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John Pearce

UDL and The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture « User Generated Education - 6 views

    In response to all of the attention given to the flipped classroom, I proposed The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture and The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture for Higher Education in which the viewing of videos (often discussed on the primary focus of the flipped classroom) becomes a part of a larger cycle of learning based on an experiential cycle of learning. Universal Design for Learning has also been in the news lately as a new report Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Initiatives on the Move was released by the National Center on UDL, May, 2012. This post describes the principles of Universal Design for Learning and how they naturally occur when a full cycle of learning, including ideas related to the flipped classroom, are used within the instructional process.
Shelly Terrell

Flipped Classroom Podcasting - 7 views

    Flipped Classroom Analysis Review the following articles on the Flipped Classroom and iTunes U Real Flipped Classroom The Inverted Classroom Khan TED Thinking Myths vs. Reality The Flipped Classroom: A Full Picture Flipped Classroom Network iTunes U
Russell Ogden

Five-Minute Film Festival: Flipped Classrooms | Edutopia - 10 views

    Advocates say that "flipped classrooms" help overburdened teachers differentiate their instruction to reach more learners, provide an avenue into more hands-on and student-driven learning during classtime, and shift the teacher's role from "sage on the stage" to learning coach and facilitator. Critics say it's just a fad, relies too heavily on rote instruction, and doesn't go far enough in making the needed changes for teaching and learning reform. I've rounded up this list of videos so you can learn more about the challenges and benefits of flipped classrooms.
    Informative article on Flipped Classroom with links to the 'Flipping the Classroom' video playlist and Mary Beth Hertz's excellent blog post, "The Flipped Classroom: Pro & Con" 
John Pearce

Kleinspiration: The Foundations of Flipping - 3 views

    I've learned from many great teachers before me that the idea of a flipped classroom is nothing new.  While the term 'flipped class' is a trendy new catch phrase, the idea of the flipped classroom model is something teachers have been practicing for years.   Defined: The flipped classroom is an instructional  method used to engage students at home through the use of video in effort to enhance the classroom experience by a more hands-on approach to learning.
John Pearce

Flipped Classroom: Beyond the Videos | Catlin Tucker, Honors English Teacher - 2 views

    Too often the conversation surrounding the flipped classroom focuses on the videos- creating them, hosting them, and assessing student understanding of the content via simple questions or summary assignments. I wish the conversation focused more on what actually happens in a flipped classroom. If we move lecture or the transfer of knowledge online to create time and space in the physical classroom, how are we using that time to improve learning for students? What is our role as the teacher in the flipped classroom? How are we maximizing the potential of the group when students are together to design collaborative, creative, student-centered activities and assignments? This is the part I want to hear more about!
John Pearce

The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture « User Generated Education - 8 views

    "What follows is an explanation of the Flipped Classroom Model, a model where the video lectures and vodcasts fall within a larger framework of learning activities. (Note: I am titling it the Flipped Classroom Model to get folks' attention given the Flipped Classroom popularity right now.  It really is a cycle of learning model.)  It provides a sequence of learning activities based on the learning theories and instructional models of Experiential Learning Cycles - and Bernice McCarthy's 4MAT Cycle of Instruction-
Rhondda Powling

Report: The 4 Pillars of the Flipped Classroom -- Campus Technology - 3 views

    "A summery about the report that offers a guide that provides references to research supporting the teaching methods used in flipped classrooms and includes three case studies focusing on flipped classrooms in action at the high school and college level." Links to the full report
    "A summery about the report that offers a guide that provides references to research supporting the teaching methods used in flipped classrooms and includes three case studies focusing on flipped classrooms in action at the high school and college level." Links to the full report
John Pearce

Why Flip The Classroom When We Can Make It Do Cartwheels? | Co.Exist: World changing id... - 0 views

    In some ways, the flipped model is an improvement. Research shows that tailored tutoring is more effective than lectures for understanding, mastery, and retention. But the flipped classroom doesn't come close to preparing students for the challenges of today's world and workforce. As progressive educational activist Alfie Kohn notes, great teaching isn't just about content but motivation and empowerment: Real learning gives you the mental habits, practice, and confidence to know that, in a crisis, you can count on yourself to learn something new. That's crucial in a world where, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, adults change careers (not just jobs) four to six times or where, as an Australian study predicts, 65% of today's teens will end up in careers that haven't even been invented yet. We don't need to flip the classroom. We need to make it do cartwheels.
John Pearce

A Review of Flipped Learning - MySMARTSpaces - 5 views

    "A Review of Flipped Learning is a fantastic report designed to guide educators through the concept of flipped learning and provide definitions and examples of the flipped classroom model in action." Check out a summary and link to the review.
John Pearce

A Video Illustration of The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture « User Genera... - 7 views

    I created a two-minute introduction to The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture using the new animation tool, Powtoon.  It's a bit gimmicky but much fun.
John Pearce

Flipped Classrooms: Improved Test Scores and Teacher Satisfaction | ClassroomWindow - W... - 2 views

    The preliminary results of our TeacherView Survey on Flipped Learning are in based on responses from close to 500 teachers nationwide.  These results should make any school or district administrator look seriously into how to begin flipping instruction broadly. Here's a quick sample of the findings. Click on the infographic to expand:
John Pearce

Humanising the classroom | Rob Sbaglia - 6 views

    I was preparing a presentation for differentiating mathematics using technology recently, and ended up editing a TED talk by Salman Khan. What struck me was Khan's idea that technology can humanise the classroom - which, as Khan acknowledges, is in some ways counterintuitive. Indeed, when I talk to teachers about technology in the classroom, they have visions of a very inhuman scenario, where students have their eyes glued to the screens, interacting with noone. I'd argue that many things that currently happen in traditional classrooms are dehumanizing; however, we don't see them this way because that's how classrooms have always been. I'd also argue that technology can humanize these experiences. Here are four things I've invested time and effort into that have humanized the classroom.
Katie Wardrobe

Flipped Classroom: Beyond the Videos | Doug Woods - 2 views

    Great article about the flipped classroom model and why it's about more than requiring students to watch videos.
Eric Marcos

The Many Faces of the Flipped Classroom - 4 views

    Listen as this panel of classroom teachers engage in a discussion of the various permutations of the flipped classroom. This session was recorded in the Cisco Connected Classroom at ISTE 2012.
Ian Guest

The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture - 2 views

    Thorough discussion of the flipped classroom together with an exploration of how to implement it.
John Pearce

The Flipped Classroom is Hot, Hot, Hot | Emerging Education Technology - 5 views

    Reverse instruction is a hot news topic these days. Here's 15 news stories from the last month about flipping the classroom.
John Pearce

Flipped Classroom Infographic #flippedclassroom #blendedlearning #edtech - 6 views

    An interesting infographic on the "history" of the Flipped Classroom and some results, (read the comment stream for further discussion especially re history).
Roland Gesthuizen

Edudemic » 43 Surprising Ways To Use Video Cameras In The Classroom - 6 views

    "From the new iPhone 4 to the Flip HD cameras, it's never been easier for teachers to have a classroom full of video cameras. In fact, your principal won't even mind since all of these high-tech video cameras won't cost the school a penny. There are likely hundreds of ways to use a video camera in the classroom. Tom Barrett has come up with dozens of creative ways to use video cameras in the classroom, and we've embedded his presentation below."
    Some great uses of an iPhone or Flipcam video.
Russell Ogden

Flipping The Classroom… A Goldmine of Research and Resources To Keep You On Y... - 7 views

    Alan November's Building Learning Communities Conference present a post rich in resources on the Flipped Classroom
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