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Clint Peterson

Areas of Influence: Music Videos « Threeminds - 0 views

    Thoughts on the influence of music videos
Erin Hamson

The Frontier In American History: Chapter X - 0 views

  • As the American pioneer passed on in advance of this new tide of European immigration, he found lands increasingly limited
    • Erin Hamson
      The close of the Frontier
  • . But the captains of industry by applying squatter doctrines to the evolution of American industrial society, have made the process so clear that he who runs may read.
  • it seemed not impossible that the outcome of free competition under individualism was to be monopoly of the most important natural resources and processes by a limited group of men whose vast fortunes were so invested in allied and dependent industries that they constituted the dominating force in the industrial life of the nation
    • Erin Hamson
      Unregulated turn of events, the people were turned loose and made the best of it. What is wrong with this? They set the standards, and there is no room for competition.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Mr. Harriman
  • mastering the economic forces of the nation
    • Erin Hamson
      According to Adam Smith and the free market economy theory, the people are the best regulators. This sounds like socialism...
  • The Granger and the Populist were prophets of this reform movement. Mr. Bryan's Democracy, Mr. Debs' Socialism, and Mr. Roosevelt's Republicanism all had in common the emphasis upon the need of governmental regulation of industrial tendencies in the interest of the common man
  • "the State University and the public school system which it crowns would be the strongest evidence of its fitness which it could offer."
  • "general system of education ascending in regular gradations from township schools to a State University, wherein tuition shall be gratis and equally open to all," expresses the Middle Western conception born in the days of pioneer society and doubtless deeply influenced by Jeffersonian democracy.
    • Erin Hamson
      applying pioneer principles of avaliability and indivdualism to education and other opportunities to suceed in life as presently constituted.
  • propaganda to induce students to continue
    • Erin Hamson
      Want everyone to go to college to become their best individual self.
  • all under the ideal of service to democracy rather than of individual advancement alone
  • The times call for educated leaders.
    • Erin Hamson
      And have yet to cease to call for experienced leaders. Which is why we are all sitting here reading this, to become educated leaders.
  • The test tube and the microscope are needed rather than ax and rifle in this new ideal of conquest
    • Erin Hamson
      influence of technology on life
  • It is hardly too much to say that the best hope of intelligent and principled progress in economic and social legislation and administration lies in the increasing influence of American universities.
  • able to think for themselves, governed Dot by ignorance, by prejudice or by impulse, but by knowledge and reason and high-mindedness,
  • The learning of the few is despotism; the learning of the many is liberty.
  • At first pioneer democracy had scant respect for the expert.
    • Erin Hamson
  • That they may perform their work they must be left free, as the pioneer was free, to explore new regions and to report what they find; for like the pioneers they have the ideal of investigation, they seek new horizons.
    • Erin Hamson
      application of pioneer ideals
  • Thus it is the function of the university to reveal to the individual the mystery and the glory of life as a whole
    • Erin Hamson
      opening the mind to new ideas and ideals
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - Why companies watch your every Facebook, YouTube, Twitter move - 0 views

  • These days one witty Tweet, one clever blog post, one devastating video - forwarded to hundreds of friends at the click of a mouse - can snowball and kill a product or damage a company's share price.
  • It's a dramatic shift in consumer power. But what if companies could harness this power and turn it to their advantage?
  • At the most basic, these tools measure the volume of social media chatter. Researchers at Hewlett Packard showed that they can accurately predict a Hollywood movie's box office takings by counting how often it is mentioned on Twitter before it opens.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • One European clothing company, popular with inner city youth in the United States, admits privately that its social media team is baffled by its customers' ever changing slang, and even the online Urban Dictionary provides little help.
  • Social media is quickly becoming a customer relationship management system, as companies have "for the first time access to people's minds in real-time," says Jorn Lyseggen. The tools on offer provide companies with dashboards that show trends, hot topics, the reach of brands, customer mood and how competitors are doing.
  • Social media may be all the buzz, but in reality "only a few firms get it [and use it], it's of peripheral interest for most", says Tom Austin at technology consultancy Gartner. Few realise that using social media has become much more than customer service and reputation management.
  • many social media tools are poorly integrated into the corporate workflow
  • But there are dangers. Financial Times columnist Lucy Kellaway warns that the obsession with social networking can make management lose focus.
  • To survive the world of social media, companies have to throw away their old marketing playbook.
  • "don't push... and don't pretend you are hip"
  • "Once companies have worked out that they should do something with social media, they usually don't know how to do it,"
  • "If you want to influence the people who influence your customers, that's a very powerful game, but it's also very dangerous if you get it wrong."
  • it's not about how many friends or followers somebody has, but whether they make an impact.
  • When Virgin America recently launched new routes from California to Toronto, it used Klout to identify a small group of social media "influencers" and gave them free flights. This generated thousands of tweets, triggered press coverage and delivered more immediate impact than traditional advertising.
  • "Consumers are spending their attention on social media," he says, but firms don't know how to repay them properly. "There's no manual for that yet."
  • Social media are dynamic, and today's Twitter may be tomorrow's forgotten website. "Don't assume that what works today will work tomorrow," says Tom Austin at Gartner. "Your model has to be continually adapted."
Gideon Burton

