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digiteen2008 - Digital Law - 0 views

  • This is the electronic responsibility for actions which says if something is ethical or unethical. The responsibility of the digital law deals with the ethics of technology as a whole. Digital Law deals with four main topics: copyright, privacy, ethical issues, and piracy. Unethical use of computers can form into theft or crime like piracy. People that are ethical in the use of their computers may actually be the ones being hurt by those who are not following these protective laws. A student should not be allowed to mess with other peoples work or identity with rules being applied. We have the digital Law to basically protect us; since most people don't follow it, the internet is becoming a very dangerous place.
    • brooke s
      this paragraph explains the four main topics dealing with the "Digital Law"
  • . There are so many new illegal ways to get what you want and not get caught that it is very hard to find the causes of viruses and other crimes. Some problems with Elementary students are that they can get on sites too mature for their age. The information on these sites may be inappropriate for their age group. Another problem may be that older people may harass them. There are also some problems with Middle/High school aged students. They may get on sites such as MySpace or Facebook and lie about their age, name, or any other aspects of their lives. This is not a very smart act considering that later they may be abused. They may use bad language on the internet or chat rooms. Predators can trick some teens that are unaware of such dangers into meeting up with them. Parents/guardians are unaware of what teens are looking at and/or doing and therefore cannot stop them from seeing and/or doing inappropriate things.
    • brooke s
      This paragraph explains the dangers on the internet.
  • Some teens download illegal music such as Limewire or Bearshare.This affects not only the artist, but record producing companies.
    • brooke s
      using internet wrongly could hurt other people financially, such as music artists and producers.
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  • There are also some problems with adults. Using bad language, harassing and trapping youth, and the buying and selling of illegal merchandise are just some of the problems the adult generation faces today. Many adults are very sneaky and can use tricks to socialize with young adolescents. Some adults use Facebook, Myspace, or chatrooms to trick younger people into meeting up with them. These are just some of the main problems our generation of all different ages faces in this day and time.
    • brooke s
      More dangers of the internet.
  • Breaking the law: On the internet you will come upon websites that will be breaking the law and you can report this to "NETALERT" www.neralert.vic.a, they will contact the authorities and put a stop to the website. Another problem is copyright. There is an easy solution to this problem though, and this solution is creative commonscreative commons is a site that lets you easily make your own copyright laws for your work. There are rules like no one can make money off of your work, no one can change the appearence of your work, and many more. By making it a law that people have to use creative commons to put anything on the internet, you can reduce the amount of copyright laws broken. Making adults aware of the consequences of their actions should help the problem dramatically. Most adults break digital laws thinking, " Oh yeah, sure, I'm not going to get into any trouble." when in fact they are on the verge to getting very serious legal punishment.
    • brooke s
      more on breaking the internet law
  • There is a very interesting controversy brewing in Orange County, Florida. A 13-year-old girl Alisha Dean has a MySpace page that portrays herself as a 19-year-old divorced woman. She has been accused about lying to two men — Morris Williams, 22, and Darwin Mills, 24, about her age in two separate incidents. Both have been convicted and sent to jail for statutory rape. Digital Law for Middle School students not only has to deal with privacy but copyright and piracy.
    • brooke s
      controversy with young people lying about their age

123digitalcitizenship - Digital Rights and Responsibilities - 0 views

  • The topic that we choose to do is rights and responsibilities in digital citizenship. Rights and responsibilities are the privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them. Digital rights and responsibilities are things like the right of copyright, and plagiarism. Also things like downloading music, movies and television shows being downloaded for free. Other issues include the use of the internet, especially at schools. Another issue is cell phones. Plagiarism means copying or using sites that are not properly cited, or giving credit to the author. This includes books, websites, magazines etc. It is a big problem in schools, and it is good to get away from it, and get used to it at younger ages. You must site the sites etc that you use to avoid plagiarism and trouble. Especially in higher grades like grade 11 and 12 and universities where it get very serious, such as getting kicked out of the school or university. Another big problem is the copyright of music, movies, and television shows. A lot of people download music for free on the internet and various programs, which is illegal and practically stealing. But some people do not understand how serious it is. What happens is that the artists that produce the song and etc do not get money for the songs that people are downloading straight off the internet for free. The issue of the use of computers in school is a problem, and people take advantage of the computers at school sometimes. For example people going on games etc, and other things that are not school related, or used for educational purposes. Even outside of school the internet is used inappropriately, and it is your responsibility to know what is appropriate and what is not. All these issues that we found affect the student in his/her everyday school life so we need to help them understand their responsibility towards these issues.

