Growing fraud detection firm latest tech firm to redesign in Big Pink - 1 views
As compare to last year, 2014 is more promising to become a better year for tech gadgets. There are many exciting gadgets planned to be released this year including the Apple iWatch, wearable tel...
Consumers in the U.S. and the UK are increasingly adopting mobile and online banking, according to a 2014 survey by Cognitive Biometrics Firm BioCatch. In both countries, the survey reveals that m...
Corliss Tech Review Group Study: External audits not an effective tool for against fraud Investors, corporate executives and analysts depend on external audits to maintain honesty in business orga...
Two years ago, Google has hyped its Glasses device as the greatest thing since sliced bread -- and for a moment, many of us believed it. During its launch, there was much enthusiasm on the part o...
With the trend today of making every new smartphone thinner than the last one, most would have to make a compromise between aesthetics and productivity. Usually, a nice and thin smartphone means sh...
Government to Call on Companies to Help Improve Information Sharing as Breaches Get More Sophisticated President Barack Obama will convene top executives from Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and a nu...
Sårbarhed oplysninger vil blive nøje holdt indtil patches er klar, OpenSSL Project sagde. Sikkerhedsbulletiner for OpenSSL bør ikke anvendes til konkurrencefordel, ifølge projektets udvikling bag ...