Growing fraud detection firm latest tech firm to redesign in Big Pink - 1 views
Amazon revealed late September this year, aside from their announcement of the new Kindle Fire HDX tablets, Fire OS 3.0 and a revised 7 inch Kindle Fire HD tablet, they also announced that its new ...
Self-tracking devices like the Fitbit do a fair, if imperfect, job at measuring how much you move and then inferring how many calories you've burned in a day. But they don't measure how many calori...
Sårbarhed oplysninger vil blive nøje holdt indtil patches er klar, OpenSSL Project sagde. Sikkerhedsbulletiner for OpenSSL bør ikke anvendes til konkurrencefordel, ifølge projektets udvikling bag ...
Consumers in the U.S. and the UK are increasingly adopting mobile and online banking, according to a 2014 survey by Cognitive Biometrics Firm BioCatch. In both countries, the survey reveals that m...