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Is English Language So Popular because of the USA? - 0 views

Americans might tend to inflate the influence of the United States in the history of the spread of English. Before the World Wars, particularly WWII, the US was a bit player on the world stage. The...

english quiz online

started by puzznbuzzus on 17 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
John Pearce

English for the Australian Curriculum - 4 views

    "This resource is a national initiative for the improvement of English and literacy education from Foundation to Year 10, produced in partnership with Education Services Australia and the joint associations of the Australian Association for the Teaching of English, the Australian Literacy Educators' Association and the Primary English Teaching Association Australia, representing more than 10,000 teachers of English."
John Pearce

Global Words - 5 views

    The twelve units of work in Global Words have been produced by World Vision Australia and the Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) to integrate the teaching and learning of English and global citizenship education. At the centre of both global citizenship education and the study of English is the aim of supporting students to become ethical, thoughtful and informed citizens, predisposed to take action for change. These units, and the supporting resources of Global Words, aim to build the essential knowledge, skills and values young people need to participate actively, critically and creatively as global citizens.

The Tortoise and the Eagle | Panchatantra Tales in English | Moral Bedtime Stories for ... - 0 views

    Watch this incredible Panchatantra tale in English with subtitles. Learn important life lesson from the actions of the Tortoise

Panchatantra Tales - Tiger and the Golden Bangle | Moral Stories for Kids in English wi... - 0 views

    Panchatantra Tales - Tiger and the Golden Bangle | Moral Stories for Kids in English with Subtitles
Rhondda Powling

Vocabla - Vocabulary App - 1 views

    "Improve your vocabulary" This is a simple tool that will assist with learning English (to Advanced English), Spanish, and Polish vocabulary. More languages may follow. It can be used online or with a free Android app. It is similar to a lot of other language learning applications. You can create lists of words and phrases that you want to learn or you can select a list that was made by someone else and shared to the Vocabla library. You can study each list as a type of flashcard and when you are ready you can take a practice quiz. Teachers might like using Vocabla to create a list of words and share with their class. All the students could use the list to study on their own
Russell Ogden

24% of Web Content is Now in Chinese, Will Soon Surpass English [Infographic] | Tech in... - 1 views

    Infographic on web content langauges. In the past decade, English has shrunk from being 39 percent of all internet content down to just 27 percent at the end of 2011. It leads over Chinese by just 3 percent
John Pearce

QR Code Quest: a Library Scavenger Hunt | The Daring Librarian - 0 views

    "I remixed this awesome scavenger hunt originally created by Joyce Valenza and added a QR Code Twist! I re-worked some of the questions for a lesson with my adorable ESOL kids (we have 35 right now in our ESOL program & one cute be-freckled girl just came yesterday & speaks no English at all but she LOVED scanning the codes when I handed her my Droid Fascinate!) The rest of the kids have varying degrees of English proficiency but still will benefit from a few visual clues. So the scavenger hunt questions are intentionally simply & clearly worded combined with pics I created as QR Code Hints. You can also use this lesson for special needs classes, Library Media orientation, or even re-mix the questions, QR Codes, & hints for just about ANY subject area! To create the hints I used a combination of Photoshop, Flickr, and my favourite QR Code generator, Kaywa."
John Pearce

Assessment for Learning: Home | Assessment for Learning - 10 views

    "Welcome to the Assessment for Learning website. This site has been developed by Curriculum Corporation on behalf of the education departments of the States, Territories and Commonwealth of Australia." "There are 32 assessment tasks, covering the learning areas of English, Science, Studies of Society and Environment and Health and Physical Education, Languages Other Than English, Technology, The Arts and Mathematics - or their State and Territory equivalents.
Darrel Branson

Spell Up, A Chrome Experiment, Uses Voice Recognition, Gaming To Improve Your English |... - 4 views

    "Users can start at any level they want and the point is to build "towers" of words (hence the "Up" of "Spell Up"). The browser speaks words to the user, and he or she must spell it back to the voice. There are variations around this, such as word guessing games, unscrambling words, filling in missing letter blanks and pronouncing things correctly (and from where I played the game, "correctly" seemed to be the Queen's English)."
John Pearce

