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Hiring an SEO Firm: According to Google - 0 views

    This could be useful for proposals, or to use quotes for our website, considering the resources Google likely employed just to write this page. Plus, citing Google backing up our claims makes us look good.

Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank Or Rankings On Google - 0 views

  • Oct 7, 2007 at 5:38pm Eastern by Danny Sullivan    Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank Or Rankings On Google More and more, I’ve been seeing people wondering if they’ve lost traffic on Google because they were detected to be selling paid links. However, Google’s generally never penalized sites for link selling. If spotted, in most cases all Google would do is prevent links from a site or pages in a site from passing PageRank. Now that’s changing. If you sell links, Google might indeed penalize your site plus drop the PageRank score that shows for it.

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Using site speed in web search ranking - 0 views

  • If you are a site owner, webmaster or a web author, here are some free tools that you can use to evaluate the speed of your site:Page Speed, an open source Firefox/Firebug add-on that evaluates the performance of web pages and gives suggestions for improvement.YSlow, a free tool from Yahoo! that suggests ways to improve website speed.WebPagetest shows a waterfall view of your pages' load performance plus an optimization checklist.In Webmaster Tools, Labs > Site Performance shows the speed of your website as experienced by users around the world as in the chart below. We've also blogged about site performance.Many other tools on site speed is a new signal, it doesn't carry as much weight as the relevance of a page. Currently, fewer than 1% of search queries are affected by the site speed signal in our implementation and the signal for site speed only applies for visitors searching in English on at this point. We launched this change a few weeks back after rigorous testing. If you haven't seen much change to your site rankings, then this site speed change possibly did not impact your site.

Article Pagination: Actions that Improved Google Search Traffic Google SEO News and Dis... - 0 views

    The value of "long-form journalism" has been tested on websites such as Salon and shown to be quite viable. It also attracts a better caliber of writer. With this in mind, over a year ago I was working with an online magazine that was already publishing longer, in-depth articles, in the area of many thousands of words. The SEO challenge we had was that page 2 and beyond for most articles were not getting any search traffic - even though there was plenty of awesome content there. The approach we decided on is labor intensive for the content creators. But after some education, the writers were all interested in trying to increase the audience size. Here are the steps we took: Page 1 naturally enough uses the overall title of the article for both its title tag and header, and has a unique meta-description. Every internal page then has its own unique title and header tag . These are based on the first SUB-head for that section of the article. This means more keyword research and writing of subheads than would normally be the case. If the article is considered as a whole, then an tag would seem more accurate semantically. But Google looks at the semantic structure one URL at a time, not for the overall multi-URL article. Most pages also include internal subheads, and these are style as On each internal page, there is also a "pre-head" that does use the article title from page 1 in a small font. This pre-head does not use a header tag of any kind, just a CSS style. This pre-head article title is at the top as a navigation cue for the user. An additional navigation cue is that the unique page titles each begin with the numeral "2." or "3." Each internal page also has a unique meta description, one that summarizes that page specifically, rather than summarizing the overall article. Every page of the article links to every other page at the top and the bottom. None of this anemic "Back | Next" junk. There's a complete page choice shown on everywhe

