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Anette Holmqvist

Hur resonerar studenter om fusk? - 1 views

    Lars-Erik Nilsson disputerade med sin avhandling But Can't You See They are Lying Student Moral Positions and Ethical Practices in the Wake of Tehnological Change". den 11 april 2008. - Högskolan Kristianstad
Anette Holmqvist

En ny betygsskala - regeringens proposition - Utbildningsdepartementet - 0 views

    propositionen En ny betygsskala (prop. 2008/09:66) föreslås att en betygsskala med betygsstegen A, B, C, D, E och F ska användas när betyg sätts inom det offentliga skolväsendet. Betygsstegen A-E står för godkända resultat och F står för ej godkänt result
Anette Holmqvist

Tveksam koppling betyg-prestation - Göteborgs universitet - 0 views

    Regeringens proposition "En ny betygsskala" innebär sex betygssteg och ett streck i grundskola och gymnasium. Förslaget får godkänt av docent Christina Cliffordson, betygsforskare vid institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, som dock ifrågasätter utbildn
Anette Holmqvist

Lärarstudenters informationshantering i examensarbetet - slutrapport - 0 views

    Från Göteborgs och Stockholms universitetsbibliotek
Anette Holmqvist

Äntligen en utredning som vågar - KK-stiftelsen - 0 views

    3 december presenterar Sigbrit Franke sin utredning av den reformerade lärarutbildningen för regeringen - en utredning som sätter ljuset på de blivande lärarnas digitala kompetens.
Anette Holmqvist

Två av tre lärare tvingas dela dator - Lärarförbundets tidningar (2008) - 0 views

    Lärarnas tidnings undersökning - 500 slumpvis utvalda grundskole- och gymnasielärare
Anette Holmqvist

Effektiv kommunikation inom skolan (2008) - Skolledares arbetssituation - 1 views

    - skolledare om den egna arbetssituationen Microsoft / Synnovate 2008-11-10
Anette Holmqvist

Passion Pedagogik Lärarnätverket i Sverige - 1 views

    Nätverk för pedagoger som vill bredda och fördjupa den pedagogiska debatten
Anette Holmqvist

TDA - Training and Development Agency for Schools - 0 views

    The Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) is the national agency and recognised sector body responsible for the training and development of the school workforce. We play a central role in supporting the workforce to help children and young p
Anette Holmqvist

The National Education Network - Storbritannien - 1 views

shared by Anette Holmqvist on 12 Mar 10 - Cached
    The National Educational Network är ett nätverk av regionala nätverk av kommuner(bl a London Grid of Learning, E2BN etc)This network means that schools can enjoy a range of broadband services without individual pupils going onto the internet. Samarbete sk
Anette Holmqvist

QCA - 0 views

    QCA maintain and develop the national curriculum and associated assessments, tests and examinations.Mål, kurs-planer, prov och diplom, titlar och examensbetyg etc. godkänns och kontrolleras av den nationella myndigheten The Qualifications and Curriculum A
Anette Holmqvist

National Curriculum - Qualifications and Curriculum Authority - 0 views

    QCA develop the national curriculum, which defines the knowledge, understanding and skills to which children and young people are entitled. We keep it under review, to evaluate its appropriateness and relevance to the changing needs of learners and societ
Anette Holmqvist

The Early Years Foundation Stage - 0 views

    The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a term defined in Section 39 of the British government's Childcare Act 2006[1]. The EYFS comprises a set of Welfare Requirements and a set of Learning and Development Requirements[2], which must be followed by pr
Anette Holmqvist

Every Child Matters - 1 views

    Every Child Matters is the government agenda which focuses on bringing together services to support children and families. It sets out five major outcomes for children: being healthy; staying safe; enjoying and achieving; making a positive contributio
Anette Holmqvist

BESA - British Educational Suppliers Association - 0 views

    BESA is a trade association. Trade associations are organisations which represent a particular industry, but do not supply products themselves. They promote and provide information about their member companies and are a good source of information and advi
Anette Holmqvist

Staying Safe Action Plan (2008) - 0 views

    This action plan sets out the work which the Government will take forward over the next three years to drive improvements in children and young people's safety, which will be measured by the new Public Service Agreement to improve children and young peopl
Anette Holmqvist

Becta - Next Generation Learning Charter - 0 views

    From January 2009, Becta is offering all English schools the opportunity to make a public commitment to providing better learning opportunities through the effective use of technology
Anette Holmqvist

Technology will be key in delivering the Children's Plan. - Department for Children, Sc... - 0 views

    Jim Knight - invigningstal BETT 2008
Anette Holmqvist

Transforming Education Through Technology - Department for Children, Schools and Famili... - 0 views

    Jim Knight - invigningstal BETT 2007
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