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Live Search Webmaster Center Blog : SMX East 2008: Webmaster Guidelines - 0 views

  • The bottom line is there are no scenarios in which we would ever recommend cloaking as a good solution, although we do understand that there are some technical reasons people cloak pages that are not directly related to spam. The problem is that cloaking can set off some automatic spam detection algorithms that may result in parts of your site being penalized. As a search engine optimization practice, cloaking can actually be counter-productive.
  • Q: What can you do if your website does get penalized? The first thing you should do is verify that your site has in fact been penalized. To do this, log into our Webmaster Tools and go to the Site Summary page. From here, looked for the Blocked: field in the right-hand column. If your site is blocked, this will show as Yes, otherwise it will show as No. If your site is blocked, then it is time to go review our Webmaster Guidelines and check your site to see which one(s) you may have violated. If you have any questions about this step, please consult our online forums, or contact our technical support staff. Once you've identified and resolved the issue(s), it is time to request that Live Search re-include your pages back into its index. To do that, you'll need to log back into the Webmaster Tools and click on the hyperlinked Blocked: Yes in your Site Summary page. This will take you to a form whereby you can request reevaluation from our support team. Thanks for all of your questions today! If you have any more, please leave them in the comments section and we'll try and answer them as soon as possible.
    The bottom line is there are no scenarios in which we would ever recommend cloaking as a good solution, although we do understand that there are some technical reasons people cloak pages that are not directly related to spam. The problem is that cloaking can set off some automatic spam detection algorithms that may result in parts of your site being penalized. As a search engine optimization practice, cloaking can actually be counter-productive.

Live Search Webmaster Center Blog : SMX East 2008: Unraveling URLs and Demystifying Dom... - 0 views

  • Another interesting statistic from this session is something that Sean Suchter from Yahoo! provided — all other things being equal, a searcher is twice as likely to click a short URL than they are to click a long URL.

Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank Or Rankings On Google - 0 views

  • Oct 7, 2007 at 5:38pm Eastern by Danny Sullivan    Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank Or Rankings On Google More and more, I’ve been seeing people wondering if they’ve lost traffic on Google because they were detected to be selling paid links. However, Google’s generally never penalized sites for link selling. If spotted, in most cases all Google would do is prevent links from a site or pages in a site from passing PageRank. Now that’s changing. If you sell links, Google might indeed penalize your site plus drop the PageRank score that shows for it.

Google Analytics Upgrade: AdSense Reporting, Visualization Tools, & More - 0 views

  • Online publishers may be most interested in the AdSense integration tools coming to Google Analytics. After linking an AdSense and Analytics account, you’ll be able to see AdSense data including: total revenue, impressions, clicks, and click-through ratio revenue per day, per hour, etc. revenue per page (what pages are most profitable) revenue per referral (what other sites bring you profitable traffic) Here are a couple screenshots from Google’s videos on the new features (see below for link): During our call this morning, we asked why AdSense itself doesn’t also offer this data without requiring the need for also using Google Analytics to get it. We’re waiting for a reply from Google’s AdSense team and will let you know what we learn. Update: A Google spokesperson says, “We can’t comment on any future AdSense developments or features.” Motion Charts is a visualization tool lets you see and interact with analytics data in five dimensions, a capability made possible by Google’s purchase of Gapminder’s Trendalyzer software in March, 2007. The Google Analytics API, which is currently in private beta, will open up analytics data for developers to export and use however they want. Advanced segmentation allows users to dig deeper into subsets of traffic, such as “visits with conversions,” or create their own segment types. Custom reporting lets users create their own comparisons of metrics. Google has created a series of videos showing how some of these new tools work. Crosby says the new features will be rolled out in coming weeks to Google Analytics users, who may see some new features earlier than others. The AdSense integration, he warns, may take longer to roll out than the other new tools. More discussion at Techmeme.