Stalking in English Class | Remote Access - 0 views

    "We've been stalking people in english class. Wanting to teach the kids in my class about concepts of digital footprint and online safety, I used three people well known from the edusphere as examples: Will Richardson, Jabiz Raisdana and Jeff Utecht. I introduced these three friends to the students in my class by giving them only a photo and a name. I simply told the kids in my class: find out all you can about these three guys." Clarence Fisher's great project on looking at digital footprints.
Ian Guest

The Evolutionary Stages of Schooling and Stage Indicators - 0 views

    "...we have identified six stages in the <digital> evolution of schooling thus far, and within each of the stages a set of indicators; benchmarks that provide schools - at least within the English-speaking world - an international measure that allows them to readily position themselves on the school evolutionary continuum"
    "...we have identified six stages in the <digital> evolution of schooling thus far, and within each of the stages a set of indicators; benchmarks that provide schools - at least within the English-speaking world - an international measure that allows them to readily position themselves on the school evolutionary continuum"


John Pearce

Do you know your CBL from your PBLs?!? - 3 views

    "At my school it has become time to formally institute a new curriculum structure that best suits the needs of our 21st century students. But which pedagogical approach do we go with? Or rather, should the question be, which acronym do we go with? There's IBL or EBL (Inquiry Based Learning or Enquiry Based Learning, depending on which brand of English you prefer), CBL (Challenge Based Learning), and an awful lot of PBLs (including Project Based, Product Based, Problem Based, Play Based, Passion Based and Process Based Learning!)."
Rhondda Powling

Report: Who's Using Social Networks | Inc. 5000 - 2 views

    "A recent report by Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project analyzes social media audience demographics for top social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr. This study was conducted through a national survey via landlines and mobile phones in English and Spanish in the fourth quarter of 2012."
Ian Guest

School Evolutionary Stages - 1 views

    "...we have identified six stages in the evolution of schooling thus far, and within each of the stages a set of indicators; benchmarks that provide schools - at least within the English - speaking world - an international measure that allows them to readily position themselves on the school evolutionary continuum"
    Some interesting points to discuss here.
John Pearce

A Collaborative Guide to Best Digital Learning Practices for K-12 | DMLcentral - 5 views

    Below you will find a collaboratively written document produced in Bangkok, Thailand, at the March 28-31 teacher's meeting of EARCOS, the East Asia Regional Council of Schools.  EARCOS is an organization of 130 primary and secondary schools that primarily use English as the language of instruction.  These include AP and IB schools and a number of other private schools.  We produced the document below on a public Google doc at a workshop, which I structured on the model of an "innovation challenge" of the kind that web developers use to bring together communities to complete a project.  We hope this guide will be useful to any teacher confronting the challenges of introducing new technologies into the K-12 classroom in meaningful, inventive, productive, creative, and connected ways.
John Pearce

Text speak does not affect children's use of grammar: study - Education, Lifestyle - In... - 0 views

    "CHILDREN who use 'text speak' when sending messages on their mobile phones do not have a poor grasp of grammar, a study has shown. Researcher assessed the spelling, grammar, understanding of English and IQ of primary and secondary schoolchildren and compared those skills with a sample of their text messages."
John Pearce

NSW Draft Syllabus :: NSW Draft Syllabuses - 2 views

    Welcome to the NSW Draft Syllabuses Version 2 presented in interactive online format. Consultation on the content of English K-10, Mathematics K-10, History K-10 and Science K-10 (incorporating Science and Technology K-6) Draft Syllabuses Version 2 is to be conducted from 13 February to 31 March 2012. Consultation includes meetings and online surveys. The online presentation of the syllabuses is new and additional features and functionality will be made available throughout 2012. Please tell us what you think and let us know how we can make it more useful.
John Pearce

60second Recap® Video Notes. Everything you need to wow your English teacher! - 5 views

    60second Recap® wants to make the great works of literature accessible, relevant, and, frankly, irresistible to today's teens. Through 60second Recap® video albums, we seek to help teens engage with the best books out there ... not just to help them get better grades, but to help them build better lives.
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