What You Can Learn From Google's "Site" Operator - 0 views

  • Though the “site:” operator can teach you a lot about how Google indexes your website, there are some things that it doesn’t show you. For example, the “site:” operator doesn’t show you: What your SERP description will look like Which pages of your website are most important Often people see their search results from a “site:” operator and panic because the snippet or description that shows up underneath their URL is part of their navigation or something else that looks icky and not click-worthy. Don’t despair! The snippet that shows up when you use a “site:” operator query is rarely the same as the description that shows up for an actual keyword query. Perform some keyword searches yourself and you’ll see the difference. The other mistake people make is thinking that the order of the pages listed when you use the “site:” operator in the SERP shows the order of importance of those pages. While Google does tend to show the home page of a site before the other pages, the rest of the list isn’t sorted in any particular order of importance. So be careful about drawing any conclusions based on that.
    Though the "site:" operator can teach you a lot about how Google indexes your website, there are some things that it doesn't show you. For example, the "site:" operator doesn't show you: What your SERP description will look like Which pages of your website are most important Often people see their search results from a "site:" operator and panic because the snippet or description that shows up underneath their URL is part of their navigation or something else that looks icky and not click-worthy. Don't despair! The snippet that shows up when you use a "site:" operator query is rarely the same as the description that shows up for an actual keyword query. Perform some keyword searches yourself and you'll see the difference. The other mistake people make is thinking that the order of the pages listed when you use the "site:" operator in the SERP shows the order of importance of those pages. While Google does tend to show the home page of a site before the other pages, the rest of the list isn't sorted in any particular order of importance. So be careful about drawing any conclusions based on that.

AdWords Brings Business Addresses to Ads - MarketingVOX - 0 views

  • AdWords Brings Business Addresses to Ads Google has launched "location extensions," an AdWords feature that lets clients "extend" campaigns by dynamically incorporating their business addresses. Users can create local ads with extensions from scratch, or add them to existing text ads, observes Search Engine Land. This makes it unnecessary to build separate ad units for local business ads. Learn more about location extensions at Google's dedicated overview section; a portion of its help center also covers setting up specific location extensions for individual ads. "Your ads can show with their relevant extensions on Google and Google Maps and as regular text ads without the extensions on partner sites in the Search and Content Networks," explained Google's AdWords blog. The feature will be unrolled across the AdWords user base over the next handful of weeks. To access it, click on "Settings" within a given AdWords campaign and select "Show relevant addresses with your ads" under Audience > Locations.

28 Google rich snippets you should know in 2019 [guide + infographic] - Mangools Blog - 0 views

  • unless you are an authoritative website such as Wikipedia, your information probably won’t appear in the answer box.
  • having an image from your website in an image pack is not very beneficial.
  • Besides the common video thumbnail and video knowledge panel, videos may also appear in a carousel, both on the mobile and the desktop devices.
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  • It is always a good idea to have a video on your website. It increases the user engagement and grabs the attention. If you appear in a SERP with your own video thumbnail, it increases the CTRs, and the user will likely stay longer on your site.
  • If you decide to host (or embed) a video on your own website, you have to include proper structured data markup.
  • In general, it’s easier to appear as a video thumbnail in SERP with youtube video.
  • From the technical point of view, it is important to have a structured data markup for your article and it is recommended by Google to have an AMP version of the website.
  • It is based on internal Google algorithm. Your website has to be authoritative and contain high quality content. It doesn’t matter if you are a big news portal or you have a personal blog. If there is a long, high quality content, Google may include your website.
  • If you want to appear as an in-depth article, you should write long, high quality and unique content marked up with a structured data markup for article (don’t forget to include your company logo within the schema markup).
  • Higher CTRs. It’s kinda catchy as numbers will always attract people attention. An image can make the feature even more prominent.
  • Implementation: Good old friend: structured data
  • In the SERP, they replace the classic URL of a result. It’s a simplified and a common version of URL of the result. Categories and leaf pages are separated with chevrons. On the desktop you can achieve it with the right structured data, in mobile SERP it is automatic for all results.
  • Breadcrumbs (as opposed to a common URL) are easier to read for people, so it leads to a better UX right from the very first interaction with your website in the SERP, which can also lead to a higher CTR.
  • It’s really easy to implement it on every blog or ecommerce site – just another structured data to your website. If you have a WordPress site, you can do that with SEO plugins like Yoast SEO.
  • It mainly appears for the root domain, but it can be shown for a leaf page too (e.g. if you have the blog as a leaf page, blog categories (leaf pages) may appear as sitelinks).
  • Sitelinks contain links to leaf pages of a current website with title and description. It may contain 2 – 10 sitelinks. Appearance on a mobile is a bit different from a desktop. You may also spot small sitelinks as a vertical enhancement of an organic result.
  • High CTRs.
  • You can’t directly control the occurrence of sitelinks. Only Google decides whether to display them or not. However, the best practise is to have a clear website hierarchy in a top menu website with descriptive anchor text. The sitelinks are links from the menu.