Google AdWords: Now With Images - 0 views

  • Oct 23, 2008 at 1:42pm Eastern by Barry Schwartz    Google AdWords: Now With Images Some AdWords ads on Google are now showing associated images — and getting much larger in the space they take up — through a “Show products from” Plus Box implementation that some are seeing now when searching at Google. For example, try search for bluenile, which brings up a Blue Nile ad. Under the usual ad title and description is a plus symbol (called a Plus Box), followed by the words, “Show products from Blue Nile for bluenile.” If you click on the box, it opens up three product listings from Blue Nile, each listing with an associated image. The most shocking part of this ad is that how much room it takes up. Here is the ad when it is closed: When you click to open up the product results, the whole visible part of the page is consumed with this one ad. Here is an image of just the ad, that measures about 370 pixels tall for me: The ad also shows on the right hand side, as Steve Rubel shows. I was able to replicate Steve’s findings, by searching for diamonds. This implementation is better, in my opinion, because it does not change how the natural/free results are shown but rather only pushes down other ads on the right hand side. Images associated with search ads are not too surprising. We have seen implementations of video ads in AdWords several times. It just seems to me that Google is willing to try anything now when it comes to ads, from video to images to multimedia and who knows what. Do note that back in November of last year January, I reported that Google was testing product results within AdWords. But those product results seemed to have been powered by Google Base and did not contain product images. Google has also been testing showing banner ads in image search.

SEO Tools Come To iPhone - 0 views

  • Oct 28, 2008 at 9:17am Eastern by Barry Schwartz    SEO Tools Come To iPhone I was waiting for the day someone would bring an SEO tool to the iPhone. Today is that day, Infindigm released a tool named proSEO - iPhone SEO Content Analyzer. You can download the tool on iTunes or on your iPhone. To see the tool on iTunes, use this link. It does cost $14.99 but it seems to have a nice feature set, including: Complete source code listing Listing of META keywords Listing of META description Listing of all META tags in the document Tag counts - this feature counts all the tags in a document to give clues about composition. Contents of the <title> tag. The body of text with tags removed Percentage of body words that are stop words (See Supported Languages Below). Stopwords are not counted by the search engines, so you can determine how effective your marketing copy is by knowing how much of what you’ve written will be ignored. The total word count of the document for words that are not determined to be numbers Phrase counting for phrases of length 1 to 5 words — this helps you determine repetitive phrases in the document The anchor tags in the document — and, specifically if there is an image in the link text. The inner HTML of of the tag. This is the same as the link text. All the image tags in the document The the text of the image “alt” attribute I wonder how popular this app will be. Even for SEOs, do they find themselves needing to analyze sites on the go? If so, would this tool be it?

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: More on 404 - 0 views

  • Have you guys seen any good 404s?Yes, we have! (Confession: no one asked us this question, but few things are as fun to discuss as response codes. :) We've put together a list of some of our favorite 404 pages. If you have more 404-related questions, let us know, and thanks for joining us for 404 week!"If you're looking for an item that's no longer stocked (as I was), this makes it really easy to find an alternative."-Riona, domestigeek"Blame the robot monkeys"-Reid, tells really bad jokes"Boost your 'Time on site' metrics with a 404 page like this."-Susan, dabbler in music and Analytics"It's not reassuring, but it's definitive."-Jonathan, has trained actual spiders to build websites, ants handle the 404s"Good with respect to usability.""At least there's a mailbox."-JohnMu, adventurous"It's pretty cute. :)"-Jessica, likes cute things"Flow charts rule."-Sahala, internet traveller"I can has useful links and even e-mail address for questions! But they could have added 'OH NOES! IZ MISSING PAGE! MAYBE TIPO OR BROKN LINKZ?' so folks'd know what's up."-Adam, lindy hop geek

Google Rolling Out "SearchWiki"? Move Results Up, Hide Them Or Suggest Your Own - 0 views


