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Palmyra: Syrian troops reach outskirts of IS-held city - BBC News - 0 views

    Syrian government forces have pushed back IS militants and reached the edge of Palmyra. The city was previously held by IS, during which they destroyed two 2,000 year old temples.

Gender equality? It doesn't exist anywhere in the world - LA Times - 1 views

  • t's been more than 100 years since the world began observing International Women's Day, and yet no country has achieved full gender equality.
  • But in Yemen, the country that ranks lowest according to the same data,
  • About two-thirds of countries in the developing world have achieved gender equality in primary education according to U.N. data, but the progress is less substantial at the secondary school level.
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  • In Africa and South Asia for example, boys remain 1.55 times more likely to complete secondary education than girls, according to World Bank data.
  • Even when girls make it into the classroom they still “continue to face particular risk in chaotic conflict settings,”
  • n Pakistan, for example, the Taliban has declared war on girls' education, and frequently attacks educational institutions
  • “They don’t translate into greater equality in the labor market,” said Sarah Gammage, director of gender, economic empowerment and livelihoods at the International Center for Research on Women. “Around the world women have disproportionately been part of the informal economy.”
  • hey are typically responsible for providing care services for family members, Gammage said. Other duties include child rearing, cooking, and other household chores. It is work for which they are not paid. Women perform three times more unpaid work than men, according to the U.N.’s 2015 Human Development Report.
  • eing able to make decisions, such as voting, owning land, and deciding whom to marry “is where we see the most significant difference between the least developed and developed countries,” said Varia.
  • In Saudi Arabia, women are not permitted to drive and cannot open bank accounts without their husbands' permissio
  • Uganda forbids women to gain permanent custody of children after a divorce,
  • Honor killings, the traditional practice that allows the slaying of a family member who is believed to have brought dishonor on a family, claims thousands of women’s lives every year in South and Central Asia.
    This article is a response to International Women's Day, saying that gender equality doesn't exist in the world. In the middle of the article, they show a chart of the gender gap between men and women. Egypt is last in the chart.
    This article goes into depth about the inequality in the Middle East which extends to today. This looks at the ideas of democratization which would promote higher education. Greater rights for women. and improve infant morality rates 

Syrian opposition asks U.N. to halt peace talks - SWI - 0 views

    This article references the current situation in seeking peace talks. The situation isn't going well, as only 3 of 15 groups were available to meet with the UN envoy. Moreover, the rebel groups want a cessation to the ceasefire so that they can retaliate against government forces. Their plan on doing so involves attacks in Hama and Latakia.

Document Reveals Growth of Cyberwarfare Between the U.S. and Iran - 1 views

    Disclosed documents provide details of a veiled cyber scene in which governments are the major players. It notes that the start of Iran's cyber warfare was kicked off by the US under the Bush administration who initiated cyber attacks on Iran to prevent Iran's attempts at nuclear programs.

UAE's 1st female fighter pilot carried out strikes on ISIS - CBS News - 0 views

    Mariam al- Mansouri took part in an air strike against ISIS. She was the first women to lead an air strike in the country. In the UEA women do have hight positions in government minister, police officers, and as executives, but it's still a men dominated country.

Egypt: Al-Sisi Ascendant | The Economist - 0 views

    General Al-Sisi, who took over Egypt after a coup against the Muslim Brotherhood is set to address the UN General Assembly on September 25th. His first 100 days in office has seen economic growth and increasing political stability. His government has increased fuel prices to curb the deficit and set out on a project to double the capacity of the Suez canal. With rising turmoil in the Middle East, Egypt has made its return as a moderating force. However the general's reliance on heavy-handed police forces to quell uprising and the continued holding of political prisoners continues to draw ire. To counter this he has released high profile prisoners and may revisit the anti-protest law.

Syria blasts coalition against Islamic State | The Times of Israel - 0 views

    This article explains the humanitarian crisis caused by some rebel forces. These rebel forces shoot home made artillery into civillian heavy areas in hope that they get some government officials.
27More - 2 views

