Lots of historical maps available for use under a CC-Attribution license (attribute Catography Associates). Images can be linked to, embedded, or downloaded.
Use the Slavery Footprint survey to see how many slaves "work for you". Results are broken down by location of foced servitude, and the things that had the most effect on your score.
Proficiency in literacy and the humanities helps form the foundation for lifelong learning. That's why McGraw-Hill established this Learning Solutions Center where we create solutions to drive student achievement in these subjects.
NCSS is accepting application for 2012 award and grants, including Outstanding Teacher of the Year; Grant for Enhancing Geographic LIteracy, the Christa McAuliffe Reach for the Stars Award; and the Award for Global Understanding.
The Census Bureau is excited to announce the launch of our Statistics in Schools program! Building on the success of the 2010 Census in Schools program, Statistics in Schools will educate students about the value and everyday use of statistics in a contemporary and dynamic manner.
PBS LearningMedia™ is your destination for easy, instant access to tens of thousands of classroom-ready, digital resources including videos and interactives perfect for the Interactive Whiteboard, plus audio and photos, and even in-depth lesson plans.
C-SPAN's StudentCam is an annual national video documentary competition that encourages students to think seriously about issues that affect our communities and our nation. This year students were asked to create a short (5-8 minute) video documentary on a topic related to the competition theme listed below.
Your students have entered the world of business and finance by participating in The Stock Market Game program. The perfect companion, our teacher-designed writing component and competition, reinforces their newfound knowledge and hones critical thinking skills.
From the comfort of your keyboard, browse the wonders of the underground! As a caver and photographer for over 35 years, I've shot photos in caves all over the world.
The basic principle of The Flat Stanley Project is to connect your child, student or classroom with other children or classrooms participating in the Project by sending out "flat" visitors, created by the children, through the mail