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Home/ Economics HL - Jacob Solomon's group - Year 1/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sebastian van Winkel

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sebastian van Winkel

Sebastian van Winkel

Government to speed up sale of stakes in state firms: Manmohan Singh - 0 views

    Slowing exports and foreign investment have widened the current account deficit. Global ratings agencies have repeatedly warned India that it faces a credit downgrade if it does not tackle a high debt burden and the fiscal deficit, which is the largest among major emerging economies.
Sebastian van Winkel

For the first time since 1998 more money leaves China than enters it - 0 views

    The balance of payments records two different kinds of transactions: cross-border payments for goods and services (ie, exports and imports), which are recorded in the "current account", and cross-border payments for assets. China's current account is still in surplus, largely because its exports exceed its imports. China is also attracting plenty of direct investment from foreigners eager to buy or build companies on the mainland. But both these inflows of foreign exchange were outdone by a record outflow of other kinds of capital, amounting to a net $110 billion. This left China's overall balance of payments in deficit, diminishing China's international reserves by $11.8 billion (or just under 0.4%).
Sebastian van Winkel

They're buying what? U.S. investors latch onto Iraqi dinar - 1 views

    "It's not a question of if, but when Iraq revalues its currency," said the Las Vegas-based Scarpa, who keeps dinars in his retirement account. "The dinar will eventually have substantial value, possibly the highest in the world." He's not alone in risking his money on an investment that can charitably be described as a long-term turnaround project that will pay off only for the extremely patient. Thousands like Scarpa in America are buying the dinar, hoping someday the war-torn nation can revalue a currency worth just a fraction of a penny.
Sebastian van Winkel

Switzerland abandons floating exchange rate in dramatic 'currency war' twist - 0 views

    The Swiss national bank (SNB) said it would "no longer tolerate" a euro rate below 1.20 francs. "The SNB will enforce this minimum rate with the utmost determination and is prepared to buy foreign currency in unlimited quantities. The massive overvaluation of the franc poses an acute threat to the Swiss economy and carries the risk of a deflationary development," it said.
Sebastian van Winkel

U.S. sets new tariffs on Chinese solar imports - 1 views

    The United States hit Chinese solar companies with punitive import tariffs of 30 percent or more, ruling they had dumped cut-price solar panels into the U.S. market. Several of the Chinese companies and a solar trade group opposed to the tariffs denounced the duties, and said they would drive up costs for the clean energy source, stunting its fast growth.
Sebastian van Winkel

Factbox: Obama, Romney spar on China, other trade issues - 2 views

    The article addresses the trade between the United States and China. The trade between these two countries has swollen to a record $295 billion in 2011. Though, the trade doesn't seem as nice as it actually is, and Obama has filed 8 cases against China at the WTO since 2009. On the other hand there is Romney, who says that Obama hasn't been aggressive enough, so if he gets elected it seems that a lot is going to change.
Sebastian van Winkel - 1 views

inequality distribution of income
started by Sebastian van Winkel on 03 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
  • Sebastian van Winkel
    As income inequality increased in the past quarter century in most parts of the world, it was strangely absent from mainstream economic discussions and publications. One would be hard-pressed, for example, to find many macroeconomic models that incorporated income or wealth inequality.
Sebastian van Winkel

Higher Production Costs Shift Chinese Manufacturing - 2 views

    For decades, China's factories have supplied the world with cheap goods - from denim jeans to desktop computers. But export prices are expected to go up as Chinese manufacturers are battered by higher wages, more expensive raw materials and an appreciating currency.
Sebastian van Winkel

Public good, public cuts... - 1 views

    This article is about cuts for schools. There will be less money for public schools. Since schooling is a public good, this article applies to this weeks work.
Sebastian van Winkel

Alcohol price controls suggested by World Health Organisation - 0 views

    Minimum price controls should be imposed on alcohol and tougher drink-driving laws introduced, policy options circulated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) suggest. Details in the global consultation process have emerged as the government is resisting demands from health professionals for alcohol to become more expensive.
Sebastian van Winkel

Subsidy for going to university - 1 views

    In this article, the fact that the Welsh government wants to put a subsidy on going to university, is being discussed. The problem is with this subsidy, it will cost the government £3.6 billion.
Sebastian van Winkel

That's oil she wrote - 1 views

    This is 'bout the elasticity of oil. The price of oil is increasing. Will people now start to use trains/etc. more?
Sebastian van Winkel

Multiple equilibria - 3 views

    This article is about Italian Bonds. For the demand curve (and also the supply curve), there are multiple equilibria. This can be dangerous, because when the yields rise, de Italian debt may be unsustainable.
Sebastian van Winkel

xbox live price hike a higher cost for microsoft - 3 views

    This article is about the fact that microsoft increased the price of their xbox live. This is a "subscription" so that you can play online, with friends and people all around the world, and the price has increased. I don't think that less people will buy it though. It was $50, now it's $60. People who really want to play online were willing to pay $50 so i don't think these $10 will make a change.
Sebastian van Winkel

Water scarcity 'now bigger threat than financial crisis' - 0 views

    By 2030, more than half the world's population will live in high-risk areas By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor Humanity is facing "water bankruptcy" as a result of a crisis even greater than the financial meltdown now destabilising the global economy, two authoritative new reports show.
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