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Vicki Davis

"Free Trials" Aren't Always Free - 0 views

    This would be good information to use as you talk to students about digital citizenship. From the US Federal Trade commission this vdieo and website talks about "free trial offers" and what you are giving up when you sign up for them.
    Free trial offers can give up privacy.
Vicki Davis

White House Privacy Bill of Rights Brought to You by Years of Online Debacles | Threat ... - 0 views

    There is now an Online Privacy Bill of Rights from the white house that demands that online ad networks build profiles that will respect "no not track" settings in browsers. It is sad when you have to force people to be honest. It will also mean that people will have to come to grips with the fact that NOTHING IS FREE. You're always giving up something when you use a free service. ALWAYS.
Becca B

Top 26 Most Important Rules of Email Etiquette - About Email - 0 views

    "2. Do Not Default to "Reply All" - Email Etiquette Tip "Reply" is good. "Reply to All" is better. Right? 3. Keep Emails Short - Email Etiquette Tip Do not intimidate recipients with too much text. 4. Properly Format Your Email Replies, and Be Lazy - Email Etiquette Tip Do you think quoting original text in your email replies perfectly is a lot of work? Don't let the '>' intimidate you! Here's a very comfortable, relaxed, quick and still clean and compatible way to reply properly. 5. Write Perfect Subject Lines - Email Etiquette Tip Do you make these mistakes in your email subjects? (The key to getting your messages read is not to be clever.) 6. Clean Up Emails Before Forwarding Them - Email Etiquette Tip Forwarding emails is a great way of sharing ideas, but make sure the original idea is not hidden in obfuscation. 7. When in Doubt, Send Plain Text Email, Not HTML - Email Etiquette Tip Not everybody can receive your fancily formatted emails. Some may even react furious. To be safe rather than sorry, send plain text emails only when in doubt. 8. Don't Forward Hoaxes - Email Etiquette Tip Email hoaxes often contain stories that are intriguing, and sure to irritate. Here's how to spot and stop urban legends. Sponsored Links Business EtiquetteWorkshop materials to teach proper busines Virus and Trojan RemoverDownload Free Trojan & Virus Scan Recommended and Used By The 9. Use Current Antivirus Software, Keep it Up to Date, Scan for Free Make sure you're not spreading worms and viruses via email or act as a vehicle for spreading spam. All this can be caused by malicious emails. Fortunately, there's protection. 10. Say Why You Think What You Forward Will Interest the Recipient More and better communication makes better relationships. Here's a way to spot and share relevant information and foster ties by forwarding emails and links."
Brody C