Microsoft adCenter Fall Upgrade - 0 views

  • Oct 28, 2008 at 9:11am Eastern by Barry Schwartz    Microsoft adCenter Fall Upgrade The Microsoft adCenter blog has an army of posts containing details of their large fall upgrade. The main features most advertisers may notice are: Campaign Management: ability to pause and resume ads and keywords, geo-targeting enhancements, and improved performance reporting on the Ads page Editorial Improvements: faster reviews, dynamic feedback about why ads and keywords were disapproved, and inline notification when dynamic text causes your ads to exceed character limits User Management: if previously you were only able to have one user, now you can create multiple account users Content Ads (U.S. only): get keyword bid suggestions and performance estimates for your content ads Here is a breakdown of all the blog posts I found pertaining to this fall upgrade: adCenter Fall Upgrade: New Features, adCenter Blog for Advertisers Blog adCenter API Production Fall Upgrade Now Live, adCenter API Blog for Developers adCenter Fall Upgrade: Campaign Management Updates, adCenter Blog for Advertisers adCenter Fall Upgrade: Content Ads Updates (U.S. only), adCenter Blog for Advertisers adCenter Fall Upgrade: Editorial Updates, adCenter Blog for Advertisers adCenter Fall Upgrade: User Management Updates, adCenter Blog for Advertisers adCenter Analytics Beta Refresh - Check Out The New Features, adCenter Analytics Blog adCenter API Production Upgrade Now Live, adCenter API Blog for Developers

Search Stats You Need to Know (Sept 08) & Build A Banner In Minutes - 0 views

  • Google AdWords: Separate metrics for Google and search partners are now available As reported on the Inside AdWords blog, and in the spirit of transparency, Google is finally breaking out stats between Google Search and the Google Search Network. I’ve actually run mirrored campaigns with each option just to be able to see the difference between the two search vehicles. I’m glad Google has now opened this up to us. According to the Google blog: We’re happy to let you know that we’ve changed the way your Campaign Summary and Ad Group Summary pages present statistics in order to give you additional level of detail into your campaign performance. Previously, these pages divided statistics into two categories: search, which included Google and search partners, and the content network. Now, we show one set of statistics for Google and another set aggregating search partner performance. Search partners include AOL,, and many other search sites around the web. You can view ad group or campaign performance at a summary level, or broken down by different combination of Google, our search partners, and our content network. Additionally, separate Google and aggregate search partner statistics will soon be available in the Report Center. Click image above for full screen version
  • Average Search CPC Data by Category for September 2008 Reported by ClickZ based on an Efficient Frontier study A look at the average CPC (define) in search by vertical in the U.S. for September 2008, compared to the prior month. Data and research are provided by Efficient Frontier. “Total finance” includes auto finance, banking, credit, financial information, insurance, lending, and mortgage. Each vertical contains data from multiple advertisers. The percentage of change from the previous month is indicated in parenthesis. Total Finance - $2.06 (-22.6%) Mortgage - $2.89 (7.8%) Insurance - $12.65 (4.3%) Travel - $0.69 (-4.2%) Automotive - $0.54 (-5.3%) Retail - $0.50 (13.6%) Dating - $0.44 (2.3%) The biggest change came in the Finance category which dropped from $2.66 in August to $2.06 in September.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Paid Search Spending Pops: Very few cuts planned, most plan to splurge From eMarketer The near future of online ad spending in the US—or at least the largest portion of it—continues to look good despite turmoil in some other ad media and the economy at large. More than eight out of 10 marketers who spent at least $50,000 per month on paid search said they planned to maintain or increase their spending during the next 12 months, according to a Marin Software-sponsored study conducted by JupiterResearch. More than 90% of the big spenders also said they would spend as much as 22% more if they had better campaign management tools. Change in Paid Search Spending in next 12 Months according to US Search Marketers, 2008. 55% Plan to Increase spending 28% Plan to Maintain spending 17% Plan to decrease spending
  • Free tool of the week: Build banner ads in minutes in AdWords Called the Display Ad Builder, AdWords now offers a wizard type interface which walks you through the process of building a banner ad. As reported on their blog last week: Today we released the AdWords display ad builder, which lets you create professional-looking display ads in AdWords without needing to hire a designer or start from scratch. If you’ve wanted to expand beyond your text ad campaigns, or if you’ve been looking for an easier way to build display ads, this tool can help. This new tool lets you create customized display ads with your own text, images, and logo. You can also change colors and backgrounds. The tool can create ads to fit all possible placements across the Google content network, including video and game placements. The display ad builder is available now to all advertisers in the U.S. and Canada. The interface is very easy to use. Check out the sample ad I designed for this column: Okay, so I’m not going to win a Cleo award for this, but it is a good way to make a quick ad and I’m sure Google will expand the features in the near future. For more info on this tool, check out the YouTube video tutorial and the Display Ads 101 Tutorial.
    Top 10 Industry Search Terms - September, 2008 By Hitwise US The terms listed below are ranked by volume of searches that successfully drove traffic to websites in the Hitwise All Categories category for the 4 weeks ending September 27, 2008, based on US Internet usage. 1. myspace - .78% 2. craigslist - .47% 3. ebay - .34% 4. youtube - .26% 5. - .26% 6. facebook - .20% 7. yahoo - .19% 8. mapquest - .16% 9. - .10% 10. craigs list - .09% Top 10 Fast Moving Search Terms - September, 2008 by Hitwise This list features the search terms for the industry All Categories, ranked by largest relative increase for the week ending September 27, 2008, compared with the week ending September 20, 2008. 1. dancing with the stars 2. paul newman 3. david blaine 4. clay aiken 5. britney spears 6. 2009 ford mustang concept car 7. hooters 8. criss angel 9. heroes 10. presidential debate Some of the terms that are off the top ten list from August: sarah palin, hurricane gustav, how to get a tax refund, palin, democratic convention Average Search CPC Data by Category for September 2008 Reported by ClickZ based on an Efficient Frontier study A look at the average CPC (define) in search by vertical in the U.S. for September 2008, compared to the prior month. Data and research are provided by Efficient Frontier. "Total finance" includes auto finance, banking, credit, financial information, insurance, lending, and mortgage. Each vertical contains data from multiple advertisers. The percentage of change from the previous month is indicated in parenthesis. Total Finance - $2.06 (-22.6%) Mortgage - $2.89 (7.8%) Insurance - $12.65 (4.3%) Travel - $0.69 (-4.2%) Automotive - $0.54 (-5.3%) Retail - $0.50 (13.6%) Dating - $0.44 (2.3%) The biggest change came in the Finance category which dropped from $2.66 in August to $2.06 in September. Paid Search Spending Pops: Very few cuts planned, most plan to splurge From eMarketer