  • Jordanian survey, 87% of the respondents wanted to eradicate wasta.
  • Cunnigham and Sarayrah (1994) suggest that the modern oil boom in the Arab world may have perpetuated wasta by reducing the need for hard work.
  • human resource departments in the Arab world depend heavily on subjective assessment tools such as unstructured interviews.
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  • most Arab economies suffer from very high levels of unemployment. Good jobs are scarce. This motivates applicants to use every mean possible to improve their chances of being hired.
  • For example, sons of police and military officers are given preference in admission to the Egyptian police academy or military college, respectively.
  • study conducted by Whiteoak, Crawford and Mapstone (2006) showed the young UAE citizens believed that wasta is more useful than do their older citizens. This finding may imply that wasta is strengthening rather than diminishing in Arab societies. Commenting on the spread of wasta in Egypt, a senior bank official told one of the authors that up to 25% of his staff were hired only because of their wasta.
  • many top governmental positions are reserved for members of the ruling families or members of their supporting tribes
  • First, to maintain their grip on authority, Arab political regimes tend to place close confidants in key positions even if they are not the most qualified for such positions.
  • In Syria, the key argument made in favor of selecting Basher Al Asad as the country’s president was that he was the son of the late president Hafez Al Asad.
  • study conducted by Kilani and Sakija in Jordan showed that 90% of the respondents believed that they would use wasta in the future.
  • In the Quran, Muslims are instructed that “the best that you can hire employee is one who is competent and trustworthy” (Quran, 28, 26). Prophet Mohamed is also reported to have said “He who is in a leadership position and appoints knowingly a person who is not qualified to manage, than he violates the command of God and His messenger”. He also stated “when a person assumes an authority over people and promotes one of them because of personal preferences, God will curse him for ever”.
  • Rising to high levels requires important connections. Receiving important privileges or benefits is contingent upon using the right connections.
  • Intercessory wasta on the other hand, involves someone intervening on behalf of a client to obtain an advantage or 2overcome a barrier from an authority figure. It is this type of wasta that affects hiring decisions.
  • Those who are supported by strong others will not be put down or rejected. Only the unconnected or unsupported are punished.
  • people who are related to important others (especially in government) are fortunate as they will have their demands or needs fulfilled. People serve those that are related to important people.
  • People tend to serve those that they know. Without knowing anybody, you will have difficulty getting the service you want.
  • The turban symbolizes a senior respected person. If you know a senior person, your demands will be meet. Similar to the second proverb
  • Intermediary wasta is utilized to facilitate the resolution of intergroup or interpersonal conflicts. In this system, wasta improves human relations and reinforces social norms.
  • Intermediary wasta is utilized to facilitate the resolution of intergroup or interpersonal conflicts. In this system, wasta improves human relations and reinforces social norms. Intercessory wasta on the other hand, involves someone intervening on behalf of a client to obtain an advantage or 2overcome a barrier from an authority figure. It is this type of wasta that affects hiring decisions.
  • feed feelings of injustice and frustration among those who are qualified for the job but do not have a wasta. Wasta is also different from the more popular nepotism and cronyism. While nepotism involves hiring of relatives and friends, wasta is not restricted to such groups and may involve strangers
  • may lead to poor job performance and economic decline.
  • Indeed, wasta is blamed for Arab world’s poor economic performance and brain drain (Al Maeena, 2003; Cunnigham & Sarayrah, 1994). Kilani and Sakijha (2002) stress that wasta is becoming a burden on its seeker, its granter and the government.
  • Arab wasta has been compared to the Chinese concept of guanxi. Both wasta and guanxi use social networks to influence the distribution of advantages and resources. However, while guanxi is based on Confucian ethics which focus on strengthening collective ties (Hutchings & Weir, 2006a; Hutchings & Weir, 2006b); wasta violates Muslim ethics which prescribe hiring the most qualified.
  • Wasta plays a critical role in hiring and promotion decisions in Arab organizations. Before applying to a position, applicants may seek out a wasta to improve their chances of being hired. A person with poor qualifications but a strong wasta will be favored over a person who is more qualified but does not have a wasta. Because many people may apply with wasta, the applicant with the most important wasta often gets the position.
    Compiled by faculty members at the German University in Cairo, this working paper series addresses the effect that watsa has on competence and morality in Middle Eastern economics and society. The authors define watsa as, "the intervention of a patron in favor of a client to obtain benefits and/or resources from a third party." In simpler terms it is a system of social networking in Arab culture in which family and social ties play a significant role in the attainment of economic advantages and resources, largely in the hiring process in businesses and organizations. A person applying for a job seeks out watsa to increase their chances of getting hired. Comparable to nepotism and cronyism, but is not restricted to friends and associates, watsa can also involve strangers linked through some social web of people. Watsa runs somewhat parallel to a Chinese concept of guanxi, based on Confucian ethics and focusing on strong collective ties. While guanxi is a part of Chinese ethics it actually defies Muslim ethical values, which advocates hiring the person most capable. In a Jordanian survey, 87% of respondents want watsa eradicated. While we know that unemployment in the Arab region is widespread, we can assume that this motivates people to do anything they can to improve their chances of obtaining a job. However, the practice of watsa as a whole is actually degrading the economic systems in the Arab sates even further. The article explains the linkage between watsa and poor job performance, economic decline, and the festering of injustice and frustration among the masses in Arab countries.
    This looks super interesting, but I can't get the link to open. Thanks for writing a thorough summary of it!

