Grotius posited that individual human beings had natural rights; Hobbes asserted that humans consent to abdicate their rights in favor of the absolute authority of government
The idea that citizens give up some individual freedoms in order to realize greater benefits from living in society.
Social contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented, either explicitly or tacitly, to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority of the ruler or magistrate
Not the Declaration of Independence because that did not establish a social contract, but yes the Constitution and the system of law, The submission is tacit because each generation does not revise the social contract that is spelled out in the Constitution and the corpus of laws. Therefore, each generation that wants to live in the US must accept the existing social contract.
According to Hobbes, whenever we benefit from the conditions of security and the goods that are only possible through the social contract, we have consented to the social contract, which includes obedience to the sovereign, even though we did not give explicit consent.
legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual
Social identity theory is described as a theory that predicts certain intergroup behaviours on the basis of perceived group status differences, the perceived legitimacy and stability of those status differences, and the perceived ability to move from one group to another