The Corliss Group Latest Tech Review: Facebook to launch social network for cyber secur... - 1 views
The Heartbleed bug isn’t a “virus,” but a security error. The bug can be tested on Github and a website was set up to test out whether the bug affects a certain website, in...
Sierra Nevada Corporation Completes Critical Wind Tunnel Tests for its Dream Chaser® Spacecraft - Passes NASA CCiCap Program Milestone - Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) announces the successful...
The Star Wars Cantina of cybercriminals targeting your identity, health care, finances and privacy today might seem like a movie you've seen so many times you could lip sync the entire thing. Never...
Government to Call on Companies to Help Improve Information Sharing as Breaches Get More Sophisticated President Barack Obama will convene top executives from Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and a nu...
Last week's snow, freezing rain and frigid temperatures were just a warm-up for winter, which doesn't start officially until Saturday. These apps will get you ready for the season by helping you tr...
Sårbarhed oplysninger vil blive nøje holdt indtil patches er klar, OpenSSL Project sagde. Sikkerhedsbulletiner for OpenSSL bør ikke anvendes til konkurrencefordel, ifølge projektets udvikling bag ...
The banking sector has been a frequent target for hackers nowadays. As much as US$1 billion were stolen from banks and other financial companies worldwide in about two years, wherein it is consider...
Let's get the scary stuff out of the way upfront: Cybercrime costs the global economy $575 billion annually, according to reports. The United States takes a $100 billion hit, the largest of any cou...
Med alle rapporter om sikkerhetsbrudd, føler du at det er bare et spørsmål om tid før din identitet blir stjålet? Og hvis det er sant, vil registrere deg for en beskyttelse mot identitetstyveri tje...