Contents contributed and discussions participated by Cahrla Green
The Corliss Group Latest Tech Review: Google Glass News on Do's & Don'ts' & Wearable Ga... - 1 views
Google Glass News: Restaurant Bans Mêlée With Online Reviews From Glassholes, Reports Highlight 'Do's & Don'ts' & Wearable Gadget Etiquette
Google Glass news reports say that fans of the computing headgear wearable are fighting the ban on the wearable gadget in restaurants.
The ban comes on the heels of an anti-Google Glass incident in a San Francisco bar just months ago.
Mashable reports that Google Glass enthusiasts are fighting back when asked to remove their Glass at restaurants. How? By writing awful reviews of the restaurants:
It all started in April when Google Glass user Katy Kasmai was asked to remove her device at a restaurant called Feast in New York City. Instead of complying with the request, she decided to leave. But soon after, Kasmai posted a one-star review of the restaurant, setting off the latest in a series of public debates about Glass."
Reports have also found that 72% of Americans do not wish to own Google Glass over privacy concerns. It's clear that the Glass has the general public edgy over the probability of being videotaped or photographed candidly.
Apart from the review of the Feast, Kasmai posted, "Feast, in #NYC just asked that I remove +Google Glass because customers have complained of privacy concerns," adding, "Never has happened to me before in the one year I've had Glass."
Following the post was a number of other reviewers giving the restaurant a poor review for the same issue.
Feast's manager told to EV Grieve "It's malicious and technically a violation of Google's own terms for leaving reviews, adding, ""I can understand her leaving the one-star based on her experience, but 12 others with no experience on who we are or what we do is unfair." underscored Google's own regulations about the 'etiquette of Google Glass', the Do's and Don'ts, if you will:
"Don't be creepy or rude (aka, a "Glasshole"). Respect others and if they have questions about Glass don't get snappy. Be polite and explain what Glass does and remember, a quick demo can go a long way. In places where cell phone cameras aren't allowed, the same rules will apply to Glass. If you're asked to turn your phone off, turn Glass off as well. Breaking the rules or being rude will not get businesses excited about Glass and will ruin it for other Explorers."
Nonetheless, Google Glass remains a highly polarized gadget with some really liking it and others not liking at all. It looks it will take more time for the privacy issue to go away or Google might have to make some tweaks like sounds and lights that signal when the wearable is engaging with 'people on the outside.'
Earlier there had been rumors that Google Glass is on sale for every U.S. citizen to buy for a whopping $1500.
According to Tech Crunch, the Google Glass store is open and is taking orders, but Google is letting consumers know this is not a public launch of Google Glass for anyone who has $1500 to spend on tech wearables. Oh, and that figure is not inclusive of tax.
One Google spokesperson commented that the Google Glass store is set up to enable participants of the April 15 sale to complete their buys. So, that also means you can't just walk into the Glass store and get hold of 'Glass.'
Google also released a statement saying, the link was created to enable recent Explorers who signed up for the gadget from last week's sale. The search engine giant also said that it would be shuttering down the facility in order to continue experimenting with the expansion of the Explorer program in the future, implying Glass is still in nascent phase.
There are no plans for Google to continue selling the gadget again, say reports.
Corliss Tech Review Group: LG utmanar Samsung med G Flex böjd skärm smartphone - 2 views
Det ser ut som LG och Samsung är på det igen. Båda företagen tävlar om uppmärksamheten på CES 2013 med samtidig "världens första" böjda OLED TV-meddelanden. LG ledde konsekvent i loppet till konsumenten utrymme, och såg ut att vara första flytta skärmformatet på smartphones med tillkännagivande tidigare denna månad av sina planer på att mass producera flexibel OLED telefonen visar. Samsung hade andra idéer, dock och Galaxy runda lanserades bara några dagar senare. LG har nu ikapp med den kommande lanseringen av sin något större Flex smartphone, med en böjd skärm som följer konturen av ansiktet.
Överslag G Flex Smartphonens skärm vertikalt ger mikrofonen närmare användarens mun när hålls mot örat, som, enligt LG, ökar volymen på mikrofonen med 3 dB (i jämförelse med typiska platt-screening telefoner). Företaget gör även liknande IMAX-liknande uppslukande landskap video visning påståenden som tillsammans frisläppandet av de böjda TV-apparater.
G Flex sport en 6-tum, 1280 x 720 upplösning P-OLED visar, som ser den display och panel byggt på plast substrat i stället för glas. Riktig RGB-teknik har införlivats - där röda, gröna och blå sub-pixlarna är alla inneslutna i en pixel - för en ljusare och mer exakt på skärmen bild.
En 2,26 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 quad-core processor körs showen, med en 450 MHz Adreno 330 GPU, 2 GB LPDDR3 RAM och 32 GB eMMC-lagring (med en micro SD-kortplats för utbyggnad) att göra upp den stöttande gjutna. Enheten tips skalorna på 6,2 oz. (177 g) och dess 3500 mAh böjda batteri, som har utvecklats av syster företag LG Chem, rapporteras att tillhandahålla mer än en hel dags användning.
6.3 x 3,2 x 0,31-0,34 i (160.5 x 81,6 x 7,9 - 8.7 mm) enheten har en 13 megapixelkamera med LED-blixt på baksidan och framsidan 2,1 MP webbkamera. LED pulser att ange ansikte identifiering eller timer nedräkning. Bak-nyckel design i G2 har också inkluderats, med en strömbrytare i en volym rocker, och företaget har tillämpat en speciell reptålig beläggning på baksidan för att hålla enheten ser ut som nya längre.
Den senaste medlemmen i LG: s G smartphone familjen kör Android 4.2.2 och har en fräsch UX som har en funktion som kallas Q teater som ger användare tillgång till innehåll direkt från låsskärmen, och möjliggör visning delas i två separata fönster för multi-tasking.
Smartphone är LTE-kapabel, förpackningar Bluetooth 4.0 och 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi, och använder NFC-tekniken. Det är också skicklig av Hi-Fi-kvalitet 24-bit/192 kHz ljud-uppspelning.
LG G Flex börjar sin resa i rygg fickorna på konsumenterna i Sydkorea nästa månad, innan att rullas ut till andra marknader.
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Consumers in the U.S. and the UK are increasingly adopting mobile and online banking, according to a 2014 survey by Cognitive Biometrics Firm BioCatch.
In both countries, the survey reveals that more users are performing banking transactions over the web and through a mobile device, at 36 per cent and 29 per cent respectively, which shows an over take from traditional means such as telephone and branch banking.
"We've seen an uptick in online and mobile adoption rates among banking customers over the past few years and expect this trend to continue at a rapid pace as banks continue to improve their functionality," BioCatch VP of Products Oren Kedem said.
But while this is a positive development in the online banking space, the study also shows that a number of consumers who have not yet delved into online banking are experiencing a number of pain points in using such services. 46 per cent cited limited functionality and 36 per cent listed inconvenient login and authentication processes.
A lack of security is also an issue and is considered as one of the greatest obstacles to adoption: 61 per cent indicated that fear of hacking was their main reason for avoiding online banking.
"The main thing that banks need to contend with when adding functionality is the increased chance for security breaches that comes along with it," Kedem adds.
BioCatch conducted the survey with 600 banking customers from the top five banks in both the U.S. and the UK.