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Martin Burrett

Doubles worksheets - 4 views

    Create a 'doubles' worksheet. The sheets can be customised by choosing the size of the numbers to double.
Dallas McPheeters

Single and double loop learning | Organizational Learning - 25 views

  • Single and double loop learning
    • Dallas McPheeters
      Clear explanation of Single, Double, and Triple loop learning. Nice.
Natalie Morris

Educational Leadership:Teaching Screenagers:Screenagers: Making the Connections - 78 views

  • February 2011 | Volume 68 | Number 5 Teaching Screenagers     Pages 7-7 Screenagers: Making the Connections Marge Scherer "Education has to change. We can't pull kids into learning in school if they are engaged in a different world outside school." "If you don't know how to use technology in class, you are in trouble. But, of course, technology is a double-edged sword. You can use it poorly, or you can use it well." The principals speaking were two of the candidates for the ASCD Outstanding Young Educator Award, which will be presented in March at ASCD's Annual Conference in San Francisco. A group of us were interviewing 13 finalists—both administrators and teachers—over the course of a few weeks, and we were talking to them about their leadership, their creativity, their whole child philosophy, their impact on student achievement, and, of course, their technology use. All the educators spoke to us via Adobe ConnectPro, a two-way technology that allowed us to see, hear, and record them in their schools—whether in New York, Oregon, the Philippines, or places in between—while they viewed us in our meeting room in Alexandria, Virginia.
  • February 2011 | Volume 68 | Number 5 Teaching Screenagers     Pages 7-7 Screenagers: Making the Connections Marge Scherer "Education has to change. We can't pull kids into learning in school if they are engaged in a different world outside school." "If you don't know how to use technology in class, you are in trouble. But, of course, technology is a double-edged sword. You can use it poorly, or you can use it well." The principals speaking were two of the candidates for the ASCD Outstanding Young Educator Award, which will be presented in March at ASCD's Annual Conference in San Francisco. A group of us were interviewing 13 finalists—both administrators and teachers—over the course of a few weeks, and we were talking to them about their leadership, their creativity, their whole child philosophy, their impact on student achievement, and, of course, their technology use. All the educators spoke to us via Adobe ConnectPro, a two-way technology that allowed us to see, hear, and record them in their schools—whether in New York, Oregon, the Philippines, or places in between—while they viewed us in our meeting room in Alexandria, Virginia.
  • February 2011 | Volume 68 | Number 5 Teaching Screenagers     Pages 7-7 Screenagers: Making the Connections Marge Scherer "Education has to change. We can't pull kids into learning in school if they are engaged in a different world outside school." "If you don't know how to use technology in class, you are in trouble. But, of course, technology is a double-edged sword. You can use it poorly, or you can use it well." The principals speaking were two of the candidates for the ASCD Outstanding Young Educator Award, which will be presented in March at ASCD's Annual Conference in San Francisco. A group of us were interviewing 13 finalists—both administrators and teachers—over the course of a few weeks, and we were talking to them about their leadership, their creativity, their whole child philosophy, their impact on student achievement, and, of course, their technology use. All the educators spoke to us via Adobe ConnectPro, a two-way technology that allowed us to see, hear, and record them in their schools—whether in New York, Oregon, the Philippines, or places in between—while they viewed us in our meeting room in Alexandria, Virginia.
    We'll take a look at this article tomorrow in our session.
Martin Burrett

Fact Worms Maths game - 82 views

    Practise near doubles, addition and subtraction with this good worm themed maths game.
Dallas McPheeters

Organizational learning - Wikipedia - 23 views

    Clear explanation of single, double, and triple loop learning with diagrams.

