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Julie Lindsay

Using Diigo in the Classroom - Student Learning with Diigo - 5 views

    Great resources for getting started with Diigo in the classroom
Gil Anspacher

Installing and using the diigo toolbar tutorial (diigo) - 1 views

    A good introduction to installing and using the Diigo toolbar in a web browser.
Vicki Davis

Digiteen - Group | Diigo - 0 views

    Digiteen Diigo group that we use with our students on the digital citizenship project. The 9 aspects of digital citizenship correspond with the 9 aspects from Mike Ribble and Gerald Bailey's Digital Citizenship in schools.
Anne Baird

How to join students to this group - 27 views

Apologies if you have posted instructions somewhere but I tried to get a few of our students to join this Diigo group. We could join up with Diigo but couldn't find where we join or request to join...


started by Anne Baird on 21 Oct 08 no follow-up yet
Matt N

"Social Awareness" To Replace Social Networking | InventorSpot | Diigo - 0 views

    This article is about how social awareness is slowly can take over the social networking trend.
Steve Madsen

Technology and Education - Box of Tricks - 0 views

    An example of digital literacy (if a person learns how to use it).
    Diigo offers a fantastic way to tap into the way our students operate by allowing the annotation of web pages which can then be shared with your students and, by doing so, you facilitate the process of research for your students and you set them on the right track for further independent study.
Jenna A

My Library tagged digital_literacy - 0 views

    "Literacy and Reading News: Tackling Reading Fluency Issues "A National Reading Panel report that identified fluency as "a critical component of skilled reading," has inspired teachers across the country to make reading fluency a critical part of teaching and assessing students. Many teachers have turned to Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D., a nationally known educational consultant, researcher, and trainer, for the best advice on how to improve their students' fluency. Dr. Hasbrouck defined fluency as the ability to read with appropriate speed, accuracy, and good expression. "Fluency is now understood to be a unique and fundamental component of skilled, proficient reading because of its close link to comprehension and motivation," she said. "Elementary students who struggle with fluency will most likely have difficulty understanding what they have read. These students will also be much less likely to read for pleasure and enjoyment."""
    Fluency is a very critical component.
Taylor B

Social Media Etiquette and Awareness | Moving Today - 0 views

  • Remember that what you share about yourself becomes more-or-less public knowledge on these forums, so you’ll want to choose your words carefully.
    Remember that what you share about yourself becomes more or less public knowledge on these forums (social media sites), so you'll want to choose your words carefully.
Taylor B

Guide To Online Etiquette | - 1 views

  • Add in grammatically incorrect status updates and wildly inappropriate online photos, and Facebook represents a sort of maniac microcosm for the etiquette problems that exist in our everyday society.
    Add in grammatically incorrect status updates and wildly inappropriate online photos, and Facebook represents a sort of maniac microcosm for the etiquette problems that exist in our everyday society.
Phil Macoun

Bookmarks - 42 views

Wow. This is going to be a steep learning curve for me, I have a Diigo account but haven't used it much. Vicki I'm unclear how this will work. Are you saying that we should tag each of our bookm...


Ashley M

digiteen2008 - Digital Literacy - 0 views

  • Some teachers are trying to use digital literacy in there classrooms daily to try to help students become involved. Our teachers use overhead projectors, smartboards, and televisions.Many of us use computers in our classes. If we do not learn how to use computers we could soon be separated by the digital divide. The digital divide could end up leaving some of us jobless. We need to be able to use all of the technology we have access to so we can succeed. In a article called "Digitally addicted kids threaten to return to civilization to the dark ages" a girl named Megan Meier committed suicide due to Cyber bullying. A kid named Josh Evans did this, who later turned out to be Megan's ex boyfriends mom Lori Drew. There are so many examples of digital literacy. We use them in everyday life. We use computers all the time, don’t we? I know if you work in an office then you do. Also, Teens are in love with text messages, although text messaging can be very harmful. While texting you could be bullying someone. Like I said before about computers, not only do business people use them, but parents and teens, and maybe some younger children. Teens get in chat rooms all the time. Some probably don’t even know what they are getting into. In chat rooms people can be pushed to do something or even be bullied. Chat rooms and the use of text messaging can be harmful.
    • Ashley M
      This information is very informative.
  • The digital divide could end up leaving some of us jobless
    • Ashley M
      This sentence is very true. The information in the following paragraph explains how the digital divide could leave some of us jobless.
  • Tasks are being accomplished with the use of technology more than ever.
    • Ashley M
      I find this fact very true.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Relying too much on technology is a problem because it isn't always reliable.
    • Ashley M
      I also find this very true..The following statement explains how relying on technology too much could be a negative thing.
  • Digital literacy is trying to teach basic computer concepts and skills. Literacy isn’t being able to read and write, like used to be. It deals with being able to tell the difference between a real and fake website.
    • Ashley M
      This is a great definition of what Digital Literact is.
  • Teachers are beginning to use overhead projectors, clickers, and television more
    • Ashley M
      This statement explains how our world is relying more on technology each day.
    This page shows that things bookmarked digital_literacy through the group automatically go to the students in the project. The teachers (who all use diigo) just tag throughout the year to have things ready to go into the wiki when it is time for the project.
    This is last years information on digital literacy.
 Lisa Durff

Infographic: How Employers Use Social Media to Hire and Fire - The Atlantic - 5 views

    Why it is crucial to monitor what is put online about you! Are you behaving 24/7 like someone a company wants to hire? Did your best friend post a picture of that to FaceBook?
TommyH_mca MCA

Digital Practice of Law This is a cached version of - 0 views

shared by TommyH_mca MCA on 24 Apr 09 - Cached
    A daily digest of cases, comments and practical references for applying technology to the practice of law and litigation support.
Vicki Davis

Westwood Schools - Camilla, Georgia - 0 views

    • Vicki Davis
      Hello westwood students. We are testing Diigo. YOU ROCK!
    • October H
      you rock too!
    • Taylor B
    • Haley M
      Hey Mrs. Vicki!
    • Kellie C
      Heyooooo! It worked for me!
    • Jenna A
      Hey Mrs. Vicki!
    • Palmer C
      Hello there
    • Zachary D
      if u know what i mean
    • William C
      watermelon, fried chicken, and koolaid
    • Savana R
    • Micah K
    • Matthew T
    • Morgan G
    • Lexie D
    This is a copy of our school website, here you can see several other sources of information. We have a rotating picasa web album. A school calendar, and a news feed from our blog. I'm working on the alignment as I had an upload last week with a glitch, but it does show how you can have information from other places. We also have a youtube channel, facebook page, and Twitter account.
Scott Moss

Social Media - 7 views

I am happy you posted to Diigo, Victor. This site is for sharing links. Please use the Digiteen Wiki to work with partners and discuss work.

social media

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