digiteen2008 - Digital Security and Safety - 0 views

  • Middle/ High School Aged Students A lot of middle and high school students are members of websites like Myspace and Facebook. To some teens, these websites become addictive and they become so obsessed with talking to people that they start talking to anybody. They need to learn to not put personal information on their page like their phone number or their address because some of the people who look at that would want to hurt them. Another problem with teens is that some of them download illegal music and videos. Two of the most common sites are Frostwire and Limewire. Another thing some teens do is download free software and then their computers run really slow. That's because spyware is usually packaged with the free software. Three ways to keep your computer safe is "only download free software from reputable sites, kids and teens should be told to ask permission before downloading anything, and you can eliminate most spyware by downloading the free Microsoft Windows Defender and scanning your PC." [2]
  • Many people don't realize how important it is to have a secure password. A password is like a key to the door of your personal space on the internet. It is extremely important to keep your password safe. Some ways to choose a secure password are to use a word(s) that is totally unrelated to you. DO NOT use your maiden name, your dogs name, your phone number, your birthday, or any other things that could be related to you. A word on its own isn't very strong, so to increase strength you can add numbers and or symbols. An example of this is if you use the word " apple ", on its own it won't be very secure. If you were to put some numbers and symbols, then it would make it " apple321 " and it would be more secure. If you were to make some of the lower case letters capitals, "aPpLe321 " then it would be even stronger. If you wanted the most secure password possible, then you could insert some symbols, making it " (aPpLe321) "After 30-60 days of using the same password, it would be wise to alter or change your password. You should also use different passwords for different applications. If you would like to test your password, click here
  • 2. How safety and security positively and negatively impacts people How safety & Security positively impacts people you can know where you can rely on some of the website or blogs you feel comfortable to talk to each other sometimes when you are in a reliable website you don't have to tell every single thing about yourself to people online How safety & Security negatively impacts people sometimes strangers can put weird/inappropriate pictures online of you in other sites without your permission you may accidentally reveal your personal information to other strangers and might get in danger people sometimes bully other people they don't know sometimes, the predators make websites to attack you. They make you think the website is reliable and forces you to tell them your personal information
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Cyber Stalking: This one of the most dangerous things on the internet; people every day are blackmailed into giving personal info like Accounts, credit card numbers, and others info. If you receive or see: · Threatening E-Mails · Post showing you differently to destroy your character · Info About your life posted on the internet
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students Teenagers everywhere use blogs such as Myspace and Facebook. They need to be safe and secure while they do these, as online predators with bad intents can find you if you give to much information. We as teens must obey online laws and common sense.When online teens usually disregard things there parents tell them. Sexual and online predators can ruin a person's childhood if they are able to find them. They can also put the wrong ideas into the minds of children, making them unwanted and bad for your health.
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students Teens use Myspace and Facebook to talk to their friends and stuff. Although, others that they don't know just might become interested in them. Online predators try their best to find out where you live. If they do, it can be bad for your health and childhood. On one website, I found a story in which a real life person fell in love with someone on the Internet. It turned out she left with him for a while and it turned out he was a sexual predator. Always be safe on the Internet.
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students One possible solution is to be safe while blogging. Also, never have a personal meeting. Never include your full name, address, or school, as they can look up your name and find you. Never put pictures online that could help online predators find you. If someone who talks to you online does not seem right or makes you nervous just stop talking to them and tell an adult. Just let them handle it because they are smarter and wiser in those kind of situations.
  • B. Middle / High School Aged Students Teens need to be safe and never give out information Be careful what they download. Be their selves because they don't need to be what they're not. Not talk to strangers.
  • Blogging Tips for Teenagers Being safe on blogs and other websites is very important. I have found some tips to help us be safer on the Internet, which is an important part of a teenager’s everyday life. The first way to be safe is to avoid posts that enable online predators to find and locate you. This means to not give information out like where you go to hang out, your name (last name especially), where your school is and its name, and especially where you live, because everybody can see what you write including the predator. Most people don't know this, but if you give out your phone number, than anybody, including a predator, can type your phone number into google and then they can see where you live. This helps a predator lead straight to you. If someone asks you for private information, DO NOT give it to them. It should be a red flag for you to ignore him or leave the chat room. Also, in chat rooms, if you feel something is going wrong and you feel uncomfortable with anything, leave the chat room immediately. Never have your screen name the same as a nick name. Online predators can sometimes track you down by screen names, which are private unless you give them out. Remember, if your going to have a blog or belong to a chat room, be safe and follow the rules. Also if you find something abnormal online, tell an adult you know and someone you can trust 100%. Always be yourself when on an online blog, which means never put fake information about yourself. In addition, always be respectful to others. If you write a bad comment, it might come back to you. Also, don’t put many pictures about yourself unless you can trust who your sending pictures to. It only helps online predators having a picture of you. Never, never have an in-person meeting. You never know if the person you are meeting has bad intentions. Be honest about your age. If there is an age limit on a chat room then there is probably a reason for one. You never know what you are getting into on the internet. The last tip is that you shouldn't meet anybody without your parent's permission. The reason is because even though you think you know very well the person by catting with them online for few years, it might be the predator that wants to harm you. The predator might told you the false information that he/she is the same age as you or live near your house. So you have to be careful if you are meeting the right person. Adults Although adults are able to have a form of independence, safety and security is very important. They have to be cautious about doing things like online banking or putting personal information online. Adults who put credit card numbers and other personal information should be aware of pharming and phishing. Many adults believe because they are experienced, they know how to be safe. They need to make sure the website they are putting personal information on is secure. You need to look for the "https" at the link of the website. When adults commonly think of online safety they think of online fraud. Identity takers feed off information given out online. If you are a victim of identity fraud it could have an effect on your future. Other than just internet fraud another thing adults have to worry about while online is cyber stalking. Cyber stalking is another way of harassment through the computer. Cyberstalking includes threatening emails, people posting private information about you for others to see, and posing as you online. Many adults seem to feel like they're older so they are less likely at risk for having predators after them. This is not the case. Websites such as and are websites that leave predators open to find people. If you do plan on meeting someone you meet at one of these sites you should make your date at a public place and make sure not to be alone.
  • Digital Security and Safety is an issue that relates to a person's well-being and safety on a computer. Safety and security are two topics that are closely related. Security is the condition of being protected against danger, loss, and criminals. Safety is the condition of being protected against non-desirable events. Some studies have shown "The odds of becoming a cyber victim have dropped to 1 in 6, from 1 in 4 last year.[1] Some examples of potentially unsafe sites online are Facebook and Myspace, which can sometimes can be dangerous because there can be bullying online. On facebook and myspace you can put your picture or pictures on and some people put inapporaite pictures on, which is not safe because thier are always predators out there on the internet and they could see your picture and ask to meet. If you agree to go and meet them then you could be injured.

