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Robin Holleman

Response: Ways to Cultivate 'Whole-Class Engagement' - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazz... - 106 views

  • consistently use basic motivation strategies.
  • we need to ensure that we are implementing a series of factors that elevate our students' focus and level of concern.
  • Your odds of keeping your students on task go up when you mix things up and keep the energy feeling fresh.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Work to establish a classroom culture in which it is understood that, with every task they perform, students know there is a strong possibility that they will have to share out their results in front of their peers.
  • Small changes of routine increase the motivation to attend to the task at hand.  
  • The A-Z Sentence Summary:
  • Total Participation Techniques frame the context so that all students are responding to higher-order prompts in low-risk settings.
  • The Chalkboard Splash:
  • he "Pause, Star, Rank":
  • we need to be conscious of the amount of work we give the students.
    • Robin Holleman
      Two contrasting direction sets illustrate very well the more engaging tactic.
    Have used several of these strategies at the college level and they really do work.
Julie Golden

Need your help!! - 25 views

eLearning faculty please consider taking my survey. It is anonymous, so I won't be able to send a proper thank you. Please know that I will pay your kindness forward to another doctoral student in ...

education elearning edtech faculty community collaboration online research

started by Julie Golden on 13 Sep 15 no follow-up yet
Miki Lau

EDUC1015 Evaluation Rubric for Educational Apps.pdf - 5 views

shared by Miki Lau on 09 Mar 22 - No Cached
  • Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
    • Miki Lau
      What is it?
  • 21st Century Skills: Does the app require users to engage “21st Century” skills, which includes the ability to collaborate, make data-driven decisions, and solve complex problems?
  • Connections to Future Learning: Does the app’s content build users’ literacy or numeracy skills so they are more prepared to engage future content area learning and are on track to become “college and career” ready?
Lyn Lord

Circuitboard Education - 37 views

We are excited to announce the launch of the educational consulting partnership Circuitboard Education, LLC at . Circuitboard Education, CBE, is a consulting and design te...

Games and classrooms. Authentic assessments.

started by Lyn Lord on 02 Dec 16 no follow-up yet
Katt Blackwell-Starnes

using diigo with students - 568 views

I'm interested to see where this conversation goes next. There's some great information and pointers here. Thanks for the blog link, Andy. I'll be keeping up with what you're writing. In just ove...

diigo students bookmarking

Mrs. Lail2

Transcript for Don't Lecture Me - 84 views

  • Mazur believes the purpose of education is changing. It used to be about mastering a certain amount of knowledge. But knowledge is growing and changing at such a rapid rate that it's impossible to learn it all. The key now is to find and use information, not remember and repeat it. And Mazur says the goal of educators should be to help students develop the skills to understand all the new information that will be coming at them throughout their lives. In other words, the purpose of education now should be to learn how to learn.
Jason Finley

Diigo in Education - 109 views

Marie, my primary use and focus with Diigo is the social networking aspect that you mentioned. There is definitely truth to the statement that "Chance favors the connected mind." I've created a g...


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