ISIS Reportedly Enters Syria's Kurdish City Of Kobani Near Turkey Border - 0 views

    ISIS had entered the town of Kobani, near the Syrian and Turkish border. This came a day after Turkish lawmakers had stated that they gave the government full power to deal with ISIS.
    Now it seems ISIS has taken control of Kobani.

ICSR Insight - Offering Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq a Way Out / ICSR - 0 views

  • Boris Johnson proposed that all the British fighters in Syria should be presumed guilty unless proven innocent
  • dangerous and counterproductive proposal
  • increase — rather than diminish — the terrorist threat to [Britain] .
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • a database of more than 450 fighters currently in Syria and Iraq.
  • motivations for travelling to Syria are diverse
  • tougher laws and blanket punishment shouldn’t be the only approach.
  • one in nine former fighters subsequently became involved in terrorist activity
  • In many cases they are disillusioned, psychologically disturbed, or just tired.
  • ideological, vicious and bloodthirsty fighters who attract the headlines,
  • many have found the reality to be far different from what they were led to believe.
  • When he first travelled out there, he said “it was all focused on Assad,” he said. “But now it’s just Muslims fighting Muslims. We didn’t come here for this.”
  • The blanket approach taken by the government — to threaten all returnees with draconian prison sentences — Abu Mohammed says, makes him feel trapped. “We’re forced to stay and fight, what choice do we have? It’s sad,” he told us.
  • Following the defeat of the Soviet Union in the 1980s, Arab-Afghan fighters could not return to their home countries. They were stripped of their citizenship
  • regrouped in Sudan and formed a Jihadist Internationale, from which al-Qaeda emerged.
  • men were offered no opportunity to disengage from the path they had chosen.
  • Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries
  • deradicalisation programmes to convince jihadists to disengage
  • deradicalisation along with monitoring and surveillance.
  • would be willing to submit to such a scheme, were it available, in order to return to the UK.
  • the Channel Project.
  • More than 1000 people
  • successfully engaged through this programme.
  • Treating all foreign fighters as terrorists, however, risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • This is not about being soft: it’s about being smart.
  • In prison, by contrast, they are likely to be further radicalised while potentially exposing others to a hardened ideology and worldview.
  • another friend who recently quit the fight after he couldn’t accept what he saw out there.
  • experience — they need to be heard, not locked away.
    This was an article (originally published by the Independent, however, I found it on their website via my first article from the BBC) by the International Center for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence of London. The article suggests, allowing fighters to return home safely and enroll in a De-radicalization program would be more beneficial than current policies of severe punishment (prison, stripping of citizenship, etc.). The authors contend current repercussions for fighters returning to their home countries leave them trapped and isolated and prison sentences often lead to further radicalization. Overall this article really captured my attention in its non-conventional proposal for governments to handle these situations.

Turkey's Clumsy Politics and the Kurdish Question - 0 views

    This is an opinion piece written by Cegniz Aktar, Senior Scholar at the Istanbul Policy Center, a director at the UN, and one of the leading advocates of Turkey's integration into the EU. In this piece, Aktar argues that Turkish politician "fearing the birth of a Kurdish nation-state more than anything but eager on the other hand to assert their regional supremacy, are ending up by alienating all three Kurdish communities" in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. He is referring specifically to President Ankara making a speech comparing the PKK to ISIL, a few days after stating that the PKK should be fighting ISIL rather than Turkey. Even though the Turkish government has been an economic partner of the Iraqi Kurds, they have offered them no military support, and have also preventing Turkish Kurds from joining the fight against ISIL. The Turkish government's fear of a sovereign Kurdish state is leading to extremely poor diplomatic outcomes.

