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Théo Bondolfi

▶ The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version) - YouTube - 3 views

    "This is a slightly revised and cleaned up version of the video that was featured on YouTube in February 2007. I considered releasing it as an "eternal beta" in true Web 2.0 style, but decided to let it stand as is and start working on future projects. Many of my future videos will address the last 30 seconds of this video (the "rethink ..." part)"
Théo Bondolfi

How to Crowdfund Your Permaculture Project | Permaculture Magazine - 0 views

    "Top Tips for a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign Plan Ahead Crowdfunding is in no way the quick or 'easy option' and requires months of strategic planning before you launch. Talk to people about your idea, run focus groups (or set up a Facebook group online), and build an engaged and excited community in advance, so you can hit the ground running when your campaign launches. Getting your video pitch right is crucial, so make it professional, with good visuals and audio."
Thanasis Priftis

Refugees Welcome | This is the international website of the berlin-based proj... - 2 views

    "Why shouldn't refugees in Germany be able to live in shared flats (or other normal housing situations) instead of mass accommodation? We thought the same & found a way to make it possible."
Thanasis Priftis

Hundreds of "black hat" English Wikipedia accounts blocked following investig... - 0 views

    "After weeks of investigation, volunteer editors on English Wikipedia announced today that they blocked 381 user accounts for "black hat" editing.[1] The accounts were engaged in undisclosed paid advocacy-the practice of accepting or charging money to promote external interests on Wikipedia without revealing their affiliation, in violation of Wikimedia's Terms of Use. The editors issued these blocks as part of their commitment to ensuring Wikipedia is an accurate, reliable, and neutral knowledge resource for everyone."
Thanasis Priftis

A Cowaboo story for"STEM" - 0 views

    Related bookmarks: - Awesome TED-Ed interactive periodic table with vid - Mystemkits, 3D PRINTING FOR STEM EDUCATION - Pixar In A Box Teaches Math Through Real Animation Challenges | MindShift | KQED News - Making Matters! How the Maker Movement Is Transforming Education - WeAreTeachers Related groups: - womenInStem - Startup Ecosystem Related articles: - STEM fields
Thanasis Priftis

Half an Hour: Beyond Free ‑ Open Learning in a Networked World - 0 views

    "We need to be open not in the big things, but also the little thing , like embargos.  (Confederation of Open Access Repositories, 2014) The little things like this talk. The little things like this slide. The little things like this picture of boats shooting at each other. Open content, open access, open learning. These are not only a part of democracy, a part of the free exchange of ideas, a part of the culture of learning, but they define all of these, and they define our system of free and open government.  (Jarche, 2014) These things depend on them. When I say the institution has different values from us, it's important to understand exactly what it is that the institution has different values from."
Thanasis Priftis

Mapping Digital Media: Global Findings | Open Society Foundations (OSF) - 3 views

    "Is a world where there are almost as many mobile phones as people, more than half the globe can access digital TV signals, and almost 3 billion people are online a better place for journalism? The Global Findings of the Mapping Digital Media project assess these and other forces affecting digital media and independent journalism worldwide. Researched and written by a team of local experts, the 56 country reports, from which these Global Findings are drawn, examine the communication and media environments in 15 of the world's 20 most populous countries, covering more than 4.5 billion of the world's population, and in 16 of the world's 20 largest economies."
Thanasis Priftis

Europortfolio First Open Seminar- Videos and Slides | Europortfolio - 1 views

    "Europortfolio First Open Seminar- Videos and Slides With almost 40 colleagues participating face-to-face, and a further 50 colleagues joining remotely, including from the US and Australia, the first Open Seminar of the Europortfolio network held in Barcelona on 30th April demonstrated a strong level of interest from near and far.  In addition to introducing the work of the Consortium to colleagues, including a shared statement of aims agreed by participants the previous day and an insight into the five local Chapters already established, the event featured three presentations offering perspectives on e-portfolio practice. "
Thanasis Priftis

The mystery of the digital natives' existence: Questioning the validity of the Prenskia... - 0 views

    "Net Generation (Tapscott, 2009, 1998; Oblinger and Oblinger, 2005), Generation Y (Zhao and Liu, 2008; Halse and Mallinson, 2009), Millennials (Howe and Strauss, 2000), Homo Zappiens (Veen, 2003) and i-Generation (Rosen, 2010). The labels used to describe the generation of young people and their relation with technology are numerous. Over the past few years, one of the notions, which might have had more echoes among parents, teachers, and policy-makers is those of "digital natives" introduced in 2001 by Mark Prensky. The metaphor has had enduring influence on how the educational system perceives students and technology. Most scholars do not like it, for various reasons. Among other problems, the term implies that technological abilities are innate rather than taught and learned. The aim of this contribution is not to join the existing debate about the existence of digital native but to examine if there is any empirical evidence to support the use of that metaphor in the first place, questioning its usefulness to depict particular generations of young people"
Thanasis Priftis - #WeAreNotWaiting to reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes - 0 views

