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Megan Stern

American Thinker: The Disappearing Middle Class - 0 views

  • The government is helping out, "redistributing" money to the bottom. "The Rich" can use their money and influence to get in. The middle class gets no special consideration or privilege. Because they do work hard, they get to work harder -- and the Ruling Class calls this "justice."
    • Megan Stern
      So. True.
  • And this is what the Tea Party is really mad about.
  • And the balance between the lower class and their upper-class leaders is upset by the injection of the middle class and its struggles to carve out its niche.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • His Communist Manifesto is nothing more than a rant about the evils of this group and how they have inflicted harm and damage to everyone around them through colonialism and ingenuity.
  • Marx and Engels envisioned a return to the simpler time, where a vast lower class was ruled by its betters. Not surprisingly, they saw themselves as leading the underlings to the new paradise.
  • their opinions are tainted by "greed" (the single biggest sin of the bourgeoisie).
  • The byproduct of this Socialization is the shrinking of the middle class. When you punish people for working hard, those people will stop working so hard.
  • se bailouts are transfers of wealth -- not from the rich to the poor, but from the working middle class to both the upper and lower classes.
  • True: all the
    Concisely presents the consensual argument most conservatives adopt against Marx's principles in our day.
LeeAnne Lowry

Karl Marx - 2 views

    It's truly shocking how influential Marx was and the things he did....
    Great find! The eulogy is especially interesting.
Shaun Frenza

Communist Manifesto (Chapter 1) - 1 views

  • holy alliance to exorcise
    • Erin Hamson
      Religious diction
  • All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.
    • Erin Hamson
      Man is responsible for technology which is responsible for a fast paced world, which they don't like
  • It compels all nations, on pain of extinction,
    • Erin Hamson
    • Shaun Frenza
      Seems a little singular - is there a specific reason why you only say "Japan"
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • The bourgeoisie has subjected the country to the rule of the towns.
    • Erin Hamson
      Capitalism has taken over the world, and those that were slow to buy into the idealology are being left in the dust, and dependant on others, which they don't like.
  • Because there is too much civilisation, too much means of subsistence, too much industry, too much commerce.
    • Erin Hamson
      Communists retaliate by not producing enough goods.
  • He becomes an appendage of the machine, and it is only the most simple, most monotonous, and most easily acquired knack, that is required of him.
    • Erin Hamson
      Paints these people as the suffers, clearly appealing to them to call for "equality"
  • Not only are they slaves of the bourgeois class, and of the bourgeois State; they are daily and hourly enslaved by the machine, by the overlooker, and, above all, by the individual bourgeois manufacturer himself.
    • Erin Hamson
      In Communism all become slaves of the state and the state leaders, how is that better?
    • Shaun Frenza
      Or they become the machine - They are not the slave, they are the mechanizm together... at least that is what they tell themselves.
  • All are instruments of labour, more or less expensive to use, according to their age and sex.
    • Erin Hamson
      Conflicts with the MIT lesson, except for those that have to work. (in regard to females working) again an appeal to the working class people, who are the masses to revolt. This works less well in America because of the American dream and the possibility for change fostered by it.
  • At this stage, the labourers still form an incoherent mass scattered over the whole country, and broken up by their mutual competition.
    • Erin Hamson
      Reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984, they hope lies in the masses of uncontrolled people
  • Thereupon, the workers begin to form combinations (Trades’ Unions) against the bourgeois; they club together in order to keep up the rate of wages; they found permanent associations in order to make provision beforehand for these occasional revolts. Here and there, the contest breaks out into riots.
    • Erin Hamson
      The working class fights back
  • so now a portion of the bourgeoisie goes over to the proletariat,
    • Erin Hamson
      they aren't alone in their cause
  • The proletarian is without property; his relation to his wife and children has no longer anything in common with the bourgeois family relations;
    • Erin Hamson
      The shear fact of having money and therefore time to spend with children brings these differences.
  • The proletarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority.
  • Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable
    • Erin Hamson
      Doesn't believe capitalism can survive.
    • Rhett Ferrin
      Wait, all these sound like good things. Is he saying its bad to have Toyotas? Is it bad to have bannanas in December?
  • rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life.
    • Rhett Ferrin
      Can someone help me out here? Is he being sarcastic? He says capitalizm is bad then says that the bourgeoisie 'rescued' people from the 'idiocy of rural life' Thomas Jefferson thought the rural life was the ideal and to be sought after. I can't tell if Marx is for or against it.
  • By bourgeoisie is meant the class of modern capitalists, owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labour
  • By proletariat, the class of modern wage labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live.
  • immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all, even the most barbarian, nations into civilisation
    • Shaun Frenza
      Notice how we are in the same situation now as were were then - the facilitation of communication with the internet and how it shapes the world to become more homogenous.
Katherine Chipman