Gamers less likely to study at uni - 0 views

    "FREQUENTLY playing computer games appears to reduce a teenager's chances of going to university"

Safety Tips - 0 views

    Website: list tips for online safety for young people. Clear, simple, easy-to-read house rules should be posted on or near the monitor. Create your own computer rules or print the Internet safety pledge. The pledge can be signed by adults and children and should be periodically reviewed

How to stay safe online while traveling - San Jose Mercury News - 0 views

    "Taking a trip with always-on digital devices can be like traveling with your safe -- and forgetting to lock it. Connecting to the Internet over Wi-Fi hotspots in airports, hotels and cafes is an irresistible activity for business and casual travelers. But sending sensitive information over the air on an unsecured network is risky computing behavior, said Kelly Davis-Felner, marketing director for the Wi-Fi Alliance, a global nonprofit industry association." People have to be careful when traveling to places and using unsecured internet.

How technology affects rascism - 0 views

  • “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”
  • Ms. Nakamura said she has been more surprised by completely new kinds of racism on some popular online video games that now count players around the world.
  • Many of the players chose to play as a female dwarf, a class in the game that can more easily win treasure on solo missions
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Race doesn’t happen because of biology—it happens because of culture,” she concluded.
    RASCISM Video games and computers also affect rascism. This article talks about that. "Race doesn't happen because of biology-it happens because of culture," she concluded Many of the players chose to play as a female dwarf, a class in the game that can more easily win treasure on solo missions. "Ms. Nakamura said she has been more surprised by completely new kinds of racism on some popular online video games that now count players around the world" "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog."

School District Holds Cyber Smart Presentation | Newport Beach Independent Newspaper | ... - 0 views

  • A few tips shared during the presentation: Give kids a code of conduct. Remind them not to post/IM/text anything they wouldn’t say to that person’s face; Discuss cyber-bullying with kids and ask if they know anyone who has been bullied; Talk about the importance of privacy and how to protect it; and discuss their online identity and possible risky behavior. “Raise good digital citizens!” a slide stated.
    Many parents are strict on their kids about the internet, not because they don't trust their kids, but because they are not well versed with the aspects of the internet! We need to get our parents informed about the internet so they will be a better example for online citizenship for their children! Tips shared to help parents with online parenting: Give kids a code of conduct. Remind them not to post/IM/text anything they wouldn't say to that person's face; Discuss cyber-bullying with kids and ask if they know anyone who has been bullied; Talk about the importance of privacy and how to protect it discuss their online identity and possible risky behavior. "Raise good digital citizens!" Kids' online activity can affect their safety, reputation, college and career options, among other things in the "real world," so it's important they're smart about their online activity.[Kids are] leaving digital prints everywhere they go," Boss said, they need to be careful where those prints are left and what they're left on. School District Holds Cyber Smart Presentation Parents learned what their kids are doing out in cyberspace on Wednesday night during the school district's Cyber Smart presentation. The district-wide event is meant to provide parents with information and resources about online safety precautions, age appropriate websites, cyber trends, how to spot, prevent and deal with internet issues, and how to protect their kids' computers and cell phones. "The whole evening is about educating parents about the technology that's out there," said Laura Boss The presentation encouraged parents to embrace their kids' digital world, support balanced use, monitor their kids' digital media use, and discuss what sites they are allowed to visit and what they can and can't download. Kids' online activity can affect their safety, reputation, college and career options, among other things in the "real world," so it's important

BBB offers parents tips to keep children safe while online | Wichita Eagle - 1 views