Estimated Click Fraud Rate Remains At 16%, Says Click Forensics - 0 views

  • Oct 23, 2008 at 11:14am Eastern by Barry Schwartz    Estimated Click Fraud Rate Remains At 16%, Says Click Forensics Click Forensics has released their estimated 3rd quarter click fraud numbers that they track. The numbers remain pretty much the same, at least as it pertains to the overall estimated industry average click fraud rate. The rate is now 16.0%, down from last quarter’s 16.2%. The main change was that botnets were said to be responsible for 27.6 percent of the click fraud, up 10% from last quarter. The average estimated click fraud rate of on the content networks, including Google AdSense and the Yahoo Publisher Network, was 27.1 percent, which is down from the 27.6 percent rate of the previous quarter. Click fraud was said to originate mostly from Russia (4.9 percent), France (4.8 percent) and the U.K. (3.5 percent) according to Click Forensics. Like always, keep in mind Chris Sherman’s advice when looking at these figures: At first glance, these numbers may seem alarming, but they may not take into account the discounting of questionable clicks done by most search engines. In fact, Google has stated that click fraud amounts to just .02% of all clicks after it allows for other non-converting clicks. See Danny’s Google: Click Fraud Is 0.02% Of Clicks for a detailed look at how Google analyzes clicks and why its number of fraudulent clicks is so much lower than that reported by Click Forensics.

IM Broadcast: "YouTube For Internet Marketers" - 0 views

  • Oct 23, 2008 at 8:41am Eastern by Barry Schwartz    IM Broadcast: “YouTube For Internet Marketers” Our friends, Loren Baker, David Snyder & Jordan Kasteler have launched a new video site named IM Broadcast. IM Broadcast, as Loren describes it, is “YouTube for Internet Marketers.” In short, it is a video sharing site focused around the Internet Marketing industry. The focus is not just to upload videos on Internet marketing topics, but to also create a social networking site around those videos. Why not for our industry? We already have dozens and dozens of discussion forums, we have our own Sphinn site and we have WebmasterRadio.FM as our radio site. IM Broadcast will be live streaming portions of the first Scary SEO conference, as a way to kick things off for the site.