Free Bieber campaign aims to stop S.978′s violent clampdown on online copyrig... - 2 views

    not a Bieber fan but this bill needs to be more well known:                         it would be illegal to put a video of yourself singing a copyright song, the same way Bieber shot to fame                                                                    "A new campaign, titled Free Bieber, has been launched to raise awareness of, and try to stop, bill S.978"
Vicki Davis

Totally Free Commercial Use Images ✔ The Ultimate Photo Resource Guide - 1 views

    As students work on projects, permissions for photos is important, this website lists 50 of the top places to get free photos.
Kellie C

Culture Clash Over Free Speech | The Diane Rehm Show from WAMU and NPR - 0 views

  • Protests against an American-made online video mocking the Prophet Muhammad have sparked discussions about free speech. Guest host Steve Roberts and his guests discuss clashing cultural norms and efforts to define and regulate hate speech across the globe.
    This is a specific clash and there is an audio clip from an interview.
Emma S

Human Rights and Free Expression Groups Demand Release of Vietnamese Bloggers | Electro... - 1 views

    This site only has a little information on the actual case, but, its does show an example of a case in Vietnam of copyright and freedom of speech, some citizen journalists were arrested for blogging, and have no access to legal council
Haley M

Famous Copyright Infringement Cases - 2 views

  • Copyright Infringement means using the original piece without the permission of the copyright holder, as such or in parts (without attributing the part to the owner). According to the US copyright laws, one can face heavy penalties in cases of copyright infringement. The infringement may also lead to a jail term or a penalty followed by a jail term.
  • Princeton University Press v. Michigan Document Services (1996) Michigan Document Services was involved in creating packages of study material for the students of the University. A professor supplied the course material and Michigan Document services, a photocopying organization, took photocopies of the material and converted it into a booklet for sale to students at the University. There was a clause of "Fair use" in this case. The photocopying company could have paid a nominal fee to the University and then used the material. This was available to anyone who wished to use the material. However, the photocopying company paid for only the original and then started making photocopies of the study material. The court considered that it was not "fair use" and penalized the photocopying company. A & M Records vs. Napster (2001) This is one of the most famous cases of copyright infringement related to the music industry. As peer to peer file sharing increased, Napster started a website. This website offered downloads of songs of all genre – new and old. You may know someone who used it. A & M Records brought in a joint copyright infringement case which accused Napster of stealing music and making it available to people worldwide. Before closing the site in 2002, Napster had to settle USD26 million to different recording companies and songwriters. It could have even more if Napster had not apologized and folded the site. Several websites still thrive on offering free music to people who can download it at no cost. As mentioned in our article on "Internet Ethics and Copyright Laws", the music industry faces most copyright infringement cases. The Napster case, though an example of the consequences, still does not act as a deterrent for other music websites that offer free music downloads. We hope these famous copyright infringement cases have clarified what is considered copyright violation to some extent. If you still have any questions, please free to contact us using the comments facility.
    On this website the author talks about what copyright infringement is and famous cases. Copyright infringement is when a person violates that intellectuals rights. Though once that copyright is sold it no longer belongs to them. This article discusses Feist Publications V. Rural Tele Services CO, Princeton University Press V. Michigan Document Services, A & M Records V. Napster.
    This article focuses on copyright infringement
JordanB_mca MCA

CAD Collaboration | StressFree - 0 views

    the stress free website has valuable information on collaboration. It shows us collaboration before and after technology. It shows us charts on how to work together
radhika chatterjee

The Internet - Your Main Entertainment Hub - 0 views

  • However, one aspect you may have over looked is that it is a central hub for entertainment.
  • Access to free entertainment could not be easier and what is better than playing in the convenience of your own home. You do not even have to leave your sofa if you do not wish to, meaning that you are able to set the scene in which you can relax, unwind and simply have fun.
  • Taking advantage of free games means you can keep all your pennies firmly in your pocket. The entertaining free games available on the net tend to be easy and come with a full set of instructions. You can enhance your game playing skill with absolutely no risk of handing over any cash.  This can boast your confidence before you decided to take part in any games that are played for real money.
James D