    "The Open Artificial Pancreas System project (#OpenAPS) is an open and transparent effort to make safe and effective basic Artificial Pancreas System (APS) technology widely available to more quickly improve and save as many lives as possible and reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes. OpenAPS means basic overnight closed loop APS technology is more widely available to anyone with compatible medical devices who is willing to build their own system. We believe that we can make safe and effective APS technology available more quickly, to more people, rather than just waiting for current APS efforts to complete clinical trials and be FDA-approved and commercialized through traditional processes. And in the process, we believe we can engage the untapped potential of dozens or possibly hundreds of patient innovators and independent researchers and also make APS technology available to hundreds or thousands of people willing to participate as subjects in clinical trials."
Thanasis Priftis

About | FreedomBox - Personal Server at Home - 0 views

    "FreedomBox is a joined effort of people to regain control and privacy in the digital world by dragging it into the physical. Our vision is to use free software running on cheap hardware to replace services that are not under our control. Today's cost of CPU power and network bandwidth make hosting your own services affordable. We unite the efforts of countless contributors from the free software world by building on top of Debian GNU/Linux. Our biggest contribution is to be the easy to use administration tool that takes care of otherwise challenging administrative tasks to keep your FreedomBox updated and running. If you want to join the effort of our volunteers or support the non-profit Foundation behind them - get in touch with us."
Thanasis Priftis

Journal de jbelien | Why use OpenStreetMap instead of Google Maps ? | OpenStreetMap - 0 views

    "OpenStreetMap use is free as in free beer but also as in free speech ! Everyone can contribute and everyone can use it ! OpenStreetMap is open data ! Whether you're a developer, a scientist, an activist, a cartographer, …, you can use OpenStreetMap database to fulfil your need."
Thanasis Priftis

​Cybersecurity quick check for SME | ICTswitzerland - 0 views

    "This questionnaire enables your company to determine the current situation and shows you whether you are implementing the most important technical, organisational and employee-related measures for a minimum level of cybersecurity protection. Rather than focusing on a comprehensive and complete analysis, this is a way for SMEs - especially those with little in-depth understanding of computing and IT security - to quickly and easily find out whether their technical, organisational and staff-related measures provide sufficient protection against cyber-risks. Learn in the Cybersecurity guide how you can better protect your business against threats from cyberspace and use the free tools of the GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit to make your business more secure today."
Thanasis Priftis - 0 views

    "We are a five-person team concerned about the ways our communities' digital information is collected, stored, and shared by government and corporations. Based in marginalized neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina, Detroit, Michigan, and Los Angeles, California, we look at digital data collection and our human rights, work with local communities, community orginizations, and social support networks, and show how different data systems impact re-entry, fair housing, public assistance, and community development."

Theatre of the Oppressed - 1 views

    The Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) describes theatrical forms that the Brazilian theatre practitioner Augusto Boal first elaborated in the 1960s, initially in Brazil and later in Europe. Boal was influenced by the work of the educator and theorist Paulo Freire. Boal's techniques use theatre as means of promoting social and political change.

Torri Superiore - 0 views

    The village of Torri is mentioned for the first time in a document dated in 1073 with the sentence: "Actum in castro ubi Ture dicitur" (Cais, "Contea di Ventimiglia"). The origin of the settlement of Torri Superiore is uncertain, and may date back to the late 13th century, a time of great social and religious unrest.

The Long Tail - 1 views

    Chris is expanding this article into a book, due out in May 2006. Follow his continuing coverage of the subject on The Long Tail blog. In 1988, a British mountain climber named Joe Simpson wrote a book called Touching the Void, a harrowing account of near death in the Peruvian Andes.
Théo Bondolfi

Le Théâtre Am Stram Gram - 0 views

  • 985 in progress, ça parle d’avant Internet De comment le monde était plus lent Et aussi de comment aujourd’hui on est capables de faire plein de choses à la fois, comme si on était des pieuvres à plusieurs tentacules Ça parle de dictionnaires et d’encyclopédies Et de la disparition d’objets au nom étrange : VHS, CD, K7, diapos, Polaroïds, 33 tours, 2CV, walkman, lettres
    "1985 in progress, ça parle d'avant Internet De comment le monde était plus lent Et aussi de comment aujourd'hui on est capables de faire plein de choses à la fois, comme si on était des pieuvres à plusieurs tentacules Ça parle de dictionnaires et d'encyclopédies Et de la disparition d'objets au nom étrange : VHS, CD, K7, diapos, Polaroïds, 33 tours, 2CV, walkman, lettres"
Samuel Dixneuf

British Museum Collaborates With Wikipedia - - 0 views

    The BM has begun an unusual collaboration with Wikipedia to help ensure that the museum's expertise and notable artifacts are reflected in that digital reference's pages. "(...) five times as many people go to the Wikipedia article as to ours." In other words, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...
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