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Judy O'Connell

The social networker - 4 views

    "The notion that Facebook, Twitter and other social media can be used to save lives, rather than just kill time, will surprise many people. But Self says social media is more robust than traditional forms of mass communication during a disaster."
Philip Cooney

Lateline Business - 30/03/2011: The business of social media - 0 views

    It's not just educators who are exploring the potential of social media. View the segment or read the transcript and learn why social media is important to connecting with young people, including (somewhat surprisingly) young males. The discussion also includes digital identity, digital footprint and the use of twitter. Quite revealing.
Julie Lindsay

Roxburgh Homestead Primary School defends classroom Twitter accounts for children | Herald Sun - 1 views

    "A CYBER safety expert has slammed primary schools for letting students as young as eight use Twitter. Roxburgh Homestead Primary School is one of a number of schools to set up classroom Twitter accounts so students can share snippets of their work with the outside world. Parents have been encouraged to 'follow' the accounts for an insight into their children's school life."
    Article showing both sides of the argument for letting younger students use social media (including Twitter) for learning.
Julie Lindsay

The Role of Social Media in our Lives | Jake Swayze | TEDxSouthPasadenaHigh - YouTube - 1 views

    Teen, Jake Swayze shares his thoughts about young people and the use of social media at TEDxSouthPasadenaHigh
Julie Lindsay

Online behaviour and social media | Information and support | ReachOut Schools - 5 views

    Understanding the role technology and social media play in the daily life of young people can help you facilitate safe and healthy online behaviour. These guides introduce the role of technology in young people's lives, and provide tips on supporting safe and healthy use of technology.
Rob Jacklin

How Tech Experts Monitor Their Teens on Social Media - WSJ - 3 views

    "How Tech Experts Monitor Their Teens on Social Media How can parents keep up with smartphones? Tech executives take various approaches to managing their children's social-media use"
Rob Jacklin

What the Slime Trend Teaches Us About Kids and Marketing - 1 views

    "What The Slime Trend Teaches Us About Kids And Marketing"
Judy O'Connell

Smokescreen § Homepage - 0 views

    Smokescreen is a game about life online. Promo: We all use Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and MSN to keep up with our mates - and we've all heard the stories about parties on Facebook being mobbed, or people getting stalked on MSN. The question is, what would you do if it happened to you? Over 13 missions, Smokescreen follows the story of Max Winston and Cal Godfrey, two mates who've set up an exclusive social network called White Smoke. After Cal's involved in a car accident and falls into a coma, White Smoke becomes huge - and starts attracting huge problems. Each mission explores the world of White Smoke, and players find out who they can trust - and who they can't.
Judy O'Connell

Using digital tools to connect learners: Present and future scenarios for citizenship 2.0 - 0 views

    The concepts of digital citizenship and citizenship 2.0 are particularly relevant in the context of globalisation and the knowledge economy. The most recent technology standards for students published by ISTE enshrine a major category for digital citizenship (ISTE, 2007). "Digital citizenship" is now being dubbed as "citizen 2.0" and in the simplest terms it refers to the ability to participate in society online and to use technology appropriately. Digital citizenship represents capacity, belonging, and the potential for political and economic engagement in society in the information age (O‟Brien, 2008). Digital citizens practice conscientious use of technology, demonstrate responsible use of information, and maintain a positive attitude to learning with technology (ISTE 2007 cited in Richards, 2010). The affordances of the recent raft of web 2.0 technologies - sharing, collaborating, networking, customising and personalization enable new forms of civic participation which are changing existing social relations (Punie & Cabrera, 2006). Social communication technologies offer new channels for political engagement, contacting officials, and discussing issues. The network effects or benefits of bringing people together online exceed the satisfaction gained by individual participants - creating what economists call "positive externalities" or spill over benefits.
edutopia .org

Google+ and Privacy: Better for Educators? | Edutopia - 1 views

    Google touts its new social network as having better privacy controls than others, yet as Audrey Watters reports, they could be doing more. 
Judy O'Connell

Jack Vanderhart Pictures, Photos | Jack Vanderhart, Model - 0 views

    "A year ago Jack Vanderhart was an ordinary 16-year-old Cronulla school boy listing surfing and football as favourite pastimes on his Facebook profile. Little did he know that same Facebook profile would change his life after a local talent scount stumbled across the photo he had posted there. Now instead of hitting the Sydney surf, Jack is strutting down a catwalk for Calvin Klein at New York Fashion week."
Judy O'Connell

Tiny Bursts of Learning with Twitter - 6 views

    "Despite the fact that I know many teachers who would rank Twitter as the most valuable and powerful networking tool they have access to, there are still many more who simply don't "get" the value of Twitter. I've been to lots of conferences over the last few years where the enormous value of belonging to a Personal Learning Network was being touted, and Twitter is nearly always being suggested as the ideal tool for building that network. At one recent conference I asked for a show of hands for who was not yet on Twitter, and many hands went up... my response was "Why not? What are you waiting for? How many times do you need to hear people say that Twitter is the most valuable tool they have, before you actually try it for yourself?""
jo quinlan

Why Being Young Doesn't Make You a Social Media Expert - 0 views

  • 10-year-old twin daughters
  • It never occurred to me that my daughters would have no idea what they were doing when they entered the social media space
  • Here are my social media rules for my girls:
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Linked Account
  • I'm their frien
  • Privacy Please
  • The Talk
  • Turn off location tracking
  • device password
  • Don't allow connected devices at your child's parties,
    It never occurred to me that my daughters would have no idea what they were doing when they entered the social media space
Julie Lindsay

InCtrl :: Cable in the Classroom - 0 views

    Digital citizenship lessons and resources provided by Cable in the Classroom

Classroom 2.0 - 2 views

    This is a "social network for those interested in Web 2.0, Social Media, and Participative Technologies in the classroom." Looks like a good resource to be part of for your PLN.
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