  • * Set privacy options.
  • * Explain to your children that they can't take back what they've written.
  • * Know who is looking at your profile
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • * Don't "friend" everyone
  • Don't let your child's profiles on social websites be available to everyone. Explain to your child why it's important to have the highest security and privacy settings. Parents should monitor their children's use of the computer while they're on the Internet.
  • Children and teens should think about who will be looking at their profile. Many people will be able to see their page, including parents, teachers, coaches, the police and the college or the job they might want to apply for in the next few years. They should post only the information they are comfortable with others seeing about them.
  • Merely deleting a post doesn't mean it's not still available for others to see in cyberspace. It is important for children and teens to know that once you press the "send" or "post" button, there is no going back. Think about keeping some control over the information you post. Consider restricting access to your page to a select group of people — for example, your friends or your family.
  • Unfortunately there are dangerous people who may be creeping
  • * Don't divulge too much information.
  • Now that school has started children and teens are spending more time online doing school work, research, and socializing. As soon as a child starts using the computer and Internet, it's time to talk with them about online behavior, safety and security. Parents need to know what to do to ensure their child is safe online, in texting, blogging, Facebook and visiting other Internet sites.
  • Better Business Bureau
    This website talks about how parents can make sure their children are safe online.

windows xp help - Google News - 0 views

    If you have a windows computer the sites it gives you will help you learn to work it.

Copyright Website - 0 views

    "Copyright protects creative expression that has been reduced to a tangible form, such as a book, piece of recorded music, computer program, screenplay, painting, photograph, or motion picture." this website tells what copyright is and what it protects and tells the difference between copyright, trademark, and patent by using a Vin diagram

Technology integration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Interactive whiteboards are used in many schools as replacements for standard whiteboards and provide a way to allow students to interact with material on the computer. In addition, some interactive whiteboards software allow teachers to record their instruction and post the material for review by students at a later tim
  • 3D virtual environments are also used with interactive whiteboards
    this shows that the interactive whiteboards are helpful in many schools.

Internet and Computer Safety - 0 views

  • Internet and Computer Safety
    Getting involved in how to keep your family safe is a big thing. Being safe while surfing the internet is always a major difficulty. This page tells you how you can get involved and start helping to keep your family safe. It deals with Online privacy, Social Networking Privacy and many more. Quotes: 'Browsing the web safely and privately is concern for many people." From the Website.

Five clues that you are addicted to Facebook - CNN - 0 views

    A 12 year old girl can not get help from her Mom on her homework because her mother is to busy on Facebook.She preferred that her name not be used because she is ashamed of the time she spends on the computer, which is generally 20 hours a day. Half the time for work and half the time for fun. She says she can go a whole day without Facebook, but she has never made it through a whole weekend. She has tried her hardest to cut back on her social networking time but she can't do it. Quote: "It's turned into a compulsion-- a compulsion to dissociate from your real world and go live in the Facebook world." -Paula Pile, a marriage and family therapist in Greensboro, North Carolina

Teaching About the Web Includes Troublesome Parts - - 0 views

  • Teaching About Web Includes Troublesome Parts
  • When Kevin Jenkins wanted to teach his fourth-grade students at Spangler Elementary here how to use the Internet, he created a site where they could post photographs, drawings and surveys.
  • And they did. But to his dismay, some of his students posted surveys like “Who’s the most popular classmate?” and “Who’s the best-liked?” Mr. Jenkins’s students “liked being able to express themselves in a place where they’re basically by themselves at a computer,” he said. “They’re not thinking that everyone’s going to see it.”
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  • The class listened as Mr. Jenkins read a story about a girl who got annoyed when her parents quizzed her about details from her online journal. Lucas Navarrete, 13, asked, “What’s their right to read her personal stuff?” “Maybe they’re worried,” suggested Morgan Windham, a soft-spoken girl. “It’s public!” argued Aren Santos. “O.K., O.K., if it was a personal diary and they read it, would you be happy?” Lucas asked. “They have no right, see?” Mr. Jenkins asked the class if there is a difference between a private diary on paper and a public online diary. But the class could not agree. “I would just keep it to myself and tell only people that were really, really close to me,” Cindy Nguyen said after class. “We want to have our personal, private space.” That blurred line between public and private space is what Common Sense tries to address. “That sense of invulnerability that high school students tend to have, thinking they can control everything, before the Internet there may have been some truth to that,” said Ted Brodheim, chief information officer for the New York City Department of Education. “I don’t think they fully grasp that when they make some of these decisions, it’s not something they can pull back from.”
  • And the Internet is where children are growing up. The average young person spends seven and a half hours a day with a computer, television or smart phone, according to a January study from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Considering that the time is mostly outside of school, the results suggest that almost every extracurricular hour is devo
  • “You want to light a fire under someone’s fanny?” said Liz Perle, editor in chief of Common Sense Media. “Have your child post something that is close to a hate crime.”
  • “The messes they get into with friends, or jumping onto someone’s site and sending a message,” she said. “They don’t know, sometimes, how to manage the social, emotional stuff that comes up.”
    Students are now growing up online: we need to know that things we post can and will affect our personal and future business lives. It's not private, and we need to know to treat each other online.

