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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Claude Almansi

Claude Almansi

Video - Video didattici in italiano 1 - 0 views

  • Misteri Trapani 2010 03:46 Immagini e suoni per raccontare un evento Tag: processione, santa stella bonventre 24 Lug 42 visualizzazion
  • lezione_html_04 04:25 Stile con CSS Tag: Mozambico, scuola Oreste Parlatano 9 Lug 40 visualizzazioni
  • segesta-selinunte 04:48 Parco archeologico di Segesta e Selinunte-Trapani Tag: Coloniegreche, acheologia Rosa Massaro 15 Lug 31 visualizzazioni
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • lezione_html_03 03:37 Paragrafo e accapo Tag: Mozambico, scuola Oreste Parlatano 9 Lug 20 visualizzazioni
  • lezione_html_02 04:29 Brevi lezioni create per la scuola italiana di Maputo, Mozambico Tag: Mozambico, scuola Oreste Parlatano 9 Lug 22 visualizzazioni
  • lezione_html_01 04:02 Brevi lezioni create per la scuola italiana di Maputo, Mozambico Tag: Mozambico, scuola Oreste Parlatano 9 Lug 10 visualizzazioni DIVISORI DI UN NUMERO IN EXCEL 07:02 Come costruire una tabella, in excel 2007, per determinare i divisori di un numero
  • Cicala (Lyristes plebejus) 05:36 Osservazione di una cicala. Tag: plebejus, animali Marika Rongo 9 Lug 44 visualizzazioni
  • Mozia e dintorni 10:45 Documentazione video della gita d'istruzione a Mozia e Saline Infersa (Marsala) TP Tag: museo, colonia stella bonventre 23 Giu 84 visualizzazioni
  • Il_Formatore_ 07:11 Nadia Bassano 18 Giu 32 visualizzazioni
  • i percorsi del vetro 04:45 La classe quinta della Scuola Primaria “Mons. Cerutti” ha seguito un percorso che ha permesso agli… Tag: vetrerie, fornaci Veronica Da Re 17 Giu 55 visualizzazioni
  • Per Artsystem presentazione Cerutti 03:34 Il video della quinta della Scuola Primaria "Cerutti" di Murano realizzato dalla maestra Veronica c… Tag: Esperienze, Artigianato Veronica Da Re 17 Giu 29 visualizzazion
  • Tocut dopo tocut 01:39 Creatività con il mosaico raccontata in Lingua Friulana Adan 16 Giu 30 visualizzazioni
  • Pezzetto dopo pezzetto 01:41 Laboratorio di creatività con il mosaico Tag: laboratorio, mosaico Adan 16 Giu 32 visualizzazion
  • Elmer par Furlan 01:52 Rielaborazione in Lingua Friulana della storia "Elmer e l'arcobaleno" di David McKee. I disegni e l… Adan 15 Giu 27 visualizzazioni
  • Filmato 03:10 Dalla carta riciclata al foglio. Tag: carta angelaatta 14 Giu 19 visualizzazioni
  • processo3.cut 03:03 processo-3 parte Tag: argomentazione, italiano Rosa Massaro 13 Giu 32 visualizzazion
  • processo2.cut 06:40 Processo ad un fatto di cronaca - parte seconda Tag: argomentazione, italiano Rosa Massaro 13 Giu 25 visualizzazion
  • La_Creazione_ParteII 09:09 ...per introdurre l'argomento della Creazione, seguendo la cronologia biblica: senza alcun sottotit… Tag: immagini, e Nadia Bassano 13 Giu 10 visualizzazioni
  • La_Creazione_ParteI 05:29 Immagini e musica, per introdurre la tematica della Creazione (seguendo l'ordine biblico): niente s… Tag: immagini, e Nadia Bassano 13 Giu 20 visualizzazioni
  • Tutti i video
    " * Misteri Trapani 2010 03:46 Immagini e suoni per raccontare un evento Tag: processione, santa stella bonventre 24 Lug 42 visualizzazioni * segesta-selinunte segesta-selinunte 04:48 Parco archeologico di Segesta e Selinunte-Trapani Tag: Coloniegreche, acheologia Rosa Massaro 15 Lug 31 visualizzazioni * lezione_html_04 lezione_html_04 04:25 Stile con CSS Tag: Mozambico, scuola Oreste Parlatano 9 Lug 40 visualizzazioni * lezione_html_03 lezione_html_03 03:37 Paragrafo e accapo Tag: Mozambico, scuola Oreste Parlatano 9 Lug 20 visualizzazioni * lezione_html_02 lezione_html_02 04:29 Brevi lezioni create per la scuola italiana di Maputo, Mozambico Tag: Mozambico, scuola Oreste Parlatano 9 Lug 22 visualizzazioni * Cicala (Lyristes plebejus) Cicala (Lyristes plebejus) 05:36 Osservazione di una cicala. Tag: plebejus, animali Marika Rongo 9 Lug 44 visualizzazioni * lezione_html_01 lezione_html_01 04:02 Brevi lezioni create per la scuola italiana di Maputo, Mozambico Tag: Mozambico, scuola Oreste Parlatano 9 Lug 10 visualizzazioni * DIVISORI DI UN NUMERO IN EXCEL DIVISORI DI UN NUMERO IN EXCEL 07:02 Come costruire una tabella, in excel 2007, per determinare i divisori di un numero Susanna Abbati 24 Giu 54 visualizzazioni * Mozia e dintorni Mozia e dintorni 10:45 Documentazione video della gita d'istruzione a Mozia e Saline Infersa (Marsala) TP Tag: museo, colonia stella bonventre 23 Giu 84 visualizzazioni * Il_Formatore_ Il_Formatore_ 07:11 Nadia Bassano 18 Giu 32 visualizzazioni * i percorsi del vetro i percorsi del vetro 04:45 La classe quinta della Scuola Primaria "Mons. Cerutti" ha seguito un percorso che ha permesso agli… Tag: vetrerie, fornaci Veronica Da Re 17 Giu 55 visualizzazioni * Per Artsys
Claude Almansi