Dear Internet: It's No Longer OK to Not Know How Congress Works - 1 views

  • the federal government is not attached to Moore's Law
  • Here's an area for both some disruption and some lobbying. Let's build tools that allow members of Congress to aggregate messages being sent to them, and to associate those messages with congressional districts. Let's come up with a way for a member to see what their constituency is saying about any particular issue they'd like, and let's provide that as an open service so that anybody can see what a particular constituency is saying. That way, when a member has a track record of voting against the desires of a substantial portion of his or her district, we've got a record of it, and it can get brought up in the next election.
  • Right now, your voice online -- in the mediums you participate in, not only don't matter: legally they can't matter. Online identities don't count when it comes to the official record
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The skill of making software isn't just about making cool software. It's about rewiring society. The sooner we acknowledge that, the sooner we can get on with the rewiring, and hopefully with a watchful eye, rewire it for the better.
    Very important article on those in the info culture needing to understand and speak the language of Congress in order to properly educate and influence it on internet related matters.
Erin Hamson

About Open Government | The White House - 0 views

    • Erin Hamson
      This is a good beginning to openness. But it still seems a little vague.
  • The Administration is reducing the influence of special interests by writing new ethics rules that prevent lobbyists from coming to work in government or sitting on its advisory boards. The Administration is tracking how government uses the money with which the people have entrusted it with easy-to-understand websites like,, and The Administration is empowering the public – through greater openness and new technologies – to influence the decisions that affect their lives.

Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Civic Media: A Syllabus - 0 views

    This is a syllubus of a class on civic media at USC. Talks about how media should be used to influence the public's engagement in government.
Brandon McCloskey

Social Media, the Great Equalizer (and in Chicago!) - Technorati Blogging - 0 views

    A short article about the influence that social media can give you.
Kevin Watson

Why Second Life is already second-best for education - 1 views

    It's crazy how much the internet has influenced education. It is changing the way we learn. Who knows how far it will go.
Jeffrey Chen

Gene positioning effects evolution - 0 views

    "We usually think of natural selection as acting directly on the genes that influence a specific trait," said Leonid Kruglyak, one of the co-authors on the paper and the William R. Harman '63 and Mary-Love Harman Professor in Genomics at Princeton. "This paper shows that there is an indirect evolutionary force that can override this direct effect -- selection acting on neighboring genes that just happen to travel together on a chromosome with the genes that influence the trait."
James Wilcox

[ARCHIVED CONTENT] Treatment of Alan Turing was "appalling" - PM | - 0 views

    Alan Turing made both changes in technology and mathematics along with changes in societal norms.  In this article it talks a little of his influence on the gender issue.

Media influence on politics and government - by Tatum Wilcox - Helium - 0 views

  • Not only does the mass media have extensive authority in political campaigns, but they can even exercise power over government officials and affairs. The media and the president both need each other; "The media need news to report, and the president may need coverage." Therefore, both the president and the media work hard to utilize one another. Public problems that receive the most media coverage are considered to be the most important ones by the public, giving the media an important role in the public agenda. The media provides the government with a better understanding of the need and desires of the society.
Greg Williams

Teaching in Social and Technological Networks « Connectivism - 0 views

  • What is the role of a teacher?
    • Greg Williams
      And what is the role of education? Hard to know what the teacher should be doing if we can't answer that
  • How can we achieve clear outcomes through distributed means? How can we achieve learning targets when the educator is no longer able to control the actions of learners?
  • control is being replaced with influence.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • A curator is an expert learner.
  • they don’t adhere to traditional in-class teacher-centric power structures. A curator balances the freedom of individual learners with the thoughtful interpretation of the subject being explored.
Gideon Burton

Understanding Digital Civics | DMLcentral - 0 views

  • it would also be a mistake not to take seriously the role of new communications media in understanding civic life. In democratic states, citizens need information about what challenges a government faces and what it’s proposing to do about it to be effective citizens. And citizens need to be able to connect with one another to discuss, debate and propose solutions. What a communications medium makes possible has a shaping influence on civic life.
Erin Hamson

Fighting Against Special Interests and For the Public Interest: A Year of Change | The ... - 0 views