123digitalcitizenship - Digital Rights and Responsibilities - 0 views

  • The topic that we choose to do is rights and responsibilities in digital citizenship. Rights and responsibilities are the privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them. Digital rights and responsibilities are things like the right of copyright, and plagiarism. Also things like downloading music, movies and television shows being downloaded for free. Other issues include the use of the internet, especially at schools. Another issue is cell phones. Plagiarism means copying or using sites that are not properly cited, or giving credit to the author. This includes books, websites, magazines etc. It is a big problem in schools, and it is good to get away from it, and get used to it at younger ages. You must site the sites etc that you use to avoid plagiarism and trouble. Especially in higher grades like grade 11 and 12 and universities where it get very serious, such as getting kicked out of the school or university. Another big problem is the copyright of music, movies, and television shows. A lot of people download music for free on the internet and various programs, which is illegal and practically stealing. But some people do not understand how serious it is. What happens is that the artists that produce the song and etc do not get money for the songs that people are downloading straight off the internet for free. The issue of the use of computers in school is a problem, and people take advantage of the computers at school sometimes. For example people going on games etc, and other things that are not school related, or used for educational purposes. Even outside of school the internet is used inappropriately, and it is your responsibility to know what is appropriate and what is not. All these issues that we found affect the student in his/her everyday school life so we need to help them understand their responsibility towards these issues.
Margaret O.

Student Who Created Facebook Group Critical of Teacher Sues High School Over Suspension... - 0 views

  • Student Who Created Facebook Group Critical of Teacher Sues High School Over Suspension
  • A former Florida high school student who was disciplined for "cyberbullying" a teacher on Facebook is suing the school principal on allegations of violating her free speech rights.
  • The case highlights the legal challenges facing courts and school administrators as they grapple with campus civil order and free expression in an online world.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • "We’re in the very first generation of this and there’s nothing ripe for the U.S. Supreme Court to hear," said Frank LoMonte, executive director of the Virginia-based Student Press Law Center.
  • The lawsuit, filed Monday in a Florida federal court, concerns Katherine Evans, now 19, who was suspended as a senior last year after creating a Facebook group devoted to her English teacher. The group was called "Ms. Sarah Phelps is the worst teacher I’ve ever met!," and featured a photograph of the teacher, and an invitation for other students to "express your feelings of hatred." After people’s comments derided Evans for the online stunt, and expressed support for the teacher, she deleted the group. But Pembroke Pines Charter High School, which did not respond for comment, suspended Evans for three days for "disruptive behavior" and for "Bullying / Cyber Bullying Harassment towards a staff member," according to the lawsuit, which is backed by the American Civil Liberties Union.
  • The lawsuit (.pdf) is one of about a dozen across the United States that are part of the fallout as schools confront cyberbullying and the explosion of social networking sites. A Texas high school volleyball coach in September went so far as to declare a ban on student Facebook and MySpace profiles, a decision the Northside Independent School District reversed (.pdf). Last month, Tennessee State University blocked the online gossip site JuicyCampus at the school firewall. In June, Missouri enacted a law against "cyberbullying" in the wake of the Megan Meier suicide tragedy, which was triggered by a hoax MySpace account.
  • There’s no bright-line rule on what constitutes free, student speech in the online world. And as schools start to regulate off-campus student speech on the internet, lawsuits are following.
    The internet bullying has got to stop. It's created a dogma for our government: they haven't seen anything like this before and they don't know how to handle it.
Vicki Davis

Neustar Launches Social Media Digital Citizenship Program for  Kentucky Schoo... - 0 views

    A program from Neustar to Kentucky schools about Digital Citizenship. Lots of people are jumping on this "bandwagon." I think my biggest concern is that: #1 It needs to be "real" and not based on preachy scare-based tactics #2 Students should talk with those who share the program - if it is just videos and worksheets, that doesn't cut it.  #3 To talk about and learn social media, you should be doing it. (That is what we do on Digiteen.) a major new initiative to bring social media digital literacy education to students across the state of Kentucky through a program called "My Digital Life." Neustar will partner with EverFi, Inc., a leading education technology company, to provide this innovative, online student experience to all Kentucky schools interested in teaching and certifying their students in digital literacy skills and responsibility. Most importantly, Neustar's partnership is making the cutting-edge program available free of cost to the schools and state.
Matthew T