3rd ICTs-and-Society Network Meeting - ~ Barcelona (SP) 2010-06-29 / 07-02 - 0 views

    "June 29 - July 2, 2010 :: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) :: Castelldefels (Barcelona) :: Spain * Home * About * Call * Schedule * PhD Consortium * People * Venue * Registration Deadline extended! May 06, 2010 Apr 15th, 2010 by Celina. Following several requests we decided to extend the deadline for contributions to the 3rd ICTs-and-Society network meeting."
Claude Almansi

Copyright violation alert ransomware in the wild | Dancho Danchev | 2010-04-12 - 0 views

    "A currently ongoing ransomware campaign is using a novel approach to extort money from end users whose PCs have been locked down. By pretending to be the fake ICPP Foundation (, the ransomware locks down the user's desktop issuing a "Copyright violation: copyrighted content detected" message, which lists torrent files found on the infected PC, and forces the user to pay $400 for the copyright holder's fine, emphasizing on the fact that "the maximum penalties can be five years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines. More details on the campaign: ..."
Claude Almansi

ICPP Copyright Foundation is Fake - Mikko F-Secure 2010-04-12 - 0 views

    "There's a new extortion trojan in circulation. This one attempts to steal victims' money by bullying them to pay a "pre-trial settlement" to cover a "Copyright holder fine". The victim is informed that an "Antipiracy foundation scanner" has found illegal torrents from the system. If he won't pay $400 (via a credit card transaction), he might face jail time and huge fines."
Claude Almansi

ICCP Foundation - bogus scamming foundation sending copyright scareware. Gg cache 2010... - 0 views

    This is Google's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 4 Apr 2010 15:28:24 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. "We are a law firm which specialises in assisting intellectual property rights holders exploit and enforce their rights globally. Illegal file sharing costs the creative industries billions of pounds every year. The impact of this is huge, resulting in job losses, declining profit margins and reduced investment in product development. Action needs to be taken and we believe a coordinated effort is needed now, before irreparable damage is done. We have developed effective and unique methods for organisations to enforce their intellectual rights. By working effectively with forensic IT experts, law firms and anti-piracy organisations, we seek to eliminate the illegal distribution of copyrighted material through our revolutionary business model. Whilst many companies offer anti-piracy measures, these are often costly and ineffective. Our approach is quite the opposite, it generates revenue for rights holders and effectively decreases copyright infringement in a measurable and sustainable way. We offer high quality advice and excellent client care by delivering a thorough and reliable service. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for a no obligation consultation."
Claude Almansi