Manifesto of the Communist Party - 0 views

    Translation of a 1847 document on communism. How it began.
Parker Woody

Communist Manifesto (Chapter 3) - 0 views

    • Kristi Koerner
      The conflict with Christianity is interesting.
  • disastrous effects of machinery and division of labour
    • Erin Hamson
      are these laid in contrast to the benefits?
  • It proclaimed the German nation to be the model nation
    • Erin Hamson
      city upon a hill
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom. They desire the existing state of society, minus its revolutionary and disintegrating elements. They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat.
    • Erin Hamson
      want everyone to be like them
  • It is summed up in the phrase: the bourgeois is a bourgeois — for the benefit of the working class
  • These proposals, therefore, are of a purely Utopian character.
  • the concentration of capital and land in a few hands; overproduction and crises; it pointed out the inevitable ruin of the petty bourgeois and peasant, the misery of the proletariat, the anarchy in production, the crying inequalities in the distribution of wealth, the industrial war of extermination between nations, the dissolution of old moral bonds, of the old family relations, of the old nationalities.
    • Parker Woody
      Interesting how they appeal to the family and the loss of morals
Erin Hamson

Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2) - 0 views

  • The Communists do not form a separate party opposed to the other working-class parties. They have no interests separate and apart from those of the proletariat as a whole. They do not set up any sectarian principles of their own, by which to shape and mould the proletarian movement.
    • Erin Hamson
      We are for you. You should join us. We will help you become equals, but not into a better position.
  • 1. In the national struggles of the proletarians of the different countries, they point out and bring to the front the common interests of the entire proletariat, independently of all nationality. 2. In the various stages of development which the struggle of the working class against the bourgeoisie has to pass through, they always and everywhere represent the interests of the movement as a whole.
    • Erin Hamson
      working to unite the proletariat, which according to chapter one should equalise them with the others.
  • formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat.
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • The theoretical conclusions of the Communists are in no way based on ideas or principles that have been invented, or discovered, by this or that would-be universal reformer.
    • Erin Hamson
      We don't recognise one world leader, or founder. Unlike capitalism (Smith) or democracy (Locke).
  • but the abolition of bourgeois property.
    • Erin Hamson
      mean to abolish their symbol of status, but not divide it to the masses. Say that it is commonly held together.
  • Abolition of private property
  • We Communists have been reproached with the desire of abolishing the right of personally acquiring property as the fruit of a man’s own labour, which property is alleged to be the groundwork of all personal freedom, activity and independence.
  • , that quantum of the means of subsistence which is absolutely requisite to keep the labourer in bare existence as a labourer.
    • Erin Hamson
      tells the labourer they ought to be getting more for their hard work in support of the system.
  • allowed to live only in so far as the interest of the ruling class requires it.
    • Erin Hamson
      allowed to live only in so far as the interest of the state requires it. A state in which you have no say, but they really do care about you.
  • By freedom is meant, under the present bourgeois conditions of production, free trade, free selling and buying.
    • Erin Hamson
      What other sort of freedom is there?
  • It has been objected that upon the abolition of private property, all work will cease, and universal laziness will overtake us.
    • Erin Hamson
      Isn't this what happened? Isn't this why they failed? They couldn't get man to work and produce enough products to support the country on virtue?
  • bourgeois society ought long ago to have gone to the dogs through sheer idleness;
    • Erin Hamson
      They have to work to keep all the property they supposedly have.
  • Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty
    • Erin Hamson
      How are the children currently exploited?
  • But, you say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social. And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, &c.?
    • Erin Hamson
      Secular learning might be taught in schools, but values, beliefs, toleration are all taught in the home. The only way to have successful society without these being taught in the home is to teach them in the schools. Which they currently are not.
  • Our bourgeois, not content with having wives and daughters of their proletarians at their disposal, not to speak of common prostitutes, take the greatest pleasure in seducing each other’s wives.
    • Erin Hamson
      They claim that this is universally true, but they forget the virtue of some people.
  • to freedom of commerce, to the world market,
    • Erin Hamson
      capitalism has begun a reduction of national barriers.
  • The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.
  • In proportion as the exploitation of one individual by another will also be put an end to, the exploitation of one nation by another will also be put an end to. In proportion as the antagonism between classes within the nation vanishes, the hostility of one nation to another will come to an end.
    • Erin Hamson
      Appealing to the 3rd world countries of the globe. trying to make communism a good thing.
  • The charges against Communism made from a religious, a philosophical and, generally, from an ideological standpoint, are not deserving of serious examination.
    • Erin Hamson
      We don't have anything to refute these claims, so we'll say they aren't important. Further we don't believe in religion because it causes differences, we can't refute something we believe in or think should exist.
  • The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.
    • Erin Hamson
  • traditional property relations
    • Erin Hamson
      People as defined by their property, in a physical sense. Defied by the reputation economy.
  • traditional ideas
  • to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State
    • Erin Hamson
      manipulate the people to steal from other people, and then all will be stolen from all people.
  • Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.
    • Erin Hamson
      Capitalism with the State having a monopoly in every area within the country.
  • State
  • exclusive monopol
  • State.
  • State;
  • public
David Potter

The Communist Manifesto - 1 views

    This is the Communist Manifesto. I felt like it would served to well to contrast it to the ideas of Adam Smith and traditional capitalism
Andrew DeWitt

Modernism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • From the 1870s onward, the ideas that history and civilization were inherently progressive and that progress was always good came under increasing attack.
  • Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection undermined the religious certainty
  • Karl Marx argued there were fundamental contradictions within the capitalist system
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The miseries of industrial urbanism and the possibilities created by scientific examination of subjects brought changes that would shake a European civilization which had, until then, regarded itself as having a continuous and progressive line of development from the Renaissance. With the telegraph's harnessing of a new power, offering instant communication at a distance, the experience of time itself was altered.
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