How Often Does Google Change URLs Inside Featured Snippets? [Study] - 0 views

  • so Google tends to move back and forth between two URLs within any given Featured Snippet, so what? Well, for starters it means that getting your URL into a preexisting Featured Snippet is perhaps a bit harder than we may have thought. If you're not one of the two sites that Google is toggling between, you may want to place your Featured Snippet hopes into other keywords. 
  • if your URL exists within a query that is purely informational, i.e., does not relate to product or service procurement (we'll get to those in a moment), Google is less apt to remove your URL from showing. Conversely, getting Google to pick up your URL for such Featured Snippets is a bit more difficult for these types of keywords. 
  • URLs within Featured Snippets produced by product-oriented best keywords are far more volatile than the dataset overall, across the board.
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  • Overall, moving into a preexisting Featured Snippet is harder than we may have thought. Google, on average, oscillates between just two URL options. 
  • Featured Snippets are made for informational queries. When information meets product/service, URL behavior within the Featured Snippet appears to change. Google moves URLs in and out of the Featured Snippet significantly more often than for the informational queries I looked at. E-commerce sites looking to score Featured Snippets may want to consider the value of a "snippet win," factor that into their overall strategy, and track such URLs very carefully. 

Disavowing in 2019 and Beyond - Should you be auditing your links? - 1 views

  • We decided at MHC to stop offering link audits as we did not feel that it was right to offer a service that could be completely unnecessary. However, we found that a few clients were quite insistent and wanted to give disavowing a try. We filed a few disavows and were incredibly pleased to see that some of these sites saw nice gains a few weeks to months later.
  • Google’s guide on linking.
  • We’ll hopefully soon be putting out a thorough guide to disavowing. For now though, we would recommend that you only file a disavow if you are confident in understanding what Google considers a natural link to be. Also, if you are having an SEO company audit your links, we would recommend that you only use companies that manually review your links and have good knowledge of Google’s guidelines on linking. If your SEO company is filing disavows based mostly on recommendations from tools, we feel that this work is unlikely to result in improvements in ranking.
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  • Where we really would be worried is if a competitor took the time to get articles published on authoritative sites by paying for links from journalists, exchanging links with prominent bloggers, or doing other things that go against Google’s guidelines. The problem though, is that initially, this type of link has the potential to actually INCREASE your rankings if not detected as unnatural by Google. Also, this type of link is hard to get! A negative SEO campaign of this nature would take an incredible amount of effort.
  • We also have a theory that would negate a lot of negative SEO attempts. (So sorry for the bad pun.). We think that it is possible that Google is only passing PageRank through sites with good E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trust). If this is true, then most links on the web, including the vast majority of negative SEO links are simply being ignored. Also, the only links that a competitor could place that would cause Google to distrust the site, would be ones that conversely could end up being fantastic links that have the potential to improve your rankings.We still think that this type of sneakiness is possible in some highly competitive, big money verticals. If you are noticing a large influx of links like this that really do look like sophisticated attempts to manipulate Google rankings, then, in some cases it may be a good idea to pre-emptively disavow those links. But be careful. You could do more harm than good!