Op-Ed - The End of History (Books) - - Marc Aronson 2010-04-02 - 0 views

  • Before we even get to downloads, though, we need to fix the problem for print books. As a starting point, authors and publishers — perhaps through a joint committee of the Authors Guild and the Association of American Publishers — should create a grid of standard rates and images and text extracts keyed to print runs and prices.
    • Claude Almansi
      Interesting proposal - except for the idea of letting the Authors' Guild and the Association of American Publishers enact it: see the mess they made with the Google Book Search Settlement, and the Authors' Guild claim that the Text to Speech option on the Kindle created a new derivative audio work.
    "...If rights remain as tightly controlled and as expensive as they are now, nonfiction will be the province of the entirely new or the overly familiar. Dazzling books with newly created art, text and multimedia will far outnumber works filled with historical materials. Only a few well-heeled companies will have the wherewithal to create gee-whiz multimedia book-like products that require permissions, and these projects will most likely focus on highly popular subjects. History's outsiders and untold stories will be left behind. We treat copyrights as individual possessions, jewels that exist entirely by themselves. I'm obviously sympathetic to that point of view. But source material also takes on another life when it's repurposed. It becomes part of the flow, the narration, the interweaving of text and art in books and e-books. It's essential that we take this into account as we re-imagine permissions in a digital age. When we have a new model for permissions, we will have new media. Then all of us - authors, readers, new-media innovators, rights holders - will really see the stories that words and images can tell. "
Claude Almansi

Op-Ed - The End of History (Books) - Marc Aronson 2010-04-02 - print version - 0 views

  • When we have a new model for permissions, we will have new media. Then all of us — authors, readers, new-media innovators, rights holders — will really see the stories that words and images can tell.
Claude Almansi

WebCite: About - ccLearn - 0 views

    Our Goals\n\n * Minimize legal, technical, and social barriers to the creation and reuse of OER.\n * Bring new communities and groups into the world of open learning.\n * Change the culture of education so that teachers have greater control over their pedagogy, greater freedom to experiment, and a larger community for support.\n * Empower participation and expertise in education from around the world.\n
Claude Almansi

Swiss Forum for Educational Media SFEM - Podcasts | 2006-2009 - 0 views

Claude Almansi

Informationsplattform Open Access: Startseite (also in English) dynamic: no date - 0 views

    "Willkommen auf der Informationsplattform! Die Informationsplattform hat das Ziel, den steigenden Informationsbedarf zum Thema Open Access zu decken. Sie bündelt bislang verstreute Informationen und bereitet diese für verschiedene Zielgruppen und Szenarien spezifisch auf. Da sukzessive entlang der Rückmeldungen und Bedürfnisse der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer der Plattform weiterentwickelt werden soll, freuen wir uns über Kommentare und Ergänzungen. Zögern Sie daher nicht, uns eine E-Mail mit Ihren Fragen und Anregungen zu schicken! Wir möchten Sie zudem einladen, sich in unserem Expertenforum (in Form einer moderierten Mailingliste) an den aktuellen Diskussionen zum Thema Open Access zu beteiligen! --- Projektpartner: Freie Universität Berlin Universität Bielefeld Georg August Universität Göttingen Universität Konstanz"
Claude Almansi

About EACEA:Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EC) - no date - 0 views

    "Introduction Decision setting up the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency for the management of Community action in the fields of education, audiovisual and culture in application of Council Regulation (EC) No 58/2003 (2009/336/EC), repealing Decision 2005/56/EC. " (all EU languages)
Claude Almansi

MSF (Médecins sans frontières) Field Research: Home - 0 views

    "welcome MSF is known for its humanitarian medical work, but it has also produced important research based on its field experience. Its studies have been published in more than 100 peer-reviewed journals and have often changed clinical practice and been used for humanitarian advocacy. MSF's scientific articles archived on this website are available free in full text - no login required. We thank the publishers who granted permission. contents * Published Research and Commentary * Conference Abstracts * Programme Descriptions * Research Resources * Partners * Feedback"
Claude Almansi

Home - ETH E-Collection "2008" but dynamic - 0 views

    " * Home * Search * Browse * Publish * FAQs * Contact * About E-Collection Toolbar English | Deutsch"
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