Popular virtual worlds for tweens and teens - 0 views

    This is some more of the virtual worlds teens are on. "Virtual worlds for teens Kids don't outgrow virtual worlds when they hit their teenage years. Many virtual worlds are geared toward the teenage set and they are gaining popularity every day. Meez - With over 80 casual games and multimedia sharing, Meez is a great site for teens. Avatars can navigate different neighborhoods, interact with friends, leave messages and watch videos. Teens can customize avatars that can be exported to other social networks and gaming sites. RuneScape - The RuneScape world is a medieval fantasy realm where players travel through different kingdoms and cities. Users create customizable avatars, fight monsters, complete quests, play games, chat and trade with others, and much more. Both free and premium memberships are available. IMVU - Intended for the teen crowd, IMVU boasts over 100 million users in 88 different countries and has a virtual goods catalog of over 10 million items. Users can search for people based on gender, location and age or join groups based on interests or personal opinions. SuperSecret - In SuperSecret, players start at age 10 and grow up to age 18 by achieving things in a variety of games. As users get older within the games, they get more privileges - at 16 they can drive a virtual car, at 18 they can vote, etc."
Kelby W

Online Privacy: Using the Internet Safely | Privacy Rights Clearinghouse - 0 views

    Knowing how to use the internet will help us be a little more private and keep our identity a little more safety.  "The Internet enables us to improve communication, erase physical barriers, and expand our education. Its absorption into our society has been extraordinary.  It touches nearly every part of our lives from how we apply for jobs and where we get our news, to how we find friends.  A few Web sites have virtually replaced some things, like the encyclopedia and the phone book.  But with acceptance comes a decrease in skepticism.  You may assume that the same laws or societal rules that protect your privacy in the physical world apply to the digital world as well.  But the Internet remains largely unregulated and the policies governing it underdeveloped.  Laws concerning online privacy are still being developed. To date, the U.S. Supreme Court largely has taken a hands-off approach to regulating the Internet and online privacy in favor of free speech.  However, the federal government is increasingly interested in regulating the Internet, for example through child pornography and gambling laws.  One important thing to keep in mind when relying on the law to protect you is that if U.S. law is broken in another country, prosecuting the criminal may prove difficult or impossible. "
Kelby W

Ethical Issues of Internet Privacy - 0 views

    Internet privacy is a major concern of today. Privacy over the internet has some issues, which need to be dealt with.  "Using the Internet often comprises the use of social networking sites, email facilities and the browse of various other websites. Internet privacy comes on the scene when it comes to website users giving out their personal details on the Internet. For certain websites, which facilitate online shopping, the users are made to input their credit card numbers. In case of emailing sites, there are issues about whether third parties should be allowed to store or read emails without informed consent. Whether or not, the third parties should be permitted to track the visitors on a website, is another major privacy concern. The other important Internet privacy issue is whether the sites that gather personally identifiable information from the users should store or share it. Internet privacy can be considered as a subset of computer privacy. Computer privacy consists of the data privacy relating to the avoidance of the improper disclosure of the personally identifiable information collected and stored by websites. The effective sharing of data while protecting the private information is the real challenge. One school of thought denies the existence of Internet privacy while the other advocates the necessity of the Internet privacy. Complete anonymity is not the intent of Internet privacy. It rather intends to achieve a controlled disclosure of one's personal information. Internet is a network of networks and when a person uses the Internet, he/she connects to it and is identified by an address. In technical terms this address is known as an IP address. For security reasons, a website may wish to track these addresses of its users. Websites may collect the non-personally identifiable information of their users. Such information is the one, which in no way can be used to uniquely identify a person. The disclosure of these forms of information is acceptable
Ashlee B Goes Creative Commons: 50 Great Images That Are Now Yours | Raw Fil... - 0 views

    The Creative Commons (CC) means that pictures are free for all to republish, but have minor restrictions to go with it.
Vicki Davis

ACLU Sues School For Punishing 12-Year-Old Over Facebook Comment - 2 views

    You'll want to read this lawsuit as it lies on the cusp of what we will experience in schools in the future. In this case, a 12 year old girl (on Facebook, despite the fact she is technically too young to be) is suing a school district (via the ACLU) for punishment because of her use of Facebook. I think the school went too far when it required her to hand over her Facebook and email login to the school, but we'll see what the courts decide. The ACLU says this is a violation of free speech. Stay tuned and realize that students have a right to hate you, say unkind things about you, etc. There is a fine line in what is allowed and what isn't. Just because we CAN deal with issues relating to bullying of other children - that doesn't mean we can wear our own chips on our shoulders and require that kids pretend to like us. It is hurtful when children say unkind things and many don't realize everyone is watching. If students are not understanding the consequences of their actions, then I partially blame any school that doesn't step up and teach digital citizenship.
Vicki Davis

Zoodles, Safely Entertain and Educate Kids Online - 0 views

    New service that parents can put on their child's computer that gives you educational games, ad blocking in a special browser and filtered web content. It looks like it is free (at least for now.) Let me know when you test it and how you like it in the comments below.
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