Google Webmaster Tools is Incorrectly Displaying Keyword Positions - 0 views

  • October 20, 2008 Google Webmaster Tools is Incorrectly Displaying Keyword Positions A WebmasterWorld member reports that he was dependent on the Top Search Queries report in Google Webmaster Tools and has found it to be providing incorrect data. After all, using another rank checker proved to see no results and there were no visitors to that page. This is likely to be a bug, according to Tedster: Webmaster Tools reports of all kinds are known to contain wrong information at times. This kind of wrong information would be particularly distrubing, but in any big system errors do creep in. The evidence of your own server logs is more dependable. He adds that it's possible that the ranking is achievable: [M]aybe the WMT report is pulling the position information before some filter is applied to come up with the final rankings. Even though that would certainly be buggy behavior, it might accidentally be showing you that your url COULD rank that well, if only you weren't tripping some kind of filter. Still, though, the tool in Google's backend is misleading. Would you consider this a bug? On a related note, The Official Google Webmaster Central Blog says that this could be an issue with the kind of data that WMT sees. They suggest that you add the www and non-www versions of the same site to Webmaster Central, do a site: search to look for any anomalies, set your preferred domain, and set a site-wide 301 redirect to www or the non-www. Of course, this is probably not applicable to the reporting issue in WebmasterWorld, though it may be related to other issues within Google Webmaster Tools. Forum discussion continues at WebmasterWorld.

Tips On Getting a Perfect 10 on Google Quality Score - 0 views

  • October 20, 2008 Tips On Getting a Perfect 10 on Google Quality Score Ever since Google launched the real time quality score metric, where Google rated keywords between 0 and 10, 10 being the highest, I have rarely seen threads on documenting how to receive a 10 out of 10. Tamar blogged about How To Ensure That Your Google Quality Score is 10/10 based on an experiment by abbotsys. Back then, it was simply about matching the domain name to the keyword phrase, but can it be achieved with out that? A DigitalPoint Forums thread reports another advertiser receiving the 10/10 score. He documented what he did to obtain the score: Eliminated all the keywords that google had suggested and only used a maximum of three keywords per ad campaign.Used only 1 ad campaign per landing page and made each landing page specific for that keyword.Put the cost per click up high enough to give me around third spot.Geo targeted the campaigns only in the areas he can sell to.Limited the time his ads were on only to the times where there is really interest.Used three version of each keyword "keyword", [keyword], and keyword and then eliminated which every wasn't working well. If you want to reach that perfect 10, maybe try these tips and see what works for you. There is no guaranteed checklist of items, so keep experimenting. And when you get your perfect 10, do share!

Myths and Truths About Google GrayBar PR - 0 views

  • 2 opposing opinions on Graybar PR expressed: TBPR (and consequently Graybar PR) is just broken (as well as Google back link operator). OR: Both Toolbar PR and Back link operator are not broken but “de-SEO-usefulised“. Google uses them for disinformation. Graybar PR plays the role of a warning: the message might be that the page has been algorithmically flagged as looking like the kind of page that might be selling links. If this is the message, it would be directed both to the potential link buyer (to fuzz up what the TBPR of the page is) and to the potential link seller (as a note that Google is watching this page). Graybar PR might also mean the page was dropped out of index (or just not indexed yet) or penalized for infringing the guidelines. Graybar PR facts: FACT: gray PR is not the same as PR 0 (zero); FACT: graybar PR can mean the site is new and has not yet been into PR update; FACT: gray PR doesn’t directly mean the site is penalized or is deindexed; FACT: gray PR can be a signal of improper behavior (more checks are needed to make sure your OK / not OK); FACT: Toolbar PR can change and even become gray with no impact on performance; FACT: if gray PR did not effect other aspects of your site web life (rankings, number of indexed pages, etc), that might be a glitch inherent in the bar (wait a bit and see; or try to open the page in other browsers). Another possible signal of a glitch is that TBPR goes gray without waiting for the next PR update.

