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Julie Lindsay

Measuring global citizenship education: A collection of practices and tools | Global Ca... - 7 views

    This toolkit is the result of the collective efforts of the Global Citizenship Education Working Group (GCED-WG), a collegium of 90 organizations and experts co-convened by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at the Brookings Institution, and the United Nations Secretary General's Global Education First Initiative's Youth Advocacy Group (GEFI-YAG). To gather the measurement tools in this collection, the working group surveyed GCED programs and initiatives that target youth (ages 15-24). For the purposes of this project, GCED was defined as any educational effort that aims to provide the skills, knowledge, and experiences and to encourage the behaviors, attitudes, and values that allow young persons to be agents of long-term, positive changes in their own lives and in the lives of people in their immediate and larger communities (with the community including the environment).
Julie Lindsay

ISTE Standard●S 2 Digital Citizen - YouTube - 2 views

    The eLearningExpert provides this video sharing how the ISTE standard for students - Digital Citizenship - can be interpreted for classroom and school application.
Julie Lindsay

Should Educators Focus on Just Citizenship Instead of Digital Citizenship? | Gaggle Speaks - 8 views

    Some good points made in this article.
Julie Lindsay

Teaching digital citizens in today's world: Research and insights behind the common sen... - 4 views

    James, C., Weinstein, E., & Mendoza, K. (2019). This report points to a collection of core insights about young people and digital life from the emerging EDD research and also includes insights from academic research on media and children,focusing particularly on challenges that U.S. tweens and teens face in their digital lives. This research lays the foundation for Common Sense Education's updated Digital Citizenship Curriculum. We describe the curriculum's unique approach, grounded in Project Zero's research,which focuses on pedagogical strategies that support both student skills and dispositions. The following sections outline the six key topics covered in the curriculum and address the importance of a whole-community approach among educators, students, and parents in creating a thriving culture of digital citizenship.
Julie Lindsay

Digital Citizenship: You Can't Go Home Again | SpringerLink - 1 views

    Abstract: In the July/August 2011 edition of TechTrends, a group of AECT members and academic professionals explored the state of digital citizenship for students in K-12 through an article entitled: Digital Citizenship in K-12: It Takes a Village. Identified was a significant need for digital citizenship awareness by parents, educators, and students through a series of interviews, exploration of resources, reports, and surveys. In this current article, the purpose is to provide an updated perspective of the state of digital citizenship in the K-12 academic and professional environments as gathered from re-administering the 2010 survey and interviewing experts quoted in the 2010 article. Results showed the need for teaching digital citizenship at an earlier age, improved digital citizenship awareness by both educators and administrators, and a continued focus on the misuse and abuse of technology.
Karen Malbon

Welcome, Educators - - 5 views

    Teacher professional development resources collated by iKeepsafe for digital citizenship

Shibboleth Authentication Request - 0 views

    The International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL) is devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of game-based learning. To achieve this aim, the journal publishes theoretical manuscripts, empirical studies, and literature reviews. The journal publishes this multidisciplinary research from fields that explore the cognitive and psychological aspects that underpin successful educational video games. The target audience of the journal is composed of professionals and researchers working in the fields of educational games development, e-learning, technology-enhanced education, multimedia, educational psychology, and information technology. IJGBL promotes an in-depth understanding of the multiple factors and challenges inherent to the design and integration of Game-Based Learning environments.
Julie Lindsay

'Parents killed it': why Facebook is losing its teenage users | Technology | The Guardian - 7 views

    The evolution of Facebook within a world of competing apps.

Critical Thinking Workbook - 1 views

    great practical activities that can be implemented easily in class
Julie Lindsay

Towards a radical digital citizenship in digital education - 1 views

    Critical Studies in Education: Vol 60, No 1 In this article, we attempt to define and explore a concept of 'radical digital citizenship' and its implications for digital education. We argue that the 'digital' and its attendant technologies are constituted by on-going materialist struggles for equality and justice in the Global South and North which are erased in the dominant literature and debates in digital education. We assert the need for politically informed understandings of the digital, technology and citizenship and for a 'radical digital citizenship' in which critical social relations with technology are made visible and emancipatory technological practices for social justice are developed.
Julie Lindsay

Expert insights into education for positive digital footprint development - 1 views

    Abstract: Children and young people are spending more time online. Face-to-face interactions with friends are being supplemented with digital communication. Australian children are particularly prolific users of the internet (Green et al, 2011). This online activity creates digital footprints. Digital footprint refers to the information and data that people generate, through purposive action or passive recording, when they go online (Thatcher, 2014). Digital footprints now play a role in people's employment and educational opportunities (Black and Johnson, 2010). In this context not having a digital footprint can be as serious as having a badly managed one. One way to address this is for schools to explicitly teach students how to develop positive digital footprints that will help, rather than hinder, them in the future.
Julie Lindsay

Home | DigCitCommit - 1 views

    Inclusive, Informed, Engaged, Balanced, Alert - attributes of a global digital citizen. Hashtag #digcitcommit
Julie Lindsay

Essential Digital Citizenship Lessons for the Coronavirus Pandemic | Common Sense Educa... - 2 views

    As the effects of the coronavirus sweep through the United States and across the world, many teachers and schools are making the shift to virtual learning. But even if students are comfortable with technology, learning online requires its own norms and procedures, many of which will be new to students who are used to learning in a face-to-face classroom.

World Health Organization encourages playing video games during coronavirus pandemic - 1 views

gaming Education digital digita

started by anonymous on 31 Mar 20 no follow-up yet
jo quinlan

Why Being Young Doesn't Make You a Social Media Expert - 0 views

  • 10-year-old twin daughters
  • It never occurred to me that my daughters would have no idea what they were doing when they entered the social media space
  • Here are my social media rules for my girls:
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Linked Account
  • I'm their frien
  • Privacy Please
  • The Talk
  • Turn off location tracking
  • device password
  • Don't allow connected devices at your child's parties,
    It never occurred to me that my daughters would have no idea what they were doing when they entered the social media space

Working from home and digital literacy - what can we assume? - 3 views

    Computers...not much more than digital textbooks. Interesting research on how teachers and students are using technology with a comparison of stats from 2013 to 2018.

Children's Literature for Digital Citizenship - 3 views

I have used with my students K-3. Highly recommend as a discussion starter on Digital Citizenship. Looking around for oth...

ETL523 education digita

started by mrverdun on 09 Mar 19 no follow-up yet
S Radams

How to Spot Fake News (and Teach Kids to Be Media Savvy) - 4 views

    Clickbait, hyper-partisan opinion, and completely false information are running wild across the internet. Advice from Common Sense Media editors.
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