 3. Cognitive Tutors 4. Engagement and Interactivity 5. 100% participation 6. Digital Archives 7. Collaboration 8. Global Publication 9. Online Learning Communities 10. "Serving the Net" 11. Crowdsourcing 12. Software that gets smarter 13. Internet of Things
Eric Marcos

The Many Faces of the Flipped Classroom - 4 views

    Listen as this panel of classroom teachers engage in a discussion of the various permutations of the flipped classroom. This session was recorded in the Cisco Connected Classroom at ISTE 2012.

Behavior Management Software - ClassDojo - 5 views

    ClassDojo makes it easy to keep my students alert and on-task. Improve specific student behaviors and engagement by awarding and recording real-time feedback.
Ian Guest

Budd:e Cybersecurity Education - 2 views

    "The Budd:e Cybersecurity Education package consists of two activity-based learning modules, one for primary school students, and one for secondary school students. Both modules contain engaging, media-rich activities and resources, developed in consultation with teachers and subject matter experts."
    via @edgalaxy
John Pearce

GoSoapBox - Hear what your students are thinking. - 6 views

    "GoSoapBox is used during class to break down participation barriers, keeping students engaged, and giving teachers insight into student comprehension that was never before possible." An interesting looking backchannel tool that enables a range of interactions plus having the capability to export data only problem it does cost.
John Pearce - 9 views

    Like most people I have lost many hours to Google Earth. As a geographer and teacher I have been trying to find ways to incorporate this tool into the social studies classroom. Over a year ago I started making my own Google Earth files. Throughout the past year, my father and I have spent countless hours working through technical issues creating what you see today. There are a few more improvements that still need to be made (when in doubt refresh the browser), but it works and is there for you to enjoy. I offer this tool to all teachers who want to create cool and engaging lessons for their students. In return I would appreciate feedback on how you use this site and potential improvements. Required Resources: This site looks best with IE7 and higher, Firefox 3 ((FF4-FF7 Fix), and Google Chrome. You must install the Google Earth Plug-in (Free, but you might need your IT administrator to install) and have broadband access.
John Pearce

In Search of the Other: Decoding Digital Natives | DMLcentral - 4 views

    "This is the first post of a research inquiry that questions the ways in which we have understood the Youth-Technology-Change relationship in the contemporary digital world, especially through the identity of 'Digital Native'. Drawing from three years of research and current engagements in the field, the post begins a critique of how we need to look at the outliers, the people on the fringes in order to unravel the otherwise celebratory nature of discourse about how the digital is changing the world. In this first post, I chart the trajectories of our research at the Centre for Internet and Society (Bangalore, India) and Hivos (The Hague, The Netherlands) to see how alternative models of understanding these relationships can be built."
John Pearce

60second Recap® Video Notes. Everything you need to wow your English teacher! - 5 views

    60second Recap® wants to make the great works of literature accessible, relevant, and, frankly, irresistible to today's teens. Through 60second Recap® video albums, we seek to help teens engage with the best books out there ... not just to help them get better grades, but to help them build better lives.
John Pearce

ABC Zoom - Splash Zoom - 3 views

    ABC Zoom is a browser-based game primarily aimed at year 9 and 10 students to bring back the fun in science learning. The core objective is to engage, via gameplay, with the fundamentals of charge and electromagnetic radiation, and gain a sense of their importance in the world around us.
Ashley Proud

Teachers | Quandary - 4 views

    "Quandary is a free, online game that engages your students in ethical decision-making and develops skills that will help them recognize ethical issues and deal with challenging situations in their own lives. This page brings together all the information you need to successfully implement Quandary as part of your teaching, including a handy teacher guide, classroom implementation video, lesson plan and worksheet. We've also mapped the game to the Common Core standards. And don't forget to head over to the teachers' forum to share your own ideas and discuss tips and techniques from other educators."
John Pearce

Twitter Co-Founder Evan Williams Lays Out His Plan For The Future Of Media | TechCrunch - 1 views

    "Twitter Co-Founder Evan Williams has an ambitious new plan: to shift our daily reading habits away from consuming incremental news bites and towards engaging with enlightened ideas curated by an intelligent algorithm. Ordinarily, such a goal would seem utopian, were it not for the fact that Williams is among a handful of Internet pioneers who have disrupted the media industry multiple times.
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