Lack of unity stalls Egypt's youth revolution - 0 views

  • the NF
    • katelynklug
      National Salvation Front group? Demands to Morsi that constitutional declaration be rescinded, that the referendum be called off, and that a new constituent assembly be formed.
  • ongoing protests
  • sceptical about including the youth of the Muslim Brotherhood
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • part of the current regime
  • "silly"
  • ke all groups in Egyptian society
  • belong to different parties and ideologies
  • how to move foward
  • more cautious approach
  • used more carefully
  • work more with the people
  • Protest movements alert society - they don't rebuild the country.
  • Abdel Fatah, Harb, and El Elaimy, who all support ongoing protests
  • street is always ahead of the SF
  • SF is not responding fast
  • should continue as long as we have a government that neglects people's demands
  • different from that of the youth
  • negotiates to reform the regime from inside
  • new regime
  • getting rid of the Muslim Brotherhood
  • youth leaders will lead most political parties in 2-3 years
  • rejectionist generation
  • raised to reject the Mubarak regime
  • political alternative

The Civil War Within Syria's Civil War | Foreign Policy - 0 views

    AS teh largest ethnic minority, Syrian Kurds have now begun self-governance in northern Syria - along with some Iraqi and Turkish Kurds. However there are still blood-filled battles versus the Islamist extremists - althought both are anit-Assad.


    This article talk about the freedom of press in Saudi Arabia, which there is non. Some Saudis have used the internet to express political opinions and expose government corruption. However, the government is able to monitor and block websites with relative ease.

Tunisia says plans to renew ties with Syria to help track fighters | Reuters - 0 views

  • Tunisia said on Thursday it plans to reopen a consulate in Syria and offered to invite the Syrian ambassador back to Tunisia in part to help track an estimated 3,000 Tunisian militants fighting in Iraq and Syria.
  • two Tunisians who trained with militants in neighboring Libya, stormed the Tunis Bardo museum and shot 21 foreign tourists, one of Tunisia's worst such attack
  • We will not have an ambassador there, but Tunisia will open a consulate or put in place a charge d'affaires, and a Syria ambassador is welcome to Tunisia, if Syria wishes so
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  • He gave no dates
  • The minister said a consular presence in Syria would help Tunisia glean information on Tunisians fighting alongside Islamist militants in Iraq and Syria and who officials fear will return to carry out attacks at home.
  • Tunisia would also reestablish diplomatic relations with neighboring Libya
  • Tunisia completed a mostly peaceful transition to democracy but has struggled to clamp down on Islamist militants who have been carrying out regular attacks.
  • After withdrawing their envoys after the start of the uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in 2011, some European Union countries have started to privately support more communication with Damascus.
  • Several countries including China, Indonesia and top allies Russia and Iran have envoys or charge d'affaires in Damascus
    Following an attack on a museum in Tunisia, they plan to open a consulate in Syria and plan to renew their ties with the Syrian government. They state that this is so that they can track Tunisian militant fighters who have joined ISIS and to prevent them form any future attacks. 

More on Ganzeer, Egyptian Visual Artist - 3 views

    In this article, Barbara Pollack tells the reader about Ganzeer, an Egyptian artist who was influential in the days of the January 25th revolution. Ganzeer has had the government single him out and labeled him "a recruit of the Muslim Brotherhood." This forced him to move for a long stay in the United States where he continues to work at bringing awareness to Western people and hopes to change the way America supports the Egyptian government.
    When the people of Cairo took to Tahrir Square in January 2011 to oust Egypt's longtime ruler, Hosni Mubarak, the streets exploded with murals and graffiti that both mirrored the revolutionary spirit of the movement and propelled it forward. A young graphic designer joined the fray, working under the pseudonym Ganzeer, or "bicycle chain."
    When the people of Cairo took to Tahrir Square in January 2011 to oust Egypt's longtime ruler, Hosni Mubarak, the streets exploded with murals and graffiti that both mirrored the revolutionary spirit of the movement and propelled it forward.

Pope Francis uses Easter message to focus on Kenya, Syria and Iraq | World news | The G... - 0 views

  • Pope Francis used his Easter message on Sunday to pray for the nearly 150 victims of the Kenya university massacre, and highlight the suffering of people across the Middle East
  • We ask for peace, above all, for Syria and Iraq, that the roar of arms may cease and that peaceful relations be restored among the various groups which make up those beloved countries
  • The Argentinian pontiff called on the international community to “not stand by before the immense humanitarian tragedy unfolding in these countries”, drawing on the plight of refugees who have fled the violence.
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  • he prayed for refugees “suffering a brutal persecution” in Iraq and Syria, as Islamic State militants took over swaths of territory in the two countries
  • On Sunday Francis went beyond Syria and Iraq, referring also to the worsening situation in Libya. As rival militias vie for power, the pope spoke of his hopes “that the present absurd bloodshed and all barbarous acts of violence may cease”.
  • The pope’s speech was preceded by a multilingual mass, which included prayers in Arabic and Chinese, attended by thousands of followers.
  • Syria
    This message shows how everyone around the world, not just government, is concerned about the Syrian crisis. 
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