    • Erin Hamson
      Why is this my first time hearing about this? How many millions more don't know?
  •  To do just that, on his first full day in office, the President signed two critical documents that have shaped the Administration: the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government and the Executive Order on Ethics. As a result of the Memorandum on Transparency, we have since Day One, worked to empower the public – through greater openness and new technologies – to influence the decisions that affect their lives.
Andrew DeWitt - Ensign Article - Things as They Really Are - 2 views

shared by Andrew DeWitt on 21 Sep 10 - Cached
Andrew DeWitt liked it
  • I raise an apostolic voice of warning about the potentially stifling, suffocating, suppressing, and constraining impact of some kinds of cyberspace interactions and experiences upon our souls. The concerns I raise are not new; they apply equally to other types of media, such as television, movies, and music. But in a cyber world, these challenges are more pervasive and intense. I plead with you to beware of the sense-dulling and spiritually destructive influence of cyberspace technologies that are used to produce high fidelity and that promote degrading and evil purposes.
  • Brothers and sisters, please understand. I am not suggesting all technology is inherently bad; it is not. Nor am I saying we should not use its many capabilities in appropriate ways to learn, to communicate, to lift and brighten lives, and to build and strengthen the Church; of course we should. But I am raising a warning voice that we should not squander and damage authentic relationships by obsessing over contrived ones.
    A great talk--applicable to the focus of our class!
Erin Hamson

Internet Censorship: Debate Continues Over Google and YouTube's Effect on the Real World - 0 views

    • Jeffrey Whitlock
      I am not sure where I fall on this argument. I certainly do not believe that the Government should regulate youtube any more than currently does but I am not sure whether youtube is a mirror that reflects societal values or whether it is actually an integral part in influencing them. What do you think?
  • Communication is never motivated purely by a desire to convey information about the world, it is always an attempt to alter that world, even if only to make a few quid or re-establish an old friendship.
    • Erin Hamson
      This is the truth. Even the most inconsequential things we "post", can change the way others see us and the things we talk about.
Megan Stern

EBSCOhost: Radical deinstitutionalization: Rousseau versus Freud. - 0 views

    The book from which we read the discourse by Rousseau mentioned how his ideas had a substantial influence on psychological thought. This article from the Journal of Mental Health describes how his ideas about the natural man compare with Freud's and how both apply to whether or not state mental hospitals should exist. Very interesting.
Andrew DeWitt

Social Media for Branding - 0 views

    Great presentation on how to make your mark in the digital world
    Here is the comment I left on the SlideShare website: This is super important stuff, thank you for sharing. In our digital age, a person's ability to market themselves on the web is a form of social capital. The more people follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and the blogosphere, the greater influence we can have. It makes me think about what happens in the book, 'Ender's Game' by Orson Scott Card. In the story, Peter and Valentine publish a lot of political commentary under aliases which eventually have a huge impact on world politics. Our future world may be run by those who can best market themselves and let their voice be heard.
Sean Watson

Robert Hooke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Jump to: navigation, search Robert Hooke Portrait of Hooke, 2004. Born 18 July 1635Freshwater, Isle of Wight, England Died 3 March 1703 (aged 67)London, England Fields Physics and chemistry Institutions Oxford University Alma mater Christ Church, Oxford Academic advisors Robert Boyle Known for Hooke's LawMicroscopyapplied the word 'cell' Influences Richard Busby Contents [hide] 1 Life and works 1.1 Early life 1.2 Oxford 1.3 The Watch Balance Spring 1.4 Royal Society 2 Personality and disputes 3 Hooke the scientist 3.1 Mechanics 3.2 Gravitation 3.3 Microscopy 3.4 Astronomy 4 Hooke the architect 5 Likenesses 6 Commemorations 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links //
  • Hooke is known for his law of elasticity (Hooke's law), his book, Micrographia, and for first applying the word "cell" to describe the basic unit of life
  • Micrographia
Megan Stern

American Thinker: The Disappearing Middle Class - 0 views

  • The government is helping out, "redistributing" money to the bottom. "The Rich" can use their money and influence to get in. The middle class gets no special consideration or privilege. Because they do work hard, they get to work harder -- and the Ruling Class calls this "justice."
    • Megan Stern
      So. True.
  • And this is what the Tea Party is really mad about.
  • And the balance between the lower class and their upper-class leaders is upset by the injection of the middle class and its struggles to carve out its niche.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • His Communist Manifesto is nothing more than a rant about the evils of this group and how they have inflicted harm and damage to everyone around them through colonialism and ingenuity.
  • Marx and Engels envisioned a return to the simpler time, where a vast lower class was ruled by its betters. Not surprisingly, they saw themselves as leading the underlings to the new paradise.
  • their opinions are tainted by "greed" (the single biggest sin of the bourgeoisie).
  • The byproduct of this Socialization is the shrinking of the middle class. When you punish people for working hard, those people will stop working so hard.
  • se bailouts are transfers of wealth -- not from the rich to the poor, but from the working middle class to both the upper and lower classes.
  • True: all the
    Concisely presents the consensual argument most conservatives adopt against Marx's principles in our day.
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