A Teacher's Lesson On Internet Safety Turns Into A Photoshop Battle | GOOD - 62 views

    Teacher wants to make an example for his student and his point gets doubled.
Kelsey Vroomunn

The Truth about Digital Porfolios & College Admissions - 60 views

    "Digital Portfolios Pull Double Duty"
Jjenna Andrews

Teaching Creativity - The Case for Mind Mapping - 83 views

    "Essentially, digital (and physical) mind mapping allows students to view the entire forest instead of a single tree. As they create a mind map, they capture the wider ecosystem of information by visually connecting short keywords and phrases rather than writing complete sentences. Upon later review-for retention, exam preparation or papers-the mind map is like a CD. You jump right to the information that interests you. In contrast, linear notes are like audio tapes-you waste time wading line by line through the content in hopes of getting to what you want. This more efficient use of space (and time) lets students see how normally unconnected ideas might fit together. Thus, the mind maps doubles as a store of information and an engine of creativity. Using it in the classroom and even giving mind mapping assignments forces students to break the linearity of their earlier education."
Glenn Hervieux

My View of the PISA Scores | Diane Ravitch's blog - 42 views

    "The news reports say that the test scores of American students on the latest PISA test are "stagnant," "lagging," "flat," etc. The U.S. Department of Education would have us believe-yet again-that we are in an unprecedented crisis and that we must double down on the test-and-punish strategies of the past dozen years. The myth persists that once our nation led the world on international tests, but we have fallen from that exalted position in recent years." what we're being told really the whole story? This blog post will help you see that our nation's creativity and innovation has NOTHING to do with our place nationally & internationally with test scores. should that influence our approach to education?
Chris Betcher

Dropbox - Students - Online backup, file sync, and sharing made easy. - 85 views

    Double your referral space on Dropbox with an .edu address.
Raymond Andrew

The Rony Tan fiasco and perceived double standards in the application of Sedition Act :... - 10 views

    Very valuable evidence on the abuse internet which has unsettled racial and religious harmony. Should be committed to memory.

Emerging Technologies Conference 2008 | Faculty of Education | University of Wollongong - 14 views

    Learning and teaching in higher education is experiencing rapid change, in part, as a result of the influences of emerging technologies. These proceedings are the refereed papers of the 2nd Annual Conference on Emerging Technologies conducted by the University of Wollongong's Centre for Educational Development and Interactive Resources (CEDIR) and the Faculty of Education's Research Centre for Interactive Learning Environments (RILE) between 18 - 20 June 2008. The conference provided a showcase for research into these technologies and an insight into the way they can be used to promote meaningful learning in the higher education sector. Papers have undergone a double blind peer refereeing process to Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) standards. The papers have been assessed as providing information that increases the stock of knowledge and the use of this knowledge to devise new applications; they are original and have the potential to produce results; they represent substantial scholarly activity; and they have validity through a peer validation process. Further details of refereeing are included in the Conference Program available below.
Martin Burrett

Dinosaur Dentist - 1 views

    A dinosaur themed adding near doubles game. Choose the correct answer to make the T-Rex dance.
Martin Burrett

DoneCal - A timesheet/timetracker calendar - 0 views

shared by Martin Burrett on 17 Jul 11 - No Cached
    Done Cal is a really simple online calendar. Just double click on the day to input an entry.
Erin DeBell

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Used Together - 0 views

    • Erin DeBell
      How to remember this???  Use the acronym RID, which stands for REFLEXIVE, INDIRECT, DIRECT.  No matter what combination of pronouns you have, this will tell you what order to put them in. When might you have a reflexive verb with a direct or indiret object? Example: I wash my hands. Me lavo las manos. I wash them. Me las lavo. Reflexive first (me) then Direct Object (las [for las manos]). There is no indirect object in this example.  How do you know you are dealing with a reflexive verb and a direct object combo??? Well, ME LAVO is a reflexive verb (from the infinitive LAVARSE). The D.O. is LAS MANOS becuase they are WHAT IS GETTING WASHED (washed being the main action of the sentence).
  • Whenever both pronouns begin with the letter "l" change the first pronoun to "se."
    • Erin DeBell
      In Spanish, we don't like the double L sound created by LE LO, LE LA, etc.   Remember, "there is no LA-LA land in Spanish."   Always change the first pronoun to SE.
    • Erin DeBell
      The best way to remember this is to learn this rhyme: In Spanish, you can SAY LOW but you can't LAY LOW." AKA: You can "se lo" but you can't "le lo"... By extention, you can "se la," "se los," and "se las" :-) But you cannot "le la," "le los" or "le las" NO LA-LA Land (double L sound) in Spanish!!!
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Because the pronoun se can have so many meanings, it is often helpful to clarify it by using a prepositional phrase.
    • Erin DeBell
      Remember we use SE with reflexive verbs... Don't let that confuse you!  Se is not an acceptable choice for an indirect object pronoun.  It is merely USED in place of the correct pronoun (le or les).
  • a Juan.
  • a María.
  • a ella.
  • In sentences with two verbs, there are two options regarding the placement of the pronouns. Place them immediately before the conjugated verb or attach them directly to the infinitive.
    • Erin DeBell
      Do you get Direct and Indirect objects?  Can you use them both together?  Prove it!!!
Jon Tanner

Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding | Edutopia - 117 views

    Formative assessment doubles student learning, according to 250 empirical studies.
Christian King

Free Mind Mapping Software, Freeware, Create mindmaps for brainstorming, problem solvin... - 137 views

    I've used many mind mapping tools and find them lacking in functionality (xmind) , expensive (inspiration) or very hard to use (Free Mind). Most of these tools will not allow you to have 2 main topics and create a double bubble map (like a venn diagram). Edraw Mind Map has a very easy to use ribbon interface similar to Word 2010 and tons of built in symbols and mind mapping templates. It is free for educational use and their site has tons of video tutorials that cover all the nifty features. It's the first mind mapping program where I felt like I wasn't fighting the interface.

Art Project, powered by Google - 123 views

  • Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces.
    Visit Art Museums virtually. Zoom in on the Art.
  • ...3 more comments...
    Take virtual tours of art museums all over the world.
    View virtual art galleries from around the world with this great Google resource.,+Craft+&+Design
    "Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces."
    Museums from around the world. Nice place to view art work from multiple locations quickly.
    The Art Project powered by Google features interior tours of seventeen world famous art museums. Select a museum from the list on the homepage & you can virtually tour it using the same interface style you experience in Google Maps Streetview. Inside the museum, just double click to zoom to a location. You can also open a floor plan overview & click on a room to navigate to that part of the museum. The best part of the Art Project powered by Google is the option to create your own artwork collection while visiting each museum. As you're touring a museum click on the "+" symbol on any work of art see it in greater detail, to add it to your collection, & to open background information about that work of art. To create a collection you must be signed into a Google account. This is a great way to start a story or writing prompt, or to explore history & cultures.
Caroline Dutton

Health - 0 views

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that exposure to smoke from the simple act of cooking is the fifth worst risk factor for disease in developing countries, and causes almost two million premature deaths per year – exceeding deaths attributable to malaria or tuberculosis.
  • Women in developing countries are also at risk of head and spinal injuries, pregnancy complications, and maternal mortality from the strenuous task of carrying heavy loads of firewood or other fuels. Frequent exposure to cookstove smoke can also cause disabling health impacts like cataracts, which affect women more than men, and is the leading cause of blindness in developing countries.
  • Rudimentary wood-fired cookstoves and open fires emit fine particles, carbon monoxide, and other pollutants at levels up to 100 times higher than the recommended limits set by WHO
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  • A randomized-control study in Guatemala led by the University of California, Berkeley, found that halving exposure to indoor air pollution with a chimney stove brought about a reduction in severe pneumonia, and that larger reductions in exposure had more pronounced effects. A systematic review of all available studies on the link between solid fuel use and child pneumonia has found an almost doubling of risk for those exposed.
  • Nearly all of the existing evidence is based on observational studies that compare groups using open fires and traditional cookstoves with those using cleaner fuels, with very little being directly obtained from studies that directly measure the effects of interventions.
  • While the link between exposure to cookstove smoke and a wide range of health problems such as pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer is well established, the current body of evidence linking cookstoves with other potentially important health effects is compelling but less documented
  • Burns from open fires and unsafe cookstoves are another insidious risk faced by poor households dependent on kerosene, open fires, and unstable metal or clay cookstoves, contributing to a substantial percentage of the estimated 300,000 burn deaths that occur annually
  • More evidence is needed to demonstrate that the levels of exposure reduction delivered by clean cookstove and fuels will result in declines in related illnesses and deaths.
    This is the Global alliance for Clean Cookstoves website. They offer much information about the issues surrounding the topic and their action plan for affecting change!
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