Lessig: "It Is About Time: Getting Our Values Around Copyright Right" Educause 09 (tra... - 0 views
Claude Almansi on 18 Mar 10"So, let me make one final plea, to bring you into this battle. You all know, we are in the middle of a war. I don't mean - actually, we are in the middle of many wars - I mean actually one war here, the copyright war. War that the late Jack Valenti, my friend - extraodinary man - used to refer to as his own "terrorist war"? - where apparently , the terrorists in this war are our children. (audience laughs). So we organize and wage war against these terrorists. We talk about this as a war that needs to be waged against these pirates. And the thing that we need to recognize as educators, as scientists, as parents, as people who understand the potential and uses of this technology, is: we can't kill this technology, we can only criminalize it. We're not going to stop our kids from creating the way they create, ways that we couldn't even begin to imagine creating, at least when I was growing up. We can only drive that creativity underground. We can't make our kids passive, the way that, again, I was passive growing up, the way Souza feared. We can only make them "pirates". And the question we, as a culture, need to ask is: Is that any good? Our kids live in this age of prohibitions, in all sorts of contexts of their life. They live life against the law. We tell them they live life against the law and they recognize their behavior is against the law. That recognition is extraordinarily corrosive, extraordinarily corruptive of the rule of law in a democracy. 3571.076838 3590.998233 You, each of you, all of us, have let this insanity happen. You, each of you, all of us, could, if we actually stood up and did something about it, make it stop. Thank you very much."