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Megan Stern

American Thinker: The Disappearing Middle Class - 0 views

  • The government is helping out, "redistributing" money to the bottom. "The Rich" can use their money and influence to get in. The middle class gets no special consideration or privilege. Because they do work hard, they get to work harder -- and the Ruling Class calls this "justice."
    • Megan Stern
      So. True.
  • And this is what the Tea Party is really mad about.
  • And the balance between the lower class and their upper-class leaders is upset by the injection of the middle class and its struggles to carve out its niche.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • His Communist Manifesto is nothing more than a rant about the evils of this group and how they have inflicted harm and damage to everyone around them through colonialism and ingenuity.
  • Marx and Engels envisioned a return to the simpler time, where a vast lower class was ruled by its betters. Not surprisingly, they saw themselves as leading the underlings to the new paradise.
  • their opinions are tainted by "greed" (the single biggest sin of the bourgeoisie).
  • The byproduct of this Socialization is the shrinking of the middle class. When you punish people for working hard, those people will stop working so hard.
  • se bailouts are transfers of wealth -- not from the rich to the poor, but from the working middle class to both the upper and lower classes.
  • True: all the
    Concisely presents the consensual argument most conservatives adopt against Marx's principles in our day.
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