Contents contributed and discussions participated by drmaddin
Welcome // | DiRT Directory - 15 views
audioBoom / Mrs. Filyukova (Filyukova) - 6 views
Week 9: Technology, Assessment, and Learning - Applying... - 17 views
Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts. This quote is often attributed to Albert Einstein, but evidence suggests that the credit really belongs to sociologist William Bruce Cameron. Reg
Ten Engaging Digital Education Sites For Any Social Studies Classroom | 21 st Century E... - 34 views
Kentucky Department of Education : Attributes of a Standards Based Unit of Study - 0 views
Proposes essential questions that address selected content strands, promote students' thinking, result in active application of learning, and draw attention to the relevance of learning in students' lives
Contains authentic assessments that include appropriate writing tasks (i.e., open response, on-demand, and portfolio-appropriate writing tasks) that reflect the identified content and performance standards and essential questions
eal-world understanding and lifelong application of learning incl
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