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Home/ Diigo In Education/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jenna Ervin

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jenna Ervin

Paul Beaufait

The purpose of aggregating bookmarks for the Diigo in Education group - 144 views

aggregations Diigo education groups purposes moderation noise-to-signal signal-to-noise tools
started by Paul Beaufait on 23 Mar 15 no follow-up yet
  • Jenna Ervin
    I agree with Rafael. The purpose of this group (at least since I have been a member) has been as an invaluable tool to share articles, research, and good reads regarding all aspects of education. It simply happens to be hosted in Diigo, hence the name. If this was not the intended purpose, might I suggest starting a different group for the Diigo-only bookmarks, as this group has morphed into a daily PD tool for many. Please do not remove any of the existing bookmarks! :)
Jenna Ervin

The Tick-Tock Effect of Educational Technology's 'Pendulum 2.0' | EdTech Magazine - 28 views

    • Jenna Ervin
      Interesting article discussing the presence of the Educational Pendulum 2.0, the shift from finding "cool tools" and realizing their failure without proper pedagogical instructional design.  "In effective technology integration, pedagogy is the driver and technology the accelerator-- or else it will simply end up being the brake."
Jenna Ervin

Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding | Edutopia - 89 views

    53 ways to check for understanding, alternative assessment
Jenna Ervin

QR Codes in the Classroom - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 154 views

    Links and ideas on how to utilize QR codes in the classroom
Jenna Ervin

Summer Reading Flowchart: What Should You Read On Your Break? | - 98 views

    A fun flowchart, for teachers and students, to keep up the reading during the summer and even the school year. Targeted to high school students, but advanced middle school readers could use it as well.
Jenna Ervin

RubiStar Home - 34 views

    RubiStar is a free online tool to help teachers create quality rubrics. Users may create original rubrics, save and edit custom rubrics, or search the site for content specific rubrics submitted by other users. Site includes rubric templates for: Oral presentations, Multimedia, Math, Writing, Products, Reading, Art, Work Skills, Science, and Music.
Jenna Ervin

A Curious Child - 1 views

    A great perspective on vocabulary from a child's viewpoint. Something fun to keep in mind
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