How to Completely Optimize Your Google My Business Listing - 1 views

  • Businesses with photos on their listings receive 42 percent more requests for driving directions on Google Maps and 35 percent more click-throughs to their websites than businesses that without photos, according to Google
  • The photo should be in focus and well-lit, and have no alterations or excessive use of filters. The image should represent reality.
  • First step to getting your Google My Business listing up and running is to actually conduct a Google search to ensure your business doesn’t already have a GMB listing.
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  • Logo image: Google recommends businesses use their logo to help customers identify your business with a square-sized image

What do the symbols mean in Google's Map Pack and Local Finder? - Search Engine Land - 0 views

  • Four symbols regularly appear as snippets within the map pack and local finder. These include Review Mentions, Website Mentions, “Sold Here” Icons, and also more recently Google Post Mentions.
  • Review Mentions appear in the map pack and local finder when a query matches up with a component of a GMB review published by a customer
  • it is useful to encourage your customers to mention the service or product they experienced when publishing a review
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  • Website Mentions appear in the map pack and local finder when a query matches up with indexable content on any page that Google associates with that entity (doesn’t necessarily need to be hyperlinked through GMB)
  • ‘Sold Here’ Labels appear in the map pack and local finder when contributions from Google Maps users are added when prompted to answer questions
  • Google Post Mentions can be seen in the map packs and local finder when there is a matchup between a search query with the content within a Google Post
  • The content from a Google Post can be extracted even after seven days has passed and the Post is no longer appearing as active on a listingWhen clicking on the feature from the map pack or local finder, it forces the Post that the content has been extracted from to appear at the top of the listing, in a section title: “Related to your search”

Welcome BERT: Google's latest search algorithm to better understand natural language - ... - 0 views

  • Welcome BERT: Google’s latest search algorithm to better understand natural languageBERT will impact 1 in 10 of all search queries. This is the biggest change in search since Google released RankBrain.
  • What is BERT? It is Google’s neural network-based technique for natural language processing (NLP) pre-training. BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers.
  • When is BERT used? Google said BERT helps better understand the nuances and context of words in searches and better match those queries with more relevant results. It is also used for featured snippets, as described above.
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  • RankBrain is not dead. RankBrain was Google’s first artificial intelligence method for understanding queries in 2015. It looks at both queries and the content of web pages in Google’s index to better understand what the meanings of the words are. BERT does not replace RankBrain, it is an additional method for understanding content and queries. It’s additive to Google’s ranking system. RankBrain can and will still be used for some queries. But when Google thinks a query can be better understood with the help of BERT, Google will use that. In fact, a single query can use multiple methods, including BERT, for understanding query.
  • Why we care. We care, not only because Google said this change is “representing the biggest leap forward in the past five years, and one of the biggest leaps forward in the history of Search.”

Google My Business discontinues toll free phone support - Search Engine Land - 0 views

  • You can no longer dial into a phone number and immediately get someone from Google to listen to your problem.
  • Instead, you can fill out a form and ask someone at Google to call you back from this form. “You’ll still be able to request a toll free call from a support specialist under the ‘Contact Us’ options in the Google My Business Help Center,” Google said.

Google Says Noindex & Rel=Canonical Should Not Be Mixed - 0 views

  • Google wants clear signals that are consistent and straightforward. When you start to confuse Google by communicating that one URL is more important than the other, but another signal says the opposite or you use the noindex to hide pages that you think are less important but want to pass that weight to other pages - it can ultimately confuse Google and come back to bite you
  • We'll generally pick the rel=canonical and use that over the noindex
    • jack_fox
      The THS blog is proof of this.

Google Unpaid Shopping Listings: Where Are They Now? - 0 views

  • Now that free listings have been live for 7+ months and were expanded out to the main SERP, we pulled some data to check in on what Merkle clients are seeing
  • The overwhelming majority of this traffic likely comes through the Shopping tab, with some traffic coming from the product knowledge panel on the main SERP. While there’s really no limit to the inventory that Google can show on the Shopping tab, consumer interest in that page likely hasn’t changed much over the course of the year. Since the Google Shopping redesign in 2019, there haven’t been any recent efforts to pull customers away from the main SERP onto the Shopping property.
  • Include your entire product catalog
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  • Keep an eye on SKU-specific searches

