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Sharing your work: Open Access and Creative Commons (in progress: drafts) - 1 views

    "Though Open Access publication and Creative Commons licensing were not mentioned as issues by the people who participated in the DICE survey, several replies deal with germane issues: see cases THETA-MU in the "Per cominciare..." section of the handbook. The concern about protection expressed in THETA, IOTA and KAPPA is answered in Chapter B [check "B" in final version - calmansi calmansi just now] of this handbook: works such as those mentioned in these replies are automatically protected by copyright law once they have been expressed, and this protection also obtains for works expressed in digital form, and offered online. Open Access publishing and of Creative Commons licensing are particular uses of copyright law. As we shall see in what follows, they can help towards the communal sharing wished for by the author of LAMBDA, and the literature about their implementation can be of use in solving the conundrums of third parties' rights evoked by the author of MU. Open Access The main Swiss higher education authorities have signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access. This is a great progress for research. It also means that all publications by teachers and researchers - and all theses by students - of Swiss academic and higher education institutions must be made available in Open Access repositories, following the rules stated in by the Berlin Declaration: 1. The author(s) and right holder(s) of such contributions grant(s) to all users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship (community standards, will continue to provide the mechanism for enforcement of proper attribution and responsible use of the published work, as they do now), as well as the right to make small numbers of printed copies for their personal use. 2. A complete

- Alle Bibliotheken Conditions d'utilisation - 1 views

  • Toute exploitation commerciale est interdite
    "Les documents publiés dans le portail sont accessibles gratuitement pour un usage privé, ou encore à des fins de recherche et d'enseignement. Toute exploitation commerciale est interdite. Des données ou des tirages isolés peuvent être diffusés, accompagnés des présentes conditions d'utilisation, et sous réserve de leur observation. Le stockage de ces documents sur un autre serveur est soumis à une autorisation écrite de la direction du projet\n\nCreative Commons License Les documents numériques sont publiés sous la licence Creative-Commons suivante:\n\n\nLe format d'affichage est généré à partir d'images de haute résolution (en principe 300 dpi) au format Tiff. Ces images (masters) sont gérées et archivées par les bibliothèques qui conservent les documents originaux. Leur achat et leur utilisation sont soumis aux règlements tarifaires des bibliothèques concernées. "

DICE » Blog Archive » DICE Online Survey is Active - 2009-10-06 - 1 views

    "Dice started its requirement analysis by collecting stories of issues and solutions about digital copyright management. To this purpose, the Fernfachhochschule Schweiz in Brig developed a short online survey."

Zentralbibliothek Zürich | Facebook - with Thiele's comment on the translatio... - 1 views

    Update April 2 2010: the Google cache page has disappeared, so use its Diigo snapshot "Questa è la copia cache di Google di È un'istantanea della pagina visualizzata il 31 mar 2010 00:17:06 GMT. Nel frattempo la pagina corrente potrebbe essere stata modificata." Zentralbibliothek Zürich E-Rara: Alte Drucke aus Schweizer Bibliotheken im elektronischen Volltext zugänglich Auf der Webplattform e-rara finden sich seit heute kostbare Drucke der Schweizer Bibliotheken im Volltext - darunter sind auchviele Dokumente der Zentralbibliothek Zürich. Das Angebot umfasst derzeit über 800 wertvolle Bücher aus dem 16. bis ins 19. Jahrhundert. B...... 3月16日 6:44 · 评论 · 赞 · 查看回馈 (16)隐藏回应(16) Claude 、 Daniel 、 Edi 和其他 4 人都觉得这挺赞的。 Zentralbibliothek Zürich Zentralbibliothek Zürich Je vais me renseigner en ce qui concerne la traduction. Pour Gutenberg etc, je suggère que vous contactiez la coordination du projet directement, Mme Franziska Geisser. C'est plus facile qu'avec moi en tant que "go between" ;-). 昨天 9:31 Zentralbibliothek Zürich Zentralbibliothek Zürich La version française serait, selon Mme Geisser, une traduction imprécise de la version allemande et va être corrigée. 11 小时前"

Open Access Conference 20 - 22 Oct 2003, Berlin - Berlin Declaration 2003 - 1 views

    "A complete version of the work and all supplemental materials, including a copy of the permission as stated above, in an appropriate standard electronic format is deposited (and thus published) in at least one online repository using suitable technical standards (such as the Open Archive definitions) that is supported and maintained by an academic institution, scholarly society, government agency, or other well-established organization that seeks to enable open access, unrestricted distribution, inter operability, and long-term archiving. "

MSF (Médecins sans frontières) Field Research: Home - 0 views

    "welcome MSF is known for its humanitarian medical work, but it has also produced important research based on its field experience. Its studies have been published in more than 100 peer-reviewed journals and have often changed clinical practice and been used for humanitarian advocacy. MSF's scientific articles archived on this website are available free in full text - no login required. We thank the publishers who granted permission. contents * Published Research and Commentary * Conference Abstracts * Programme Descriptions * Research Resources * Partners * Feedback"

Home - ETH E-Collection "2008" but dynamic - 0 views

    " * Home * Search * Browse * Publish * FAQs * Contact * About E-Collection Toolbar English | Deutsch"

Commoner Letters | Creative Commons - 0 views

    "Commoner Letters is a series of letters written by prominent members of the CC community and sent out during our annual fundraising campaign. These exceptional "commoners" write about their past and present projects that involve CC, what CC means to them, why they feel the commons is a vital public resource in our digital age, and where they think CC is headed in the future."

