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John Pearce

Skype Announces Free Group Video Calling for Teachers | SXSWEdu - The Digital Shift - 3 views

    " The ability for classrooms to beam in authors, subject experts, and fellow students from around the world has been one of the great advantages afforded by Skype. Commonly used by librarians and other K-12 educators to provide real-time engagement for their students, the service just got better. As of today, existing members of Skype in the classroom or new registrants can use Skype's Group Video Calling free of charge."
Andrew Williamson

Tweens and their in-betweens: giving voice to young people when exploring emerging info... - 0 views

    "The participatory research methods used in the project can provide rich contextual understanding of the everyday, everywhere presence of mobile technologies in young lives needed to devise effective strategies for dealing with mobile or smart phone use in and out of the classroom and supports efforts to give young people a greater voice in the decisions affecting their engagements mobile technologies."
Ian Quartermaine

TtEDSC - 0 views

    TtEDSC is one of 12 Deployment Trial initiatives funded under the NBN-Enabled Educations Skills and Services (NBNEESS) program. The program is part of the federal government's wider Digital Economy strategy. We are utilising the National Broadband Network​ to deliver innovative content and services to independent schools nationally by leveraging the experience and expertise of the State-based independent school associations and by engaging capable and committed vendors who are supporting our project.
John Pearce

Learning to Learn: Teaching For Effective Learning - 0 views

    Teaching for Effective Learning (TfEL) describes the DECD position on pedagogy-the teaching and learning practice that leads to improved student engagement and achievement. Together with the new Australian Curriculum, the TfEL Framework provides the basis for the ongoing development of teaching and learning practices in South Australia.
Roland Gesthuizen

7 Steps to Flipped Professional Development - Getting Smart by Laura Conley - 5 views

  • Planning had played a crucial role in the success of the last professional development so now it was time to plan for the success of the next one.
    "I wanted to present the information in an engaging way by modeling the use of technology instead of just handing everyone a sheet of paper with some links. I knew where those papers would end up! With this in mind I started working on a new professional development model that made sense to me and would hopefully make sense to others."
Ian Guest

Computer Science Unplugged - 5 views

    "CS Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around."
    Computer Science for the days when the computers/servers/Internet/network is/are down ... or just for plain old fun.
John Pearce

3D printing empowers the lab › Opinion (ABC Science) - 1 views

    "The explosion in 3D printing technology is now empowering those engaged in materials science research, education and commercialisation to do things not previously possible. These advances will have a staggering impact - they will accelerate the thought-to-thing process, delivering practical solutions sooner, but they'll also empower scientists to make unprecedented fundamental advances in science."
Ian Guest

iPad Project Blog - 3 views

    "The iPad Project at York St John University aims to provide opportunities for staff to be innovative and to increase student engagement in the classroom. It will focus on exploring the benefits of using iPads in group work and collaborative learning activities."
John Pearce

Project-based learning at the RCH | RCH Education Institute The Royal Children's Hospital - 3 views

    "The Royal Children's Hospital provides a unique environment for student learning. The Education Institute has started the new year with a fantastic program of project-based learning to engage students in meaningful learning experiences with real world relevance."
John Pearce

Augmented reality app makes Japanese newspaper more engaging for kids | Springwise - 1 views

    "The AR News app enables kids to use their smartphones to reveal more kid-friendly versions of articles in the Tokyo Shimbun."
John Pearce

Phil Bradley's weblog: Twitter chat software - 1 views

    "One of the very interesting aspects of Twitter is the ability to have online chats about specific subjects, usually lasting for an hour or so. These chats utilise a particular hashtag, and people who want to engage in the chat will keep an eye out for the particular tag, and will use it themselves if they want to become involved. There are hundreds of chats taking place on a regular basis and there's a useful community run document that lists many of them."
John Pearce

Your Call on Vimeo - 0 views

    There are alarming links between Democratic Republic of Congo's coltan wealth, widespread rape, violence and consumer demand for smaller faster technology. Despite the horror of this war, its victims are largely forgotten and its perpetrators avoid justice. And too often, the Church has remained silent when it should speak out. The Your Call campaign wants to put a stop the silence around this issue and the injustice suffered by many women in the Congo. - See more at:
Roland Gesthuizen

Socrative | Student Response System | Audience Response Systems | Clicker | Clickers | ... - 2 views

    "Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets."
Rhondda Powling

6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 201 6 | Cult of Pedagogy - 3 views

    "An up-dated list. Each of these tools can make teaching more efficient and effective, and student learning deeper and more engaging."
John Pearce - Visualize your data - 3 views

    ChartsBin is a web-based data visualization tool that will allow everyone to quickly and easily create rich interactive visualizations with their own data. You can then share your interactive visualizations with others by embedding them in websites, blogs or sharing via Facebook or Twitter. We're focused on building the most exciting and engaging destination for statisticians, and computer scientists in the world.
John Pearce

IMSA's PBLNetwork - 1 views

    To advance the mission of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy ( , the Academy established the PBLNetwork in 1992. IMSA's PBLNetwork engages in PBL professional development, research, information exchange, curriculum development and networking in K-16 educational settings. The goals of IMSA's PBLNetwork are: To mentor educators in all disciplines as they design and develop effective problem-based learning (PBL) materials and become skillful coaches in K-16 classrooms and other educational settings. To explore problem-based learning (PBL) strategies as the context in which knowledge is acquired, ethical decision-making is nurtured, and problem-solving skills are developed with learners of all abilities. To connect problem-based learning (PBL) educators through numerous networking options designed to meet a variety of needs.
John Pearce

Treasure Explorer | Discover remarkable treasures from Australian history & share your ... - 8 views

    Treasure Explorer is a rich educational website where students and teachers contribute socially and engage with Australian history. Treasure Explorer contributes to the National Library's important role of disseminating Australia's cultural heritage, for all Australians. It is an invaluable and creative networking tool for teachers, families and students to share and celebrate knowledge, passion and ideas about Australia. Treasure Explorer also provides an online resource to find out more about the objects, archives and stories represented in the National Library of Australia's Treasures Gallery in Canberra. Treasure Explorer was launched in October 2011. Development of this website was made possible by the generous funding of the Harold Mitchell Foundation.
John Pearce

Game-Based Learning for the Corporate World | - 4 views

    Great Stats on this site For generations, games have been used to teach concepts, skills, and knowledge. Think Yahtzee, Monopoly, and math; Scrabble and spelling; Mastermind, Qwirkle, and strategy; Clue and problem solving…the list goes on and on. Games are challenging, interesting, and engaging. And with the ever-enhancing technology landscape, games are more immersive than ever. Individual or massive multiplayer online games have grown exponentially in the last few years, and projections only show gaming consumption increasing.
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