P2 - The Google Page Experience Update: User experience to become a Google ranking factor - 0 views

  • What it all looks like. When you group these all together, you get this page experience name for all these elements. Google said page experience specifically is not a ranking score, but rather, each element within has its own weights and rankings in the overall Google ranking algorithm.
  • This will go live sometime in 2021, Google promised to give six-months notice

Google My Business Listing Suspended? Here's How to Recover - 0 views

  • Google My Business suspension is when your GMB listing is no longer visible on Google and Google Maps or you have lost control of your listing (your business listing is essentially “unverified” and you can’t manage it.)You will know that your listing has been suspended when you see this notification in your GMB dashboard:
  • If that person is “trusted” enough by Google, it is possible that their suggestion to remove the business listing or make negative edits could take effect almost immediately.
  • A hard suspension is when you do a search for your company’s name and city and your Knowledge Panel doesn’t show up online
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  • A soft suspension is when your business’ Knowledge Panel still shows up online and you can access it in your GMB dashboard, but it looks as if it hasn’t been verified and you can’t manage or update your listing.
  • It typically takes about two weeks for Google to review your reinstatement request.
  • GMB suspensions can sometimes happen for random reasons – like if you make too many changes at one time, if a competitor suggests an edit, or even if there’s a glitch on Google’s end.

How You Can See Google Search Results for Different Locations - 0 views

  • That’s until Google started serving search results based on the searcher’s location, regardless of the domain’s TLD extension at the end of 2017.
  • 1. Add a ‘&near=cityname’ Parameter to Your Google URL
  • 2. Use the Google Ads Preview Tool
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  • Among the tools that do city-specific checking are AccuRanker and Ahrefs.SEMrush and Whitespark include only a limited set of cities/countries. So they will only work for you if your target location is on the list.
  • My personal favorite in this category is BrightLocal – for their nicely formatted reports and easy-to-use interface.
  • How to Check the SERPs for a Specific Street Address
  • Set up Custom Latitude & Longitude in Chrome
  • Use the Valentin App
  • There are only two tools I know of that let you automate street address rank checking. However, they do the job in quite a different manner.
  • 2. Use Local FalconLocal Falcon is my absolute favorite among all the new SEO tools to emerge in 2018. The app has a brilliant idea behind it – to visualize how your business ranks on Google Maps in the area surrounding it.

Google adds more example categories of sites that may be impacted by the product review... - 0 views

  • As Alan Kent of Google recently said on Twitter “a merchant’s product page with user reviews is not considered a “product review page” in this context.”
  • Identify product reviews. Google also recently clarified that structured data may help Google identify product review-type content, but it is one of many ways Google identifies such content. Danny Sullivan wrote, “as for structured data, it might help us better identify if something is a product review, but we do not solely depend on it.”

Natural language processing to build a semantic database - 0 views

  • Google obtains information about entities and their relationships to each other from the following sources: CIA World Factbook, Wikipedia / Wikidata (formerly Freebase) Google+ and Google My Business, respectively Structured data ( Web crawling Licensed data
  • Named Entity Analysis and Extraction: This aspect should be familiar to us from the previous papers. It attempts to identify words with a “known” meaning and assign them to classes of entity types. In general, named entities are people, places, and things (nouns). Entities may also contain product names. These are generally the words that trigger a Knowledge Panel. However, words that do not trigger their own Knowledge Panel can also be entities.
    "For this, Google can use the already verified data from (semi-)structured databases like the Knowledge Graph, Wikipedia … as training data to learn to assign unstructured information to existing models or classes and to recognize new patterns. This is where Natural Language Processing in the form of BERT and MUM plays the crucial role. Using Natural Language Processing, Google is able to access a huge range of unstructured information from the entire crawlable world wide web. The final major challenge is validating the accuracy of the information. The solution could be a further development of the Knowledge Vault."
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