Web security for dummies: Google dives into privacy with "Good to Know" center | Ventur... - 0 views

    Informational site for security on your computer.

Information Literacy & Fluency (Videos/PPoints) - 0 views

    This website gives you some videos on how to work computers.

Zero to Eight: Children's Media Use in America | Common Sense Media - 1 views

    The study shows that everything from iPods to smartphones to tablet computers are now a regular part of kids' lives, with kids under 8 averaging two hours a day with all screen media. Among the key findings: 42% of children under 8 years old have a television in their bedroom. Half (52%) of all 0- to 8-year-olds have access to a new mobile device, such as a smartphone, video iPod, or iPad/tablet. More than a third (38%) of children this age have used one of these devices, including 10% of 0-to 1-year-olds, 39% of 2- to 4-year-olds, and more than half (52%) of 5- to 8-year-olds. In a typical day, one in 10 (11%) 0- to 8-year-olds uses a smartphone, video iPod, iPad, or similar device to play games, watch videos, or use other apps. Those who do such activities spend an average of 43 minutes a day doing so. In addition to the traditional digital divide, a new "app gap" has developed, with only 14% of lower-income parents having downloaded new media apps for their kids to use, compared to 47% of upper-income parents. Clearly, media has become a staple in young kids' daily lives and influences them in ways we don't yet fully understand. But by getting involved in your kid's media life, you can help them create healthy lifelong patterns that will truly make a difference in their lives

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

    this story shows how computer literacy can help

Tips on how to stay safe online - South Florida - 0 views

  • General security Don't use public or shared computers for online banking or investment transactions. Don't give out your account password to anyone, even someone claiming to be from your online service. Your account can be hijacked, and you can find unexpected charges on your bill. Be careful about giving out your credit card number, phone number and home address. Never provide your Social Security number to anyone unless required by law. Email is relatively private -- but not completely. Don't put anything into an electronic message that you wouldn't want to see posted on a neighborhood bulletin board. Delete junk email without even reading it. Never download an email attachment from an unknown source. Opening a file could expose your system to a virus. Be cautious about opening any attachment or downloading any files from emails you receive, regardless of who sent them. These files can contain viruses or other software that can weaken your computer's security. Don't "unsubscribe" on unwanted, un-requested or unsolicited e-mail. That just lets the senders know that they had reached a valid email address. Don't sign up for free offers. Shopping online Know who you're dealing with. Confirm the online seller's physical address and phone number in case you have problems. Know what you're buying. Read the seller's description of the product closely, especially the fine print. Name-brand items at unusually low prices might be stolen or counterfeit. Know what it will cost, including shipping and handling. Never send cash. Pay by credit or charge card. If you pay by credit or charge card online, your transaction will be protected by the Fair Credit Billing Act. Under this law, you have the right to dispute charges under certain circumstances and temporarily withhold payment while the creditor is investigating them. Check out the terms of the deal, like refund policies and delivery dates. A Federal Trade Commission rule requires sellers to ship items as promised or within 30 days after the order date if no specific date is promised. Phishing and identity theft You may receive emails that appear to be from a financial institution, bill paying service, government agency or other business that say something like: "We suspect an unauthorized transaction on your account. To ensure that your account is not compromised, please click the link below and confirm your identity." Do not reply, and do not click on the links. The messages direct you to a website that looks legitimate, but it is a trick to get you to reveal personal information and passwords. Operators can steal your identity and run up bills or commit crimes in your name. Forward these emails to the Federal Trade Commission at and to the company, bank, or organization impersonated in the email. Most organizations have information on their websites about where to report problems. Email is not a secure method of transmitting information, so never use it to transmit financial information. Legitimate businesses should not ask you to send sensitive information by email. Area codes can mislead. Some scammers send an email that appears to be from a legitimate business and ask you to call a phone number to update your account or access a "refund." Because they use voice over internet protocol technology, the area code you call does not reflect where the scammers really are. Review credit card and bank account statements as soon as you receive them to check for unauthorized charges.
    Here are tips to ways to protect your general security,identity, and yourself when shopping online. If you follow these simple rules you will be safer when online.
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