NoFollow | Big Oak SEO Blog - 0 views

  • And while the business networking aspect is great, I’m writing to tell you it can be useful for your SEO efforts too, specifically link building. You may not know this, but LinkedIn does not employ the nofollow attribute on its links, like most other social networking sites. So that means we can use LinkedIn responsibly to build some nice one-way links to our sites and blogs. Even better your employees can use this to build some SEO-friendly links to your company site.
  • So the days of parsing links onto high PageRank Flickr pages are over. Or are they? No. Let’s examine why in list form. Let’s examine how you can use the remaining scraps of link juice from Flickr in your SEO campaigns. 1.) Flickr has not added nofollow to discussion boards. For those of you who liked to scout out high PageRank pages and just drop your link as a comment to the photo, which could be accomplished easily if you owned a link-laundering website, you can still do this in the Flickr group discussion boards. Flickr has not yet added nofollow tags to those, and given the preponderance of discussions that revolve around people sharing photos, you can just as easily drop relevant external links in the discussion and reap link juice benefits. 2.) Flickr has not added nofollow to personal profile pages. If you have a personal profile page, you can place targeted anchor text on it, point links at it, and receive full SEO benefit as it gains PageRank. 3.) Flickr has not added nofollow to group pages. If you own a Flickr group, you can still put as many links as you wish on the main group page without fear of them being turned into nofollow. Many Flickr personal profile and group pages gain toolbar PR just by having the link spread around in-house, so it’s not that hard to make those pages accumulate PR. Google seems to be very generous in that regard. There’s a lot of PR to be passed around through Flickr apparently. So, the glory days of Flickr SEO may be over (unless Yahoo does the improbable and flips the switch back), but Rome didn’t burn to rubble in a day, so we might as well make the most of Flickr before it completely collapses.

SEO 2.0 | The 7 Simplest Ways To Lower Your Bounce Rate and Get More Conversions - 0 views

  • How do you measure the bounce rate? Using an analytics tool like Google Analytics or Woopra allows you to check the bounce rate. Any bounce rate below 50% is OK but most bounce rates are far higher. 80% is really bad but very common. Social media like Digg and Reddit even have 90 - 95% bounce rates. In case you have 80% of visitors bouncing you lose 80 users of of 100! Imagine a shop where 80 out of 100 people just open the door and leave instantly.

NoFollow and PageRank Sculpting is it Worth the Effort - 0 views

  • For some websites using nofollow and pagerank sculpting is a complete waste of time, energy and resources. For other websites there may be some moderate level of benefit, and for some websites ignoring pagerank sculpting may be costing you traffic and sales.

Should you sculpt PageRank using nofollow? | MickMel SEO - 0 views

  • Home About Contact RSS Feed   « Google releases Ad Manager A little more about Placement Targeting in AdSense » Should you sculpt PageRank using nofollow? I’ve seen a few posts (Dave Naylor, Joost de Valk) discussing this over the last few days and thought I’d share my view of it. Both posts bring up the same analogy, attributed to Matt Cutts: Nofollowing your internals can affect your ranking in Google, but it’s a 2nd order effect. My analogy is: suppose you’ve got $100. Would you rather work on getting $300, or would you spend your time planning how to spend your $100 more wisely. Spending the $100 more wisely is a matter of good site architecture (and nofollowing/sculpting PageRank if you want). But most people would benefit more from looking at how to get to the $300 level. While I agree in theory, I think that’s a bit oversimplified.  What if you could re-allocate your $100 more effectively in just a few minutes, then go try to raise it to $300? Sculpting PageRank is one of those things that can earn a nice benefit in a short period of time, but you can keep tweaking forever for progressively lesser and lesser gains.  See the chart on the left. For example, you probably have links on your site for “log-in”, “privacy policy” and other such pages.  Go in and nofollow those.  How long did that take?  Two minutes?  That alone probably brought as much benefit as it will to go through every page and carefully sculpt things out. Knock out a few of those links, then spend your time trying to work on getting $300.

WebMama's Look at the Web: Help Me Create a Top 10 SEM List for - 0 views

  • My morning coffee is enjoyed over-- that helps!   At 22/10/08 17:07 ,  Barry Schwartz said... Heh... I'd also vote for   At 23/10/08 12:22 ,  Claudia Bruemmer said...
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