About EACEA:Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EC) - no date - 0 views

    "Introduction Decision setting up the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency for the management of Community action in the fields of education, audiovisual and culture in application of Council Regulation (EC) No 58/2003 (2009/336/EC), repealing Decision 2005/56/EC. " (all EU languages)

Internet Archive Frequently Asked Questions - large collections - no date - 0 views

    "I want to add LOTS of individual items to the archive, how do i do that? If you have a large collection of related items in single media type, like a radio show for example, please contact the Internet Archive. You can email our collections staff at info at Please put start your subject line with "Collections:". Be sure to include the details of your collection; we want to know how many items you have, what format they are in as well as any general information you can give us about the collection. In general, collection pages are created once the number of uploaded items has reached 50 or more, or there are 50 or more items ready to be uploaded with their associated metadata. "

Get Creative - 0 views

    The original film can be seen at I am only uploadin

Internet Archive: Free Downloads: Text Archive - dynamic: no date - 0 views

    "Welcome to the Open-Access Text Archive. This collection is open to the community for the contribution of any type of text, many licensed using Creative Commons licenses. Check our FAQ for more information. Recent Internet Archive blog posts focused on Texts: * Guest Blogger: Barbara Janis of the Presidio Trust * Celebrate Banned Books Week 2009 * Travels with the FWP * Special Collections From the UCLA Scanning Center * Welcoming the "Share" Button * The Library of Congress at Your Fingertips * Yiddish Literature Online Please feel free to contribute your texts! (Uploaders, please try to set a Creative Commons license as part of the upload process, so people know what they can do with your texts - thanks!) All items (most recently added first) - RSS"

Welcome to Reproducible Research Repository - Reproducible Research Repository EPFL Lau... - 0 views

    " * Home * Browse by Year * Browse by Publication Type * Search * About "

SEALS - server for digitized journals - Switzerland - dynamic: no date - 0 views

    "Search * Simple search * Advanced search * * Last hitlist Browse * by classification * by collection * by title * by author * by year of publication About * General * News * Partners * Links Actual repository-content * Journals: 67 * Volumes: 2154 * Articles: 90762 * Pages: 1110487"

YouTube - Official MIT OpenCourseWare 1800 Event Video - uploaded by MIT 2007-11-28 - 0 views

    "Here is the official video for the MIT OpenCourseWare 1800 event: Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds: A Milestone Celebration. The event celebrates the publishing of the 1800th course on MIT OpenCourseWare. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at" with autocaps

SERVAL - Serveur Académique Lausannois (UNIL et CHUV) - no date - 0 views

    " * Déposer * Chercher * Types de documents * Facultés & Serval * Droit d'auteur * Projet * Helpdesk - FAQ * Pourquoi déposer ? * accès à MyUNIL"

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Open Access: New SNSF (Swiss National Science ... - 0 views

    archived at ( ) "Open Access: New SNSF provisions to facilitate access \n\nResearch sponsored by public funding should be publicly accessible as far as possible, not least in the interests of science itself. To this end, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has issued provisions on Open access to scientific publications of projects sponsored by the SNSF. The provisions leave researchers the freedom to choose how to implement them."

Internet Archive - dynamic page: no date - 0 views

    "Moving Images 248,106 movies movies icon Browse (by keyword) Live Music Archive 73,276 concerts etree icon Browse (by band) Audio 474,327 recordings audio icon Browse (by keyword) Texts 1,865,283 texts"

DigiBern - Bernese Culture and History on the Web - no date - 0 views

    "Home | Collection | Further information | Links | Contact Universitätsbibliothek Bern DigiBern - Bernese Culture and History on the Web DigiBern is a web offer by the University Library of Berne and includes digitized texts and maps pertaining to the history and culture of Berne city and the canton of Berne. Digibern has been online since 2002. So far, the most widely spread and used printed texts have been digitized. The documents are fully searchable for keywords. They can be traced via the index on the DigiBern web site. Moreover, they are indexed and web linked in the online library catalog IDS Basel/Bern. Digibern is freely available worldwide to scholars and the public. "

Welcome to edoc| University Library of Basel - edoc - dynamic: no date - 0 views

    "This is the institutional repository of the University of Basel. It provides public access to electronic theses of the University. [feed] Atom [feed] RSS 1.0 [feed] RSS 2.0 Latest Additions View items added to the repository in the past week. Advanced Search Search the repository using a full range of fields. Use the search field at the top of the page for a quick search. Browse the repository by …Author …Faculty > Department > Research Group …Thesis